9 research outputs found

    The effects of core material parameters on the mechanical properties of double core and single core spun yarns

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    Aegean International Textile and Advanced Engineering Conference (AITAE) -- SEP 05-07, 2018 -- GREECEWOS: 000481769900032Comfort and aesthetic appearance are the basic features that consumers expect from their clothes. For improving body movement comfort in apparel, elastic core-spun yarns can be used to produce elasticity of the woven and knitted fabrics. In this study, the effects of elastane linear density on the mechanical properties of double core and single core yarns, spun with different core materials, were investigated. According to statistical evaluations, significant differences were found between yarn properties.Ouzo Plomari, CreThiDev, IGFAScientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-TUBITAKTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [116M687]We would like to present our thanks to the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-TUBITAK, Project number: 116M687 for its financial support. A special thanks to Mesut Celik from Orta Anadolu Tekstil for yarn spinnin

    A novel medical bandage with enhanced clothing comfort

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    48th International Congress of the International-Federation-of-Knitting-Technologists (IFKT) -- JUN 08-11, 2016 -- Moenchengladbach, GERMANYWOS: 000392727400021Compression garments are special textile products which apply a pressure on needed body zones for supporting medical, sport or casual activities. Medical bandages are a group of these garments and they have a very common usage for compression effect on legs or arms. These bandages are generally produced by using synthetic raw materials such as polyamide or polyester fibres. Medical bandages are in contact with skin. Even if the synthetic fibres are used, they may cause both comfort and health problems like allergies. Nowadays in textile sector, the expectations of clients include using of natural fibres as far as possible in all garments. Natural fibres have good advantages such as breathability, softness, moisture management ability, non-allergenic and ecologic structure and these characteristics present optimum utilization conditions. In this study, tubular medical bandages were manufactured by using core spun yarns (sheath fibres are selected as tencel, bamboo and cotton, core material is elastane) and their pressure and comfort (air and water vapour permeability) characteristics were investigated. The results indicated that the bandages have good comfort abilities beside adequate pressure values for compression effect. These garments can constitute a new production field for medical bandages with their comfort properties in addition to pressure characteristics.Int Federat Knitting Technologist


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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, farklı karışım oranlarında farklı doğal liflerden üretilmiş süprem örme kumaşların iç giysilik olarak kullanımının konfor özellikleri açısından araştırılmasıdır. Bu amaçla farklı karışım oranlarında (45/55, 30/70, 15/85) yün/pamuk ve ipek/pamuk karışımlı iplikler ile karşılaştırma amaçlı kullanılmak üzere %100 pamuk open-end ipliği üretilmiştir. Üretilen iplikler süprem örgü yapısında kumaş formuna getirilmiş, hidrofilleştirme işlemine tabi tutulmuş ve kumaşların hava geçirgenliği, ısıl direnç, ısıl soğurganlık, su buharı geçirgenliği gibi ısıl konfor özellikleri ile su absorplama özellikleri ve dikey ıslanma süreleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda, kumaşlarda yün lif oranı arttıkça yalıtım özelliklerinin iyileştiği, ipek karışımlı kumaşların ise yüksek su buharı geçirgenliği, ısıl soğurganlık ve su emicilik özellikleri ile terlemenin yoğun olarak ortaya çıktığı yoğun aktivite koşulları için uygun olduğu ortaya konmuştur.In this study, it is aimed to investigate the use of single jersey fabrics that is produced by different natural fibers in different blend ratios, as undergarments in terms of comfort properties. For this purpose, silk/cotton and wool/cotton open-end rotor spun yarns in three different blend ratios (45/55, 30/70, 15/85) and 100% cotton open-end yarn were produced. Then single jersey fabrics were knitted from these yarns and were scoured in order to improve the hydrophilic nature of the yarns. Thermal comfort properties such as air permeability, thermal resistance, thermal absorptivity, relative water vapor permeability and also water absorption capacity, vertical wicking properties were measured. The results indicated that, the insulation characteristics improved as the wool fiber ratio increased and due to higher water vapor permeability, thermal absorptivity and absorption capacity, fabrics containing silk fibers can be preferable for the intensive activity conditions where perspiration occurred intensely