103 research outputs found

    Bioincompatible Impact of Different Peritoneal Dialysis Fluid Components and Therapeutic Interventions as Tested in a Rat Peritoneal Dialysis Model

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    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is associated with functional and structural changes of the peritoneal membrane. In this paper, we describe the impact of different factors contributing to peritoneal incompatibility of PD fluid installation including presence of a catheter, volume loading, and the PD fluid components itself. These factors initiate recruitment and activation of peritoneal immune cells such as macrophages and mast cells, as well as activation of peritoneal cells as mesothelial cells in situ. We provide an overview of PD-associated changes as seen in our rat PD-exposure model. Since these changes are partly reversible, we finally discuss therapeutic strategies in the rat PD model with possible consequences of long-term PD in the relevant human setting

    A Novel Rat Model of Vitamin D Deficiency: Safe and Rapid Induction of Vitamin D and Calcitriol Deficiency without Hyperparathyroidism

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    Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a range of clinical disorders. To study the mechanisms involved and improve treatments, animal models are tremendously useful. Current vitamin D deficient rat models have important practical limitations, including time requirements when using, exclusively, a vitamin D deficient diet. More importantly, induction of hypovitaminosis D causes significant fluctuations in parathyroid hormone (PTH) and mineral levels, complicating the interpretation of study results. To overcome these shortcomings, we report the successful induction of vitamin D deficiency within three weeks, with stable serum PTH and minerals levels, in Wistar rats. We incorporated two additional manoeuvres compared to a conventional diet. Firstly, the vitamin D depleted diet is calcium (Ca) enriched, to attenuate the development of secondary hyperparathyroidism. Secondly, six intraperitoneal injections of paricalcitol during the first two weeks are given to induce the rapid degradation of circulating vitamin D metabolites. After three weeks, serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D 3 (25D) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D 3 (1,25D) levels had dropped below detection limits, with unchanged serum PTH, Ca, and phosphate (P) levels. Therefore, this model provides a useful tool to examine the sole effect of hypovitaminosis D, in a wide range of research settings, without confounding changes in PTH, Ca, and P

    The Peritoneal Surface Proteome in a Model of Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis Reveals Mechanisms of Membrane Damage and Preservation

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    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) fluids are cytotoxic to the peritoneum. Recent studies have shown that alanyl-glutamine (AlaGln) modulates the cellular stress response, improves mesothelial cell survival, reduces submesothelial thickening in experimental models of PD, and in clinical studies improves PD effluent cell stress and immune responses. However, the mechanisms of AlaGln-mediated membrane protection are not yet fully understood. Here, we explore those mechanisms through application of a novel proteomics approach in a clinically relevant in vivo model in rats. Experimental PD was performed for 5 weeks using conventional single-chamber bag (SCB) or neutral dual-chamber bag (DCB), PD fluid (PDF), with or without AlaGln supplementation, via a surgically implanted catheter. Rats subjected to a single dwell without catheter implantation served as controls. The peritoneal surface proteome was directly harvested by detergent extraction and subjected to proteomic analysis by two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DiGE) with protein identification by mass spectrometry. An integrated bioinformatic approach was applied to identify proteins significantly affected by the treatments despite biological variation and interfering high abundance proteins. From 505 of 744 common spots on 59 gels, 222 unique proteins were identified. Using UniProt database information, proteins were assigned either as high abundance plasma proteins, or as cellular proteins. Statistical analysis employed an adapted workflow from RNA-sequencing, the trimmed mean of M-values (TMM) for normalization, and a mixed model for computational identification of significantly differentially abundant proteins. The most prominently enriched pathways after 5 weeks chronic treatment with SCB or DCB, PDFs belonged to clusters reflecting tissue damage and cell differentiation by cytoskeletal reorganization, immune responses, altered metabolism, and oxidative stress and redox homeostasis. Although the AlaGln effect was not as prominent, associated enriched pathways showed mostly regression to control or patterns opposite that of the PDF effect. Our study describes the novel peritoneal surface proteome through combined proteomic and bioinformatic analyses, and assesses changes elicited by chronic experimental PD. The biological processes so identified promise to link molecular mechanisms of membrane damage and protection in the in vivo rat model to pathomechanisms and cytoprotective effects observed in vitro and in clinical PD

    Critical Loss of the Balance between Th17 and T Regulatory Cell Populations in Pathogenic SIV Infection

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    Chronic immune activation and progression to AIDS are observed after SIV infection in macaques but not in natural host primate species. To better understand this dichotomy, we compared acute pathogenic SIV infection in pigtailed macaques (PTs) to non-pathogenic infection in African green monkeys (AGMs). SIVagm-infected PTs, but not SIVagm-infected AGMs, rapidly developed systemic immune activation, marked and selective depletion of IL-17-secreting (Th17) cells, and loss of the balance between Th17 and T regulatory (Treg) cells in blood, lymphoid organs, and mucosal tissue. The loss of Th17 cells was found to be predictive of systemic and sustained T cell activation. Collectively, these data indicate that loss of the Th17 to Treg balance is related to SIV disease progression

    Inactive lifestyle in adults with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy

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    Objective: To quantify the level of everyday physical activity in adults with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy, and to study associations with personal and cerebral palsy-related characteristics. Participants and methods: Fifty-six adults with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy (mean age 36.4 (standard deviation (SD) 5.8) years, 62% male) participated in the study. Approximately 75% had high gross motor functioning. Level of everyday physical activity was measured with an accelerometry-based Activity Monitor and was characterized by: (i) duration of dynamic activities (composite measure, percentage of 24 h); (ii) intensity of activity (motility, in gravitational acceleration (g)); and (iii) number of periods of continuous dynamic activity. Outcomes in adults with cerebral palsy were compared with those for able-bodied age-mates. Results: Duration of dynamic activities was 8.1 (SD 3.7) % (116 min per day), and intensity of activity was 0.020 (SD 0.007) g; both outcomes were significantly lower compared with able-bodied age-mates. Of adults with cerebral palsy, 39% had at least one period of continuous dynamic activities lasting longer than 10 min per day. Gross motor functioning was significantly associated with level of everyday physical activity (Rs -0.34 to -0.48; p≀0.01). Conclusion: Adults with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy, especially those with low-level gross motor functioning, are at risk for an inactive lifestyle

    Heparan sulfate proteoglycans in extravasation:assisting leukocyte guidance

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    Heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are glycoconjugates that are implicated in various biological processes including development, inflammation and repair, which is based on their capacity to bind and present several proteins via their carbohydrate side chains (glycosaminoglycans; GAGs). Well-known HSPGs include the family of syndecans and glypicans, which are expressed on the plasma membrane and perlecan, agrin and collagen type XVIII, which are present in basement membranes. In this review, we provide an overview of the current knowledge on the role and regulation of HSPGs in leukocyte extravasation. In the non-inflamed endothelial glycocalyx HSPGs are anti-adhesive, and there are several indications that active regulation of HSPG core protein expression and/or GAG modification occurs upon inflammation. We address the current evidence for the role of HSPGs in leukocyte extravasation through interaction with the leukocyte adhesion molecule L-selectin, chemokines and other binding partners. Finally, a number of possibilities to use HSPGs as therapeutics or targets in anti-inflammatory strategies are discussed

    Monocytes and macrophages as nanomedicinal targets for improved diagnosis and treatment of disease

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    The important role of monocytes and macrophages in diseases like cancer and atherosclerosis has started to get uncovered in the last decade. In addition, subsets of these cell types are believed to participate in the initiation and aggravation of several diseases including cancer and cardiovascular disease. For this reason, monocytes and macrophages have recently been identified as interesting targets for both diagnosis and treatment of the aforementioned pathologies. Compared with free therapeutic or imaging agents, nanoparticle formulations provide several advantages that improve the pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of these agents. In addition, the possibility of surface functionalization creates numerous ways to optimize nanoparticle delivery. Recent advances in nanomedicine have led to the development of multifunctional nanoparticles that allow simultaneous diagnosis and treatment of monocytes and macrophages with high specificity. Relying on the inherent ability of monocytes and macrophages to easily take up foreign particles, the use of nanoparticles provides a precious opportunity for the management of several inflammatory disease

    The Role of Macrophages in Tumor Development

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    Macrophages constitute a large proportion of the immune cell infiltrate, which is present in many tumors. Activation state of macrophages is greatly influenced by their environment, leading to different macrophage subsets with diverse functions. Although previously regarded as potent immune cells that are capable of destroying tumor cells, recent literature focuses on the ability of macrophages to promote tumor development due to secretion of mediators, like growth and angiogenic factors. It is now becoming increasingly clear that a complicated synergistic relationship exists between macrophages and malignant cells whereby tumor cells can affect macrophage phenotype, and vice versa. As such, macrophages and their contribution in cancer development are currently subject of debate
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