261 research outputs found

    Valutazioni territoriali dei PUA e dei PUAS in Regione Lombardia

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    Il software VA.TE. consente di simulare le dinamiche dell'acqua e dell'azoto nel sistema suolo-coltura e di identificare soluzioni a basso impatto ambientale per la gestione agronomica dei reflui zootecnici in aziende con allevamenti. Il software integra un modello dinamico di simulazione dei sistemi colturali (CropSyst) con alcuni database agro-ambientali lombardi (meteorologici, pedologici, allevamenti). Il software consente la preparazione automatica delle simulazioni, la loro esecuzione e la visualizzazione tabellare e grafica dei risultati. E' rivolto ai tecnici che si occupano della redazione o della valutazione dei piani di utilizzazione agronomica dei reflui zootecnici (PUA e PUAS) in Lombardia

    Agronomic and Environmental Benefits of Cover Crops in Northern Italy

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    Cover crops have a number of benefits (reduction of nitrate leaching and of soil erosion, control of weed seed bank, increase of soil organic matter and increase of cash crop yield), but these were seldom quantified in cropping systems of Northern Italy. This experiment aimed to quantify some of these effects, by comparing cover crop species and their management techniques

    Use of organic inputs by arable farmers in six agro-ecological zones across Europe: Drivers and barriers

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    Soil organic matter (SOM) in agricultural soils builds up via – among others - the use of organic inputs such as straw, compost, farmyard manure or the cultivation of green manures or cover crops. SOM has benefits for long-term soil fertility and can provide ecosystem services. Farmer behaviour is however known to be motivated by a larger number of factors. Using the theory of planned behaviour, we aimed to disentangle these factors. We addressed the following research question: What are currently the main drivers and barriers for arable farmers in Europe to use organic inputs? Our study focuses on six agro-ecological zones in four European countries (Austria, Flanders [Belgium], Italy and the Netherlands) and four practices (straw incorporation, green manure or cover crops, compost and farmyard manure). In a first step, relevant factors were identified for each practice with farmers using 5 to ten semi-structured interviews per agro-ecological zone. In a second step, the relevance of these factors was quantified and they were classified as either drivers or barriers in a large scale farm survey with 1263 farmers. In the semi-structured interviews, 110 factors that influenced farmer decisions to use an organic input were identified. In the larger farm survey, 60% of the factors included were evaluated as drivers, while 40% were evaluated as barriers for the use of organic inputs. Major drivers to use organic inputs were related to the perceived effects on soil quality (such as improved soil structure or reduced erosion) and the positive influence from social referents (such as fellow farmers or agricultural advisors). Major barriers to use organic inputs were financial (increased costs or foregone income) and perceived effects on crop protection (such as increased weeds, pests and diseases, or increased pesticide use). Our study shows that motivating farmers to use organic inputs requires specific guidance on how to adapt cultivation practices to reduce weeds, pests and diseases for specific soil types, weather conditions, and crops. In addition, more research is needed on the long-term financial consequences of using organic inputs
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