4,993 research outputs found

    New Measurements of the Ionizing Ultraviolet Background over 2 < z < 5 and Implications for Hydrogen Reionization

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    We present new measurements of the intensity of the ionizing ultraviolet background and the global emissivity of ionizing photons over 2 < z < 5. Our results are based on a suite of updated measurements of physical properties of the high-redshift intergalactic medium (IGM), including gas temperatures and the opacity of the IGM to Ly-alpha and ionizing photons. Consistent with previous works, we find a relatively flat hydrogen photoionization rate over 2 < z < 5, although our measurements are roughly a factor of two higher than the 2008 values of Faucher-Giguere et al., due primarily to our lower gas temperatures. The ionizing emissivity we derive is also generally higher than other recent estimates due to a combination of lower gas temperatures, higher ionizing opacity, and an accounting of cosmological radiative transfer effects. We find evidence that the emissivity increases from z~3 to 5, reaching ~5 ionizing photons per atom per gigayear at z=4.75 for realistic galaxy spectra. We further find that galaxies must dominate the emissivity near 1 Ryd at z > 4, and possibly at all redshifts z > 2.4. Our results suggest that the globally-averaged ionizing "efficiency" of star-forming galaxies increases substantially with redshift over 3.2 < z < 4.75. This trend is consistent with the conclusion often drawn from reionization models that the ionizing efficiency of galaxies must be higher during reionization in order for galaxies to reionize the IGM by z=6. Our emissivity values at z~5 suggest that ionizing photons may have been a factor of two more abundant during the final stages of reionization than previously indicated. The evolution of the ionizing emissivity over 2 < z < 5 suggests, moreover, that the steep decline in the photoionization rate from z~5 to 6 may indicate a rapid evolution in the mean free path at z > 5.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    Cosmic Reionization On Computers. Properties of the Post-reionization IGM

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    We present a comparison between several observational tests of the post-reionization IGM and the numerical simulations of reionization completed under the Cosmic Reionization On Computers (CROC) project. The CROC simulations match the gap distribution reasonably well, and also provide a good match for the distribution of peak heights, but there is a notable lack of wide peaks in the simulated spectra and the flux PDFs are poorly matched in the narrow redshift interval 5.5<z<5.7, with the match at other redshifts being significantly better, albeit not exact. Both discrepancies are related: simulations show more opacity than the data.Comment: Accepted by Ap

    Determining the Nature of Late Gunn-Peterson Troughs with Galaxy Surveys

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    Recent observations have discovered long (up to ~110 Mpc/h), opaque Gunn-Peterson troughs in the z ~ 5.5 Lyman-alpha forest, which are challenging to explain with conventional models of the post-reionization intergalactic medium. Here we demonstrate that observations of the galaxy populations in the vicinity of the deepest troughs can distinguish two competing models for these features: deep voids where the ionizing background is weak due to fluctuations in the mean free path of ionizing photons would show a deficit of galaxies, while residual temperature variations from extended, inhomogeneous reionization would show an overdensity of galaxies. We use large (~550 Mpc/h) semi-numerical simulations of these competing explanations to predict the galaxy populations in the largest of the known troughs at z ~ 5.7. We quantify the strong correlation of Lyman-alpha effective optical depth and galaxy surface density in both models and estimate the degree to which realistic surveys can measure such a correlation. While a spectroscopic galaxy survey is ideal, we also show that a relatively inexpensive narrowband survey of Lyman-alpha-emitting galaxies is ~90% likely to distinguish between the competing models.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures. Submitted to Ap

    Star-forming Galactic Contrails at z=3.2 as a Source of Metal Enrichment and Ionizing Radiation

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    A spectroscopically detected Lyman alpha emitting halo at redshift 3.216 in the GOODS-N field is found to reside at the convergence of several Lyman alpha filaments. HST images show that some of the filaments are inhabited by galaxies. Several of the galaxies in the field have pronounced head-tail structures, which are partly aligned with each other. The blue colors of most tails suggest the presence of young stars, with the emission from at least one of the galaxies apparently dominated by high equivalent width Lyman alpha. Faint, more diffuse, and similarly elongated, apparently stellar features, can be seen over an area with a linear extent of at least 90 kpc. The region within several arcseconds of the brightest galaxy exhibits spatially extended emission by HeII, NV and various lower ionization metal lines. The gas-dynamical features present are strongly reminiscent of ram-pressure stripped galaxies, including evidence for recent star formation in the stripped contrails. Spatial gradients in the appearance of several galaxies may represent a stream of galaxies passing from a colder to a hotter intergalactic medium. The stripping of gas from the in-falling galaxies, in conjunction with the occurrence of star formation and stellar feedback in the galactic contrails suggests a mechanism for the metal enrichment of the high redshift intergalactic medium that does not depend on long-range galactic winds, at the same time opening a path for the escape of ionizing radiation from galaxies.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Discovery of excess O I absorption towards the z = 6.42 QSO SDSS J1148+5251

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    We present a search for O I in the spectra of nine 4.9 < z_qso < 6.4 QSOs taken with Keck/HIRES. We detect six systems with N(O I) > 10^13.7 cm^{-2} in the redshift intervals where O I 1302 falls redward of the Ly-alpha forest. Four of these lie towards SDSS J1148+5251 (z_qso = 6.42). This imbalance is unlikely to arise from variations in sensitivity among our data or from a statistical fluctuation. The excess O I occurs over a redshift interval that also contains transmission in Ly-alpha and Ly-beta. Therefore, if these O I systems represent pockets of neutral gas, then they must occur within or near regions of the IGM that are highly ionized. In contrast, no O I is detected towards SDSS J1030+0524 (z_qso = 6.30), whose spectrum shows complete absorption in Ly-alpha and Ly-beta over \Delta z ~ 0.2. Assuming no ionization corrections, we measure mean abundance ratios = -0.04 +/- 0.06, = -0.31 +/- 0.09, and = -0.34 +/- 0.07 (2 sigma), which are consistent with enrichment dominated by Type II supernovae. The O/Si ratio limits the fraction of silicon in these systems contributed by metal-free very massive stars to < 30%, a result which is insensitive to ionization corrections. The ionic comoving mass densities along the z_qso > 6.2 sightlines, including only the detected systems, are \Omega(O I) = (7.0 +/- 0.6) * 10^{-8}, \Omega(Si II) = (9.6 +/- 0.9) * 10^{-9}, and \Omega(C II) = (1.5 +/- 0.2) * 10^{-8}.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, with changes to reflect referee's comment

    Observations of Chemically Enriched QSO Absorbers near z ~ 2.3 Galaxies: Galaxy-Formation Feedback Signatures in the IGM

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    We present a study of galaxies and intergalactic gas toward the z=2.73 quasar HS1700+6416, to explore the effects of galaxy formation feedback on the IGM. Our observations and ionization simulations indicate that the volume within 100-200 h_71^{-1} physical kpc of high-redshift galaxies contains very small, dense, and metal-rich absorption-line regions. These systems often contain shock-heated gas seen in OVI, and may exhibit [Si/C] abundance enhancements suggestive of Type II supernova enrichment. We argue that the absorbers resemble thin sheets or bubbles, whose physical properties can be explained with a simple model of radiatively efficient shocks propegating through the IGM. Their high metallicities suggest that these shocks are being expelled from--rather than falling into--star forming galaxies. There is a dropoff in the IGM gas density at galaxy impact parameters beyond ~300 physical kpc that may trace boundaries of gas structures where the galaxies reside. The local heavy-element enhancement covers 100-200 kpc; beyond this the observed abundances blend into the general IGM. Supernova-driven winds or dynamical stripping of interstellar gas appears to affect the IGM near massive galaxies, even at R>~100 kpc. However, these feedback systems represent only a few percent of the Lya forest mass at z~2.5. Their mass could be larger if the more numerous metal-poor CIV systems at >~200 kpc are tepid remnants of very powerful winds. Based on present observations it is not clear that this scenario is to be favored over one involving pre-enrichment by smaller galaxies at z>~6.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 26 pages emulateapj, incl. 5 pages tables, 15 figure

    A first direct measurement of the intergalactic medium temperature around a quasar at z=6

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    The thermal state of the intergalactic medium (IGM) provides an indirect probe of both the HI and HeII reionisation epochs. Current constraints on the IGM temperature from the Lya forest are restricted to the redshift range 2<z<4.5, limiting the ability to probe the thermal memory of HI reionisation toward higher redshift. In this work, we present the first direct measurement of the IGM temperature around a z=6 quasar by analysing the Doppler widths of Lya absorption lines in the proximity zone of SDSS J0818+1722. We use a high resolution (R= 40000) Keck/HIRES spectrum in combination with detailed numerical modelling to obtain the temperature at mean density, T_0=23600\pm^5000_6900K (\pm^9200_9300K) at 68 (95) per cent confidence assuming a prior probability 13500K<T_0<38500 K following HI and HeII reionisation. This enables us to place an upper limit on the redshift of HI reionisation, z_H, within 33 comoving Mpc of SDSS J0818+1722. If the quasar reionises the HeII in its vicinity, then in the limit of instantaneous reionisation we infer z_H<9.0 (11.0) at 68 (95) per cent confidence assuming photoheating is the dominant heat source and that HI reionisation is driven by ionising sources with soft spectra, typical of population II stars. If the HI and HeII in the IGM around SDSS J0818+1722 are instead reionised simultaneously by a population of massive metal-free stars, characterised by very hard ionising spectra, we obtain a tighter upper limit of z_H<8.4 (9.4). Initiating reionisation at higher redshifts produces temperatures which are too low with respect to our constraint unless the HI ionising sources or the quasar itself have spectra significantly harder than typically assumed.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted to MNRA
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