257 research outputs found

    Role Ambiguity in Sport Teams

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    The general purpose of the present study was to examine the nature of role ambiguity in sport teams and to explore the construct validity of the operational definition of role ambiguity developed by Beauchamp, Bray, Eys, and Carron (2002). Role ambiguity was operationalized as a multidimensional construct (Scope of Responsibilities, Behavioral Responsibilities, Evaluation of Performance, and Consequences of Not Fulfilling Responsibilities) that occurs in two contexts, offense and defense. Consistent with the a priori hypothesis, perceptions of role ambiguity exhibited some degree of within-group consistency and group-level variability, but most of the variance in role ambiguity was seen at the individual level. Also, perceptions of role ambiguity decreased from early to late season. Finally, veteran athletes experienced less role ambiguity than first-year athletes at the beginning of the season, but not at the end. Implications of the findings and suggestions for future research are discussed

    The Effect of Role Ambiguity on Competitive State Anxiety

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between role ambiguity and precompetition state anxiety (A-state). Consistent with multidimensional anxiety theory (Martens, Vealey, & Burton, 1990), it was hypothesized that role ambiguity would be positively related to cognitive but not to somatic A-state. Based on the conceptual model presented by Beauchamp, Bray, Eys, and Carron (2002), role ambiguity in sport was operationalized as a multidimensional construct (i.e., scope of responsibilities, role behaviors, role evaluation, and role consequences) potentially manifested in each of two contexts, offense and defense. Consistent with hypotheses, ambiguity in terms of the scope of offensive role responsibilities predicted cognitive A-state (R2 = .19). However, contrary to hypotheses, offensive role-consequences ambiguity also predicted somatic A-state (R2 = .09). Results highlight the importance of using a multidimensional approach to investigate role ambiguity in sport and are discussed in terms of both theory advancement and possible interventions

    The Relationship Between Task Cohesion and Competitive State Anxiety

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    The general purpose of the present study was to determine if perceptions of team cohesion are related to the interpretation athletes attach to their precompetition anxiety. Specifically examined was the association between athlete perceptions of task cohesiveness (Individual Attractions to the Group–Task, ATG-T, and Group Integration–Task, GI-T) and the degree to which perceptions of the intensity of precompetition anxiety symptoms (cognitive and somatic) were viewed as facilitative versus debilitative. Participants were athletes (N = 392) from the sports of soccer, rugby, and field hockey. Each athlete completed the Group Environment Questionnaire (Carron, Widmeyer, & Brawley, 1985) after a practice session. A directionally modified version of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump, & Smith, 1990) was completed just prior to a competition. Results showed that athletes who perceived their cognitive anxiety as facilitative had higher perceptions of both ATG-T and GI-T, χ2 (2, N = 260) = 8.96, p \u3c .05, than athletes who perceived their cognitive anxiety as debilitative. Also, athletes who perceived their somatic anxiety as facilitative had higher perceptions of GI-T, χ2 (2, N = 249) = 5.85, p \u3c .05

    The effectiveness of teamwork training on teamwork behaviors and team performance : A systematic review and meta-analysis of controlled interventions

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    The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of teamwork interventions that were carried out with the purpose of improving teamwork and team performance, using controlled experimental designs. A literature search returned 16,849 unique articles. The meta-analysis was ultimately conducted on 51 articles, comprising 72 (k) unique interventions, 194 effect sizes, and 8439 participants, using a random effects model. Positive and significant medium-sized effects were found for teamwork interventions on both teamwork and team performance. Moderator analyses were also conducted, which generally revealed positive and significant effects with respect to several sample, intervention, and measurement characteristics. Implications for effective teamwork interventions as well as considerations for future research are discussed

    Personality processes and intra-group dynamics in sports teams

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    Can a better understanding of group dynamics raise individual and team athletic performance or improve the outcomes of exercise interventions? Much human behaviour in sport and exercise settings is embedded within groups where individuals’ cognitions, emotions, and behaviours influence and are influenced by other group members. Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sports Psychology: Contemporary Themes explores the unique psychological dynamics that emerge in sport and exercise groups. It provides a clear and thorough guide to contemporary theory and research. Recommendations are also presented to inform applied psychology ‘best practice’. Drawing together the expertise of international specialists from sports and exercise psychology, the text covers core themes as well as emerging issues in group dynamics. The text is organised into four sections: Part 1: The Self in Groups Part 2: Leadership in Groups Part 3: Group Environment Part 4: Motivation in Groups Group Dynamics in Exercise and Sports Psychology: Contemporary Themes will be of interest to psychology, kinesiology, sport and exercise science students and researchers, as well as to consultants and coaches

    The Effect of Role Ambiguity on Competitive State Anxiety

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between role ambiguity and precompetition state anxiety (A-state). Consistent with multidimensional anxiety theory (Martens, Vealey, & Burton, 1990), it was hypothesized that role ambiguity would be positively related to cognitive but not to somatic A-state. Based on the conceptual model presented by Beauchamp, Bray, Eys, and Carron (2002), role ambiguity in sport was operationalized as a multidimensional construct (i.e., scope of responsibilities, role behaviors, role evaluation, and role consequences) potentially manifested in each of two contexts, offense and defense. Consistent with hypotheses, ambiguity in terms of the scope of offensive role responsibilities predicted cognitive A-state (R2 = .19). However, contrary to hypotheses, offensive role-consequences ambiguity also predicted somatic A-state (R2 = .09). Results highlight the importance of using a multidimensional approach to investigate role ambiguity in sport and are discussed in terms of both theory advancement and possible interventions

    What Happens When the Party is Over?:Sustaining Physical Activity Behaviors after Intervention Cessation

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    Although extensive research suggests that behavior change interventions can improve physical activity (PA) over the course of an intervention, the maintenance of these improvements beyond intervention termination is less clear. The purpose of this study was to determine, through meta-analysis, whether behavior change interventions produce sustained improvements in PA after interventions conclude. Studies were retrieved from a recent (2019) meta-analysis of 224 interventions. Studies that measured PA at baseline, post-intervention, and a follow-up timepoint were included in this updated review. We examined the effects of these interventions in terms of changes in PA from baseline to post-intervention, baseline to follow-up, and post-intervention to follow-up (relative to control groups). We also examined whether the inclusion of theory and behavior change techniques (BCTs) within interventions as well as the length of time between PA assessments moderated these effects. Thirty-nine interventions (17% of interventions from the previous review) from 31 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Significant improvements in PA were found from baseline to follow-up (d = 0.32). In general, these effects resulted from significant increases in PA from baseline to post-intervention (d = 0.46), followed by significant decreases from post-intervention to follow-up (d = −0.18). Effect sizes did not vary between theory-based and no-stated-theory interventions. The positive effects from baseline to post-intervention and negative effects from post-intervention to follow-up were more pronounced as the length of time between assessments increased. In conclusion, behavior change interventions improve PA over the course of the intervention; however, these improvements are generally not sustained after the intervention concludes.</p

    The Relationship Between Task Cohesion and Competitive State Anxiety

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    The general purpose of the present study was to determine if perceptions of team cohesion are related to the interpretation athletes attach to their precompetition anxiety. Specifically examined was the association between athlete perceptions of task cohesiveness (Individual Attractions to the Group–Task, ATG-T, and Group Integration–Task, GI-T) and the degree to which perceptions of the intensity of precompetition anxiety symptoms (cognitive and somatic) were viewed as facilitative versus debilitative. Participants were athletes (N = 392) from the sports of soccer, rugby, and field hockey. Each athlete completed the Group Environment Questionnaire (Carron, Widmeyer, & Brawley, 1985) after a practice session. A directionally modified version of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump, & Smith, 1990) was completed just prior to a competition. Results showed that athletes who perceived their cognitive anxiety as facilitative had higher perceptions of both ATG-T and GI-T, χ2 (2, N = 260) = 8.96, p \u3c .05, than athletes who perceived their cognitive anxiety as debilitative. Also, athletes who perceived their somatic anxiety as facilitative had higher perceptions of GI-T, χ2 (2, N = 249) = 5.85, p \u3c .05

    Predicting exercise motivation and exercise behavior: A moderated mediation model testing the interaction between perceived exercise variety and basic psychological needs satisfaction

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    ObjectivesPerceived variety in exercise predicts exercise behavior through autonomous motivation. However, psychological need satisfaction (viz. for competence, autonomy, and relatedness) may moderate the relationship between perceived variety in exercise and exercise behavior (through autonomous motivation). The purpose of the present study was to examine whether the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs in exercise contexts moderates the mediating role of autonomous exercise motivation in the relationship between perceived variety in exercise and exercise behavior.DesignCross-sectional.MethodAdults (N = 499) completed an online questionnaire to measure the study variables. Associations were examined using structural equation modeling.ResultsPsychological need satisfaction moderated the positive indirect relationship between perceived exercise variety and self-reported exercise behavior (via autonomous motivation) such that perceived variety was associated with exercise behavior when psychological need satisfaction scores were lower than average.ConclusionsBased on these findings, perceived exercise variety may act as a compensatory source of motivation when psychological need satisfaction is low. In addition to attempting to foster need-supportive exercise contexts, it may be particularly important for exercise promotion specialists to foster the experience of variety among individuals who have lower psychological need satisfaction

    Predicting exercise motivation and exercise behavior: A moderated mediation model testing the interaction between perceived exercise variety and basic psychological needs satisfaction

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    Objectives Perceived variety in exercise predicts exercise behavior through autonomous motivation. However, psychological need satisfaction (viz. for competence, autonomy, and relatedness) may moderate the relationship between perceived variety in exercise and exercise behavior (through autonomous motivation). The purpose of the present study was to examine whether the satisfaction of the basic psychological needs in exercise contexts moderates the mediating role of autonomous exercise motivation in the relationship between perceived variety in exercise and exercise behavior. Design Cross-sectional. Method Adults (N = 499) completed an online questionnaire to measure the study variables. Associations were examined using structural equation modeling. Results Psychological need satisfaction moderated the positive indirect relationship between perceived exercise variety and self-reported exercise behavior (via autonomous motivation) such that perceived variety was associated with exercise behavior when psychological need satisfaction scores were lower than average. Conclusions Based on these findings, perceived exercise variety may act as a compensatory source of motivation when psychological need satisfaction is low. In addition to attempting to foster need-supportive exercise contexts, it may be particularly important for exercise promotion specialists to foster the experience of variety among individuals who have lower psychological need satisfaction
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