3,210 research outputs found

    Numerical simulations of the internal shock model in magnetized relativistic jets of blazars

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    The internal shocks scenario in relativistic jets is used to explain the variability of the blazar emission. Recent studies have shown that the magnetic field significantly alters the shell collision dynamics, producing a variety of spectral energy distributions and light-curves patterns. However, the role played by magnetization in such emission processes is still not entirely understood. In this work we numerically solve the magnetohydodynamic evolution of the magnetized shells collision, and determine the influence of the magnetization on the observed radiation. Our procedure consists in systematically varying the shell Lorentz factor, relative velocity, and viewing angle. The calculations needed to produce the whole broadband spectral energy distributions and light-curves are computationally expensive, and are achieved using a high-performance parallel code.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, proceeding of the "Swift: 10 Years of Discovery" conference (December 2014, Rome, Italy

    Frobenius pairs in abelian categories: correspondences with cotorsion pairs, exact model categories, and Auslander-Buchweitz contexts

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    In this work, we revisit Auslander-Buchweitz Approximation Theory and find some relations with cotorsion pairs and model category structures. From the notions of relatives generators and cogenerators in Approximation Theory, we introduce the concept of left Frobenius pairs (X,ω)(\mathcal{X},\omega) in an abelian category C\mathcal{C}. We show how to construct from (X,ω)(\mathcal{X},\omega) a projective exact model structure on X∧\mathcal{X}^\wedge, as a result of Hovey-Gillespie Correspondence applied to two compatible and complete cotorsion pairs in X∧\mathcal{X}^\wedge. These pairs can be regarded as examples of what we call cotorsion pairs relative to a thick subcategory of C\mathcal{C}. We establish some correspondences between Frobenius pairs, relative cotorsion pairs, exact model structures and Auslander-Buchweitz contexts. Finally, some applications of these results are given in the context of Gorenstein homological algebra by generalizing some existing model structures on the categories of modules over Gorenstein and Ding-Chen rings, and by encoding the stable module category of a ring as a certain homotopy category. We also present some connections with perfect cotorsion pairs, covering classes, and cotilting modules.Comment: 54 pages, 10 figures. The statement and proof of 2.6.21 was corrected. Typos corrected. Section 4 was improved, and new results in Section 5 were adde

    The effect of progesterone in liquid semen extender on fertility and spermatozoa transport in the pig

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    Numerical study of broadband spectra caused by internal shocks in magnetized relativistic jets of blazars

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    The internal-shocks scenario in relativistic jets has been used to explain the variability of blazars' outflow emission. Recent simulations have shown that the magnetic field alters the dynamics of these shocks producing a whole zoo of spectral energy density patterns. However, the role played by magnetization in such high-energy emission is still not entirely understood. With the aid of \emph{Fermi}'s second LAT AGN catalog, a comparison with observations in the Îł\gamma-ray band was performed, in order to identify the effects of the magnetic field.Comment: Proceedings of the meeting The Innermost Regions of Relativistic Jets and Their Magnetic Fields, June 10-14, 2013, Granada (Spain), 4 pages, 3 figure

    Homological and homotopical aspects of Gorenstein flat modules and complexes relative to duality pairs

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    We study homological and homotopical aspects of Gorenstein flat modules over a ring with respect to a duality pair (L,A)(\mathcal{L,A}). These modules are defined as cycles of exact chain complexes with components in L\mathcal{L} which remain exact after tensoring by objects in A∩⊄A=A∩(⋂i∈Z>0Ker(ExtRoi(−,A)))\mathcal{A} \cap {}^\perp\mathcal{A} = \mathcal{A} \cap \Big( \bigcap_{i \in \mathbb{Z}_{> 0}} {\rm Ker}({\rm Ext}^i_{R^{\rm o}}(-,\mathcal{A})) \Big). In the case where (L,A)(\mathcal{L,A}) is product closed and bicomplete (meaning in addition that L\mathcal{L} is closed under extensions, (co)products, R∈LR \in \mathcal{L}, (A,L)(\mathcal{A,L}) is also a duality pair, and A\mathcal{A} is the right half of a hereditary complete cotorsion pair) we prove that these relative Gorenstein flat modules are closed under extensions, and that the corresponding Gorenstein flat dimension is well behaved in the sense that it recovers many of the properties and characterizations of its (absolute) Gorenstein flat counterpart (for instance, it can be described in terms of torsion functors). The latter in turn is a consequence of a Pontryagin duality relation that we show between these relative Gorenstein flat modules and certain Gorenstein injective modules relative to A\mathcal{A}. We also find several hereditary and cofibrantly generated abelian model structures from these Gorenstein flat modules and complexes relative to (L,A)(\mathcal{L,A}). At the level of chain complexes, we find three recollements between the homotopy categories of these model structures, along with several derived adjunctions connecting these recollements.Comment: Some homotopical aspects concerning model structures were added. Some corrections were made and new examples were include

    Magnitude of formative flows in stream potholes

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    Although it is generally recognized that geomorphic work is tied to bedrock channel reshaping, the importance of low vs. high flow stages that cause the most geomorphic impact remains unclear. The objective of the research is to study the concept of “formative flow” in bedrock channels and determine, through morphological studies, if those flows have any impact on sculpted features such as potholes and how this relationship relates to various inputs such as flow stages (magnitude and frequency), shear stress, and sediment size. Here, we studied the distribution of the main pothole typologies and tried to understand why potholes are found along bedrock river channels. Specifically, we examined stream potholes from three locations along the Spanish Central System: Alberche, Tietar, and Manzanares rivers. We conducted the research by taking precise geometric measurements, classifying potholes, analyzing flow magnitude and frequency, and using a two-dimensional (2D) hydrodynamic model to assess key variables in Manzanares river. This research demonstrated that bankfull depths completely cover all pothole typologies in all the analyzed sites but are not sufficient to achieve its formative flow depth (FFD). Using a detailed 2D hydrodynamic model in Manzanares river, we discovered that dimensions of cylindrical potholes are closely related to bankfull discharge and that this depth is connected to FFD. Other potholes, such as erosive-compound and erosive-lateral, are historical remnants, and their shapes are not related to any particular FFD and are likely associated with rare events and catastrophic breaks. A collection of laterals that exhibit FFD near bankfull flows appear to represent a part of the recent evolution of a knickpoint. To summarize, it can be inferred from the findings that the utility of morphological analysis in conjunction with the 2D hydrodynamic model is to examine the fraction of erosional/active features to determine the degree of senescence and/or change in natural conditions in a river reach.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUERegional Government of Madrid (Spain)pu

    Balanced systems for Hom\mathrm{Hom}

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    From the notion of (co)generator in relative homological algebra, we present the concept of finite balanced system [(X,ω);(Îœ,Y)][(\mathcal{X} , \omega ); (\nu, \mathcal{Y})] as a tool to induce balanced pairs (X,Y)(\mathcal{X} , \mathcal{Y} ) for the Hom\mathrm{Hom} functor with domain determined by the finiteness of homological dimensions relative to X\mathcal{X} and Y\mathcal{Y}. This approach to balance will cover several well known ambients where right derived functors of Hom\mathrm{Hom} are obtained relative to certain classes of objects in an abelian category, such as Gorenstein projective and injective modules and chain complexes, Gorenstein modules relative to Auslander and Bass classes, among others
