97 research outputs found

    An adaptive preconditioner for steady incompressible flows

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    This paper describes an adaptive preconditioner for numerical continuation of incompressible Navier--Stokes flows. The preconditioner maps the identity (no preconditioner) to the Stokes preconditioner (preconditioning by Laplacian) through a continuous parameter and is built on a first order Euler time-discretization scheme. The preconditioner is tested onto two fluid configurations: three-dimensional doubly diffusive convection and a reduced model of shear flows. In the former case, Stokes preconditioning works but a mixed preconditioner is preferred. In the latter case, the system of equation is split and solved simultaneously using two different preconditioners, one of which is parameter dependent. Due to the nature of these applications, this preconditioner is expected to help a wide range of studies

    Emergence of stochastic dynamics in plane Couette flow

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    Spatially localized states play an important role in transition to turbulence in shear flows (Kawahara, Uhlmann & van Veen, Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech. 44, 203 (2012)). Despite the fact that some of them are attractors on the separatrix between laminar and turbulent flows, little is known of their dynamics. We investigate here the temporal dynamics of such steady spatially localized solutions in the context of plane Couette flow. These solutions exist on oscillating branches in parameter space. We consider the saddle-nodes of these branches as initial conditions of simulations run with offset Reynolds numbers. We observe a relaminarization regime mostly characterized by deterministic dynamics and identify within this regime the existence of parameter intervals in which the results are stochastic and long-lived chaotic transients are observed. These results are obtained below the threshold for transition, shed light on the emergence of stochasticity in transitional plane Couette flow and will likely inform a range of shear flow configurations

    Modulated patterns in a reduced model of a transitional shear flow

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    We consider a close relative of plane Couette flow called Waleffe flow in which the fluid is confined between two free-slip walls and the flow driven by a sinusoidal force. We use a reduced model of such flows constructed elsewhere to compute stationary exact coherent structures of Waleffe flow in periodic domains with a large spanwise period. The computations reveal the emergence of stationary states exhibiting strong amplitude and wavelength modulation in the spanwise direction. These modulated states lie on branches exhibiting complex dependence on the Reynolds number but no homoclinic snaking

    Periodic phase-locking and phase slips in active rotator systems

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    The Adler equation with time-periodic frequency modulation is studied. A series of resonances between the period of the frequency modulation and the time scale for the generation of a phase slip is identified. The resulting parameter space structure is determined using a combination of numerical continuation, time simulations and asymptotic methods. Regions with an integer number of phase slips per period are separated by regions with noninteger numbers of phase slips, and include canard trajectories that drift along unstable equilibria. Both high and low frequency modulation is considered. An adiabatic description of the low frequency modulation regime is found to be accurate over a large range of modulation periods

    Time-periodic forcing of spatially localized structures

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    We study localized states in the Swift–Hohenberg equation when time periodic parametric forcing is introduced. The presence of a time-dependent forcing introduces a new characteristic time which creates a series of resonances with the depinning time of the fronts bounding the localized pattern. The organization of these resonances in parameter space can be understood using appropriate asymptotics. A number of distinct canard trajectories involved in the observed transitions are constructed

    Towards Convectons in the Supercritical Regime: Homoclinic Snaking in Natural Doubly Diffusive Convection

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    Fluids subject to both thermal and compositional variations can undergo doubly diffusive convection when these properties both affect the fluid density and diffuse at different rates. A variety of patterns can arise from these buoyancy-driven flows, including spatially localised states known as convectons, which consist of convective fluid motion localised within a background of quiescent fluid. We consider these states in a vertical slot with the horizontal temperature and solutal gradients providing competing effects to the fluid density while allowing the existence of a conduction state. In this configuration, convectons have been studied with specific parameter values where the onset of convection is subcritical, and the states have been found to lie on a pair of secondary branches that undergo homoclinic snaking in a parameter regime below the onset of linear instability. In this paper, we show that convectons persist into parameter regimes in which the primary bifurcation is supercritical and there is no bistability, despite coexistence between the stable conduction state and large-amplitude convection. We detail this transition by considering spatial dynamics and observe how the structure of the secondary branches becomes increasingly complex owing to the increased role of inertia at low Prandtl numbers

    Transition to doubly diffusive chaos

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    Doubly diffusive convection driven by horizontal gradients of temperature and salinity is studied in a three-dimensional enclosure of square horizontal cross section and large aspect ratio. Previous studies focused on the primary instability and revealed the formation of subcritical branches of spatially localized states. These states lose stability because of their twist instability, thereby precluding the presence of any related stable steady states beyond the primary bifurcation and giving rise to spontaneous temporal complexity for supercritical parameter values. This paper investigates the emergence of this behavior. In particular, chaos is shown to be produced at a crisis bifurcation located close to the primary bifurcation. The critical exponent related to this crisis bifurcation is computed and explains the unusually abrupt transition. The construction of a low-dimensional model highlights that only a few requirements are necessary for this type of transition to occur. As a consequence, it is believed to be observable in many other systems

    Near-onset dynamics in natural doubly diffusive convection

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    Doubly diffusive convection is considered in a vertical slot where horizontal temperature and solutal variations provide competing effects to the fluid density while allowing the existence of a conduction state. In this configuration, the linear stability of the conductive state is known, but the convection patterns arising from the primary instability have only been studied for specific parameter values. We have extended this by determining the nature of the primary bifurcation for all values of the Lewis and Prandtl numbers using a weakly nonlinear analysis. The resulting convection branches are extended using numerical continuation and we find large-amplitude steady convection states can coexist with the stable conduction state for sub- and supercritical primary bifurcations. The stability of the convection states is investigated and attracting travelling waves and periodic orbits are identified using time-stepping when these steady states are unstable

    Exact coherent structures in an asymptotically reduced description of parallel shear flows

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    A reduced description of shear flows motivated by the Reynolds number scaling of lower-branch exact coherent states in plane Couette flow (Wang J, Gibson J and Waleffe F 2007 Phys. Rev. Lett. 98 204501) is constructed. Exact time-independent nonlinear solutions of the reduced equations corresponding to both lower and upper branch states are found for a sinusoidal, body-forced shear flow. The lower branch solution is characterized by fluctuations that vary slowly along the critical layer while the upper branch solutions display a bimodal structure and are more strongly focused on the critical layer. The reduced equations provide a rational framework for investigations of subcritical spatiotemporal patterns in parallel shear flows

    Reduced description of exact coherent states in parallel shear flows

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    A reduced description of exact coherent structures in the transition regime of plane parallel shear flows is developed, based on the Reynolds number scaling of streamwise-averaged (mean) and streamwise-varying (fluctuation) velocities observed in numerical simulations. The resulting system is characterized by an effective unit Reynolds number mean equation coupled to linear equations for the fluctuations, regularized by formally higher-order diffusion. Stationary coherent states are computed by solving the resulting equations simultaneously using a robust numerical algorithm developed for this purpose. The algorithm determines self-consistently the amplitude of the fluctuations for which the associated mean flow is just such that the fluctuations neither grow nor decay. The procedure is used to compute exact coherent states of a flow introduced by Drazin and Reid [Hydrodynamic Stability (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1981)] and studied by Waleffe [Phys. Fluids 9, 883 (1997)]: a linearly stable, plane parallel shear flow confined between stationary stress-free walls and driven by a sinusoidal body force. Numerical continuation of the lower-branch states to lower Reynolds numbers reveals the presence of a saddle node; the saddle node allows access to upper-branch states that are, like the lower-branch states, self-consistently described by the reduced equations. Both lower- and upper-branch states are characterized in detail
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