118 research outputs found

    Hazard of complex regional pain syndrome following human papillomavirus vaccination among adolescent girls in the United States: a case-cohort analysis of insurance claims data

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    Objectives: Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) cases have followed human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination, but no causal link has been established. Methods: Using insurance claims, the authors observed unvaccinated 11-year-old girls for CRPS diagnoses. The authors used time-dependent Cox regression to identify health-related CRPS predictors using diagnosis codes. Next, the authors identified HPV vaccinations using procedural codes. HPV vaccination and CRPS predictors were considered time-dependent covariates to estimated adjusted hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for CRPS, 30, 90, and 180-days post-vaccination. Results: 1,232,572 girls received 563 unique CRPS diagnoses. In a 10% sub-cohort of 123,981 girls accounting for potential confounders and predisposing risk factors (i.e. injury, infection, mental illness, primary care use), CRPS hazard was not significantly elevated 30 days (HR: 0.90, 95% CI: 0.46, 1.73), 90 days (HR: 1.17, 95% CI: 0.83, 1.65), or 180-days post-vaccination (HR: 1.11, 95% CI: 0.83, 1.47). Conclusion: The results support the safety and continued administration of HPV vaccines to adolescents

    Sapovirus: An emerging cause of childhood diarrhea

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    Purpose of review Sapovirus, a genus in the Caliciviridae family alongside norovirus, is increasingly recognized as an important cause of childhood diarrhea. Some challenges exist in our ability to better understand sapovirus infections, including the inability to grow sapovirus in cell culture, which has hindered diagnosis and studies of immunity. Another challenge is that individuals with sapovirus infection are commonly coinfected with other enteric pathogens, complicating our ability to attribute the diarrhea episode to a single pathogen. Recent findings Development of molecular methods for sapovirus detection has increased our ability to measure disease prevalence. The prevalence of sapovirus varies between 1 and 17% of diarrhea episodes worldwide, with the highest burden in young children and older adults. Further, epidemiological studies have used novel approaches to account for the presence of coinfections with other enteric pathogens; one multisite cohort study of children under two years of age found that sapovirus had the second-highest attributable incidence among all diarrheal pathogens studied. Summary Especially in settings where rotavirus vaccines have been introduced, efforts to reduce the overall burden of childhood diarrhea should focus on the reduction of sapovirus transmission and disease burden

    Sapovirus: an important cause of acute gastroenteritis in children

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    Sapovirus infections are responsible for both sporadic cases and occasional outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis. While all age groups are affected, children younger than five years of age have the highest burden of disease. Sharing many similarities with closely-related noroviruses, common symptoms of sapovirus gastroenteritis include vomiting and diarrhea, which typically resolve within one week.1 Sapovirus has also been detected in asymptomatic individual

    Patterns of Use of Human Papillomavirus and Other Adolescent Vaccines in the United States

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    AbstractPurposeThe purpose of the study was to describe the patterns of use of universally recommended adolescent vaccines in the United States.MethodsWe identified 11-year-olds using the MarketScan insurance claims database (2009–2014). Human papillomavirus (HPV), tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap), and meningococcal (MenACWY) vaccination claims were identified using diagnosis and procedure codes. Generalized linear models estimated vaccination incidence rates and correlates of adolescent vaccination and timely vaccination.ResultsAmong 1,691,223 adolescents, receipt of Tdap (52.1%) and MenACWY (45.8%) vaccinations exceeded receipt of HPV vaccination (18.4%). While both sexes had similar Tdap and MenACWY vaccination proportions, girls received HPV vaccination more frequently than boys (21.9% vs. 15.1%). Adolescents received HPV vaccination later (mean age: 11.8 years) than Tdap or MenACWY vaccination (mean age: 11.2 years for both). Half of vaccinated adolescents received Tdap and MenACWY vaccination only; however, coadministration with HPV vaccine increased with birth cohort. Western adolescents had the highest incidence rates of HPV vaccination, and Southern adolescents had the lowest. Rural adolescents were less likely than urban adolescents to receive each vaccination except in the Northeast, where they were more likely to receive HPV vaccination (incidence rate ratio: 1.09, 95% confidence interval: 1.2005–1.13). Timely HPV vaccination was associated with female sex, urbanicity, Western residence, and later birth cohort.ConclusionsHPV vaccination occurred later than Tdap or MenACWY vaccination and was less frequent in boys and rural adolescents. Girls, Western and urban residents, and younger birth cohorts were more likely to receive timely HPV vaccination. Vaccine coadministration increased over time and may encourage timely and complete vaccination coverage

    Is there a silver lining to the Zika virus epidemic in the Americas?

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    It is hard to find anything positive to say about an epidemic of an emerging virus that infects pregnant women, targets developing fetuses’ neural progenitor cells, and disrupts the sequence of neural development to cause a devastating syndrome resulting in lifelong disabilities. Infants with microcephaly became the faces of the Zika virus epidemic in the Americas, which affected almost all countries in the western hemisphere in 2014–17. By the end of 2017, Zika virus has nearly disappeared from the Americas as quickly as it emerged. Now that the dust is settling, what have the scientific and public health communities learned? Is there a silver lining to Zika’s devastation

    Timing and predictors of severe rotavirus gastroenteritis among unvaccinated infants in low- and middle-income countries

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    Delays in rotavirus vaccine schedule could improve performance in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). However, delaying the first dose could be detrimental if infants experience severe rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE) early in life. Our objective was to describe the timing and predictors of severe RVGE in unvaccinated children in LMICs. We analysed the placebo arms from two clinical trials (cohort 1: NCT00241644; cohort 2: NCT00362648). We estimated the rate, cumulative incidence (per 1000 infants) and age distribution of severe RVGE episodes. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the association between baseline factors and severe RVGE. Cumulative incidence at 6 months of age was 23/1000 (95% CI 15-30) in cohort 1 and 6/1000 (95% CI 3-8) in cohort 2. Early antibiotic use (compared with no use) was associated with 2.03 (95% CI 1.18-3.48) and 1.41 (95% CI 0.80-2.51) times the rate of severe RVGE in cohorts 1 and 2, respectively. The cumulative incidence of severe RVGE was low at 6 months of age, suggesting that a 4-week delay in the vaccination schedule may not result in a large number of severe RVGE episodes prior to vaccine receipt. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2018

    Students with global experiences during medical school are more likely to work in settings that focus on the underserved: an observational study from a public U.S. institution

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    Background: Global health interest has grown among medical students over the past 20 years, and most medical schools offer global health opportunities. Studies suggest that completing global health electives during medical school may increase the likelihood of working with underserved populations in a clinical or research capacity. This study aimed to assess the association of global electives in medical school on subsequently working in global health and with underserved populations in the United States (U.S.), additionally considering students’ interests and experiences prior to medical school. We also examined whether respondents perceived benefits gained from global electives. Methods: We surveyed medical school graduates (classes of 2011-2015) from a large public medical school in the U.S. to describe current practice settings and previous global health experience. We evaluated work, volunteer, and educational experiences preceding medical school, socioeconomic status, race and ethnicity using American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) data. We assessed the association between students’ backgrounds, completing global health electives in medical school and current work in global health or with underserved populations in the U.S. Results: In the 5 to 8 years post-graduation, 78% of 161 respondents reported work, research, or teaching with a focus on global or underserved U.S. populations. Completing a global health elective during medical school (p = 0.0002) or during residency (p = 0.06) were positively associated with currently working with underserved populations in the U.S. and pre-medical school experiences were marginally associated (p = 0.1). Adjusting for pre-medical school experiences, completing a global health elective during medical school was associated with a 22% greater prevalence of working with an underserved population. Perceived benefits from global electives included improved cultural awareness, language skills, public health and research skills, and ability to practice in technology-limited settings. Conclusion: Medical school graduates who participated in global electives as students were more likely than their peers to pursue careers with underserved populations, independent of experiences prior to medical school. We hypothesize that by offering global health experiences, medical schools can enhance the interests and skills of graduates that will make them more likely and better prepared to work with underserved populations in the U.S. and abroad

    Serological humoral immunity following natural infection of children with high burden gastrointestinal viruses

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    Acute gastroenteritis (AGE) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, resulting in an estimated 440,571 deaths of children under age 5 annually. Rotavirus, norovirus, and sapovirus are leading causes of childhood AGE. A successful rotavirus vaccine has reduced rotavirus hospitalizations by more than 50%. Using rotavirus as a guide, elucidating the determinants, breath, and duration of serological antibody immunity to AGE viruses, as well as host genetic factors that define susceptibility is essential for informing development of future vaccines and improving current vaccine candidates. Here, we summarize the current knowledge of disease burden and serological antibody immunity following natural infection to inform further vaccine development for these three high-burden viruses

    HPV vaccine acceptability among Kenyan women

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    As human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines become available in less developed countries, understanding women’s attitudes towards HPV vaccines can help guide approaches to immunization programs. We assessed knowledge and interest in prophylactic HPV vaccines among Kenyan women seeking women’s health services (N=147). They knew little about cervical cancer or HPV vaccine. Most women (95%, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 92%, 99%), however, were willing to have their daughters vaccinated with a vaccine that would prevent cervical cancer, with preference for an inexpensive vaccine requiring fewer doses

    Review: Evidence of Neurological Sequelae in Children With Acquired Zika Virus Infection

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    Limited information is available on health outcomes related to Zika virus infection acquired during childhood. Zika virus can cause severe central nervous system malformations in congenitally exposed fetuses and neonates. In vitro studies show the capacity of Zika virus to infect neural progenitor cells, induce central and peripheral neuronal cell deaths, and target different brain cells over the course of brain development. Studies of postnatally infected mice and nonhuman primates have detected degradation of neural cells and morphologic brain cell changes consistent with a broad neuroinflammatory response. In addition, case reports of central nervous system disease in adults and in adolescents secondary to Zika virus infection suggest that Zika virus may have a broader impact on neurological health beyond that observed in congenitally exposed newborns. Long-term neurological complications have been observed with other acquired flaviviral infections, with clinical symptoms manifesting for years after primary infection. The extent to which postnatal Zika virus infection in humans negatively affects the central and peripheral nervous systems and causes long-term neurological damage or cognitive effects is currently unknown. To better understand the potential for neurological sequelae associated with acquired Zika virus infection in children, we reviewed the biological, clinical, and epidemiologic literature and summarized the evidence for this link. First, we review biological mechanisms for neurological manifestations of Zika virus infection in experimental studies. Second, we review observational studies of congenital Zika virus infection and case studies and surveillance reports of neurological sequelae of Zika virus infection in adults and in children. Lastly, we discuss the challenges of conducting Zika virus-neurological sequela studies and future directions for pediatric Zika virus research
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