281 research outputs found

    The KW-boundary hybrid digital waveguide mesh for room acoustics applications

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    The digital waveguide mesh is a discrete-time simulation used to model acoustic wave propagation through a bounded medium. It can be applied to the simulation of the acoustics of rooms through the generation of impulse responses suitable for auralization purposes. However, large-scale three-dimensional mesh structures are required for high quality results. These structures must therefore be efficient and also capable of flexible boundary implementation in terms of both geometrical layout and the possibility for improved mesh termination algorithms. The general one-dimensional N-port boundary termination is investigated, where N depends on the geometry of the modeled domain and the mesh topology used. The equivalence between physical variable Kirchoff-model, and scattering-based wave-model boundary formulations is proved. This leads to the KW-hybrid one-dimensional N-port boundary-node termination, which is shown to be equivalent to the Kirchoff- and wave-model cases. The KW-hybrid boundary-node is implemented as part of a new hybrid two-dimensional triangular digital waveguide mesh. This is shown to offer the possibility for large-scale, computationally efficient mesh structures for more complex shapes. It proves more accurate than a similar rectilinear mesh in terms of geometrical fit, and offers significant savings in processing time and memory use over a standard wave-based model. The new hybrid mesh also has the potential for improved real-world room boundary simulations through the inclusion of additional mixed modeling algorithms

    The Political Consequences of the Southeast Asian Region's Economic Vulnerability

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    The countries of modern Southeast Asia, both as independent nations and as colonies of various imperial powers, have been highly vulnerable to the actions of more powerful political and economic forces in the wider international system. The impact of such forces, and the degree of success with which the nations of Southeast Asia have managed them, will be among the central concerns of this essay

    Multilateralism, American Power and East Asian Regionalism

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    This paper looks at multilateral processes in the 'Asia-Pacific' region and the impact of American foreign policy on them. The paper suggests that organizations like the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) forum have been made increasingly irrelevant as American policy becomes more bilateral and even unilateral, and as the very definition of the 'Asia-Pacific' becomes less certain as a consequence. Paradoxically, we are likely to see the consolidation of a more narrowly defined East Asian region as a consequence

    ASEAN Plus Three and the Rise of Reactionary Regionalism

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    The course of regional integration in East Asia has been shaped by a complex mix of internal and external factors. Although the emergence of initiatives like 'ASEAN Plus Three' appears to indicate that East Asia is assuming a more independent and regionally-oriented place in the international system, this paper argues that the future trajectory of ASEAN Plus Three, and of the region more generally, will continue to be constrained by internal tensions and - especially - by the continuing influence of the United States. In short, for the foreseeable future East Asia will be marked by a form of 'reactionary regionalism' in which regional initiatives are designed to mediate and moderate external influences

    Australia's Relationship with the United States: The Case for Greater Independence

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    A number of recent events - especially attempts to negotiate a bilateral trade agreement and Australia's participation in the conflict with Iraq - have thrown Australia's relationship with the United States into sharp relief. While this relationship has historically enjoyed strong bilateral endorsement, this uncritical support is beginning to unravel. At the very least, the relationship is being subjected to a renewed, more critical scrutiny. This paper argues that a dispassionate analysis of the relationship is appropriate and overdue. Not only are the benefits that accrue to 'Australia' from the relationship debateable, even when judged within the limited calculus of the 'national interest', but Australia's uncritical support for US foreign policy is also helping to entrench potentially damaging aspects of American foreign policy and - somewhat ironically - undermine the legitimacy of its pre-eminent 'hegemonic' position

    Theorising Institutional Change in East Asia

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    If change is occurring in East Asia, it will be manifest in the historically specific institutions that have distinguished the region. Focusing on key institutions allows us both to identify possible sources of, or resistance to change, and provides a way of conceptualising its extent. In this manner it is possible to distinguish change that may - or may not - be occurring at the national level, from developments which may be taking place at the sectoral or even the regional level. Moreover, an institutional focus allows us to identify possible sources of, or obstacles to change, and to distinguish those that may be internal to the region from those that may be external. In this way, it is possible to build up a picture of the forces that are shaping the region, allowing us to develop a more accurate picture of post-crisis east Asia, one that transcends the limitations country specific analysis

    With Friends Like These: Reassessing the Australia-US Relationship

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    This paper critically analyses the impact of Australia's increasingly close relationship with the United States. Focusing on the recently concluded 'free trade' deal and Australia's security relationship with the US, the paper argues that the costs of this relationship may in fact outweigh the conventionally understood benefits - a situation that has potentially negative connotations for both parties

    Politics and Markets in East Asia: Is the Developmental State Compatible with Globalisation?

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    This paper details the emergence and role of the 'Developmental State' in East Asia and assesses whether it is compatible with processes assocated with 'globalisation'. The paper argues that despite the fact that the power and authority of states generally has been undermined by globalisation, and more general governance problems in the region, much of Southeast Asia still needs an effective developmental state

    Global Political Economy

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    This paper traces the development and structure of the global political economy. After first explaining why politics and economics and inextricably connected, the paper goes on detail how these processes have become global and what impact this is likely to have on states and markets

    Japan's reluctant reformers and the legacy of the developmental state

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    From being seen as a model of effective policy implementation and rapid economic development, Japan is increasingly seen as a synonym for inefficiency, corruption and incompetence
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