57 research outputs found

    Integrating Spatial Educational Experiences (Isee) – Mapping a New Approach to Teaching and Learning Soil Science

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    The purpose of the Integrating Spatial Educational Experiences project is to develop the ability of our students to use digital maps: (1) to learn how and why soils and landscapes vary spatially at scales ranging from fields, to counties, states, and globally and (2) to learn how the spatial distribution of soils and landscapes impacts the distributions of land use, and environmental and ecosystem services across various scales. Our immediate audience is undergraduate students in soil, crop, natural resource, and environmental science curricula in colleges and universities, but the products created by this project will have broader uses for outreach to other clientele. Products to support teaching and learning include: (1) a revised and expanded Integrating Spatial Educational Experiences (Isee) web site, (2) maps of soil properties for Indiana, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Texas, (3) a community of practice dedicated to Integrating Spatial Educational Experiences in soil science education on STEMEdhub.org, and (4) lessons, worksheets, exercises, and experiences shared with the Isee community of practice

    Poly (A)+ Transcriptome Assessment of ERBB2-Induced Alterations in Breast Cell Lines

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    We report the first quantitative and qualitative analysis of the poly (A)+ transcriptome of two human mammary cell lines, differentially expressing (human epidermal growth factor receptor) an oncogene over-expressed in approximately 25% of human breast tumors. Full-length cDNA populations from the two cell lines were digested enzymatically, individually tagged according to a customized method for library construction, and simultaneously sequenced by the use of the Titanium 454-Roche-platform. Comprehensive bioinformatics analysis followed by experimental validation confirmed novel genes, splicing variants, single nucleotide polymorphisms, and gene fusions indicated by RNA-seq data from both samples. Moreover, comparative analysis showed enrichment in alternative events, especially in the exon usage category, in ERBB2 over-expressing cells, data indicating regulation of alternative splicing mediated by the oncogene. Alterations in expression levels of genes, such as LOX, ATP5L, GALNT3, and MME revealed by large-scale sequencing were confirmed between cell lines as well as in tumor specimens with different ERBB2 backgrounds. This approach was shown to be suitable for structural, quantitative, and qualitative assessment of complex transcriptomes and revealed new events mediated by ERBB2 overexpression, in addition to potential molecular targets for breast cancer that are driven by this oncogene

    A New Method for Two-Way Common-View Synchronization of Ground-Based Atomic Clocks with PRARE

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    The paper describes the results of a clock synchronization experiment with PRARE. It confirms that two-way PRARE CV is superior to standard GPSCV method and should be considered for GNSS

    Precise Two-Way Microwave Time Transfer to Space-Borne Atomic Clocks

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    The paper presents a new system for highly precise two-way time transfer. It also offers the potential for one-way time dissemination. In combination with a polar-orbiting H-maser it fulfills all requirements as a basic element in a GNSSII

    Erweiterung des satellitengetragenen Zweiweg-Entfernungsmessgeraetes PRARE fuer hochpraezise Zeituebertragung.

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    Es wird gezeigt, dass das Zweiweg-Entfernungsmessgeraet PRARE zu einem Zweiweg-Zeituebertragungssystem (PRARETIME) erweitert werden kann. Anhand einer Fehlerabschaetzung zeigen sich die Moeglichkeiten zur Anwendung fuer ein GNSSII

    "Common View" Clock Synchronization of Remote Atomic Clocks using GPS and PRARE onboard ERS-2.

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    The paper presents a validation test for two-way clock comparison with the help of PRARE onboard ERS-2 and with two of the PRARE systemstations, which are provided with atomic clocks. A "Common View" ground-clock synchronization scenario has been performed using PRARE and GPS simultaneously

    Satellitengetragener H-Maser als hochpraezise Zeitreferenz fuer ein zukuenftiges GNSS.

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    Die Wirkungsweise von H-Masern und die Bewertung ihrer Stabilitaet wird vorgestellt. Die kombinierte Verwendung mit dem Zweiweg-Uebertragungssystem PRARE wird untersucht, um die erreichbare Genauigkeit gegenueber GPS aufzuzeigen. Der Einsatz des Systems fuer eine Zeitreferenzstation in einem GNSSII bietet sich an

    Ultra-Precise Clock Synchronization of Remote Atomic Clocks with PRARE onboard ERS-2.

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    The paper presents a validation test for two-way clock comparison with the help of PRARE onboard ERS-2. For that two of the PRARE system stations have been used, which are provided with atomic clocks. After performing a "Common View" ground clock synchronization scenario using PRARE and GPS the accuracy (precision has been analyzed)

    Hochgenaue satellitengestuetzte Zeituebertragung mit PRARE

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    Available from TIB Hannover: RR 6134(98/24) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman
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