14 research outputs found
Opciones de tratamiento prótésico en niños con oligodoncias por displasia ectodérmica hidrótica
La reposición de los dientes no solamente influye en la adecuada alimentación y fonética, sino que también mejora la sonrisa y la apariencia personal, además del aspecto positivo que produce en el estado de salud psicológico y emocional de los niños afectados. Se presentan tres casos clínicos de niños con oligodoncias asociadas a displasia ectodérmica hidrótica, atendidos en la consulta de prótesis de la Clínica Estomatológica de Especialidades de Cienfuegos. Fueron rehabilitados con prótesis parcial removible acrílica, sobredentadura y prótesis parcial fija, respectivamente. Estas constituyen opciones de tratamiento efectivas, que solucionan el problema estético y funcional de los pacientes, y por tanto, mejoran su calidad de vida
Bucco-dental health state in the aged
<strong>Background:</strong> The knowledge about mouth health and its risk factors acquires an important significance in the aged population. <strong>Objective:</strong> to describe the mouth health state and to evaluate the knowledge level that the studied population have about this theme. <strong>Methods:</strong> A descriptive-correlative study was done that engulfed 174 patients, of the policlinics 1, 2 and 3 from the area III of Cienfuegos municipality, Cuba. An enquiry was applied about risk factors of mouth cancer and the mouth health state of all the enquired was examined. <strong>Results:</strong> more than 50% of them stated that alcoholic beverage consumption and/or the ingestion of spiced and hot food don’t damage the mouth, or declared not having any knowledge in this field. Only the 32,2 % of the sample had teeth; and of them, 3,4 % had 20 or more teeth. More than 40 % had periodontal illness and a 44,3 % presented consumed and disarranged prosthesis. Most of them (77,1 %) needed prosthesis. The majority of lesions founded was due to wrong adapted prosthesis, which, along with smoking habits, were risk factors related to pre-malignant and malignant lesions.<strong><br /></strong
Oral health status in Cienfuegos population
Background: The creation of reliable epidemiological profiles in different populations is a helpful practice that offers a general vision of how community health can be affected and it assess health systems interventions and provides information to guide the policy making process. Objective: To assess the population´s oral health condition of through the determining of the appropriate markers. Methods: Descriptive study in five health areas of Cienfuegos province including people selected by age group and through randomized sampling. The oral health condition of this population was analyzed, and the results were compared with the previous measurement dating from 1998. Results: The percentage of this population between 5-18 years of age without malocclusions or gingival and periodontal affectation was 72,6% and 38,6% respectively; the percentage of children with DMF-index at the age of five was 1,96, while the 88,2% of 18 years-old surveyed people have all their teeth. The mean of lost teeth in the age groups 35-44 and 60-74 was 7,6 and 24,7 respectively. Conclusions: Most of oral health markers improved compared with the previous measurements, except for the age group 5-18 without malocclusions and the percentage of people without gingival or periodontal affectations, which was slightly reduced. </span
Lesions of the buccal mucosa in elderly. A study performed in five family doctor´s office of health area III in Cienfuegos city.
Fundament: Bucal lesions in aged persons are very frequent and are not the same in many countries and regions. To know about them is of great importance for we can plan preventive activities and medical services for their attention Objective: To describe the more frequent intraoral mucous lesions in individuals with 60 years old and more. Methods: Descriptive study with a sample of 270 aged persons (both sexes), obtained through simple random sample out of a universe of 1014 individuals with 60 years old and more, from Area III in Cienfuegos. Detailed physical examination was applied to all the studied patients as well as a questionnaire where data of interest were engulfed. Results: From all studied cases, the 26.7% presented some type of bucal lesion, predominantly in women (17.8%). The more frequent lesions were: sub prosthesis stomatitis (10%), leukoplasia (6.2%), and fissuratum epulis (4.4%). The more frequent anatomic localizations of these lesions were: the palatum durum with 27 cases of sub prosthesis stomatitis, the alveolar sulcus with 11 fissuratum epulis, and the jugal mucosa with 4 cases of candidiasis and 7 leukoplasias. Conclusions: A high percentage of this geriatric population presented some type of bucal mucosa lesions, women were the most affected, lesions of prosthetic origin were predominant, as well as pre malignant lesions. The predominant localizations of the lesions were the palatum durum, the alveolar sulcus, and the jugal mucosa.</p
Impact of the Revolution´s Programs in Cienfuegos Dental Services
Background: Revolution´s Programs in Stomatology are part of a strategy to improve oral health of the population and the quality of the dental services. Objective: To asses the impact of Revolution´s Programs in the primary dental services in Cienfuegos. Methods: Retrospective, longitudinal study evaluating the tendencies of dental services markers of municipalities of Cienfuegos before and after the intervention between 2000 and 2007. Results: The effectiveness in Stomatology services improved in more than 100% in 2007 compared with 2005; the good use of prosthesis increased in 100%; the assistance covering and resolution index for persons over 60 years and bellow 19 increased lineally, reaching values similar to those of the first years of the studied period. Conclusions: The impact of the Revolution’s Programs was positive since the performance of the studied markers was superior after the intervention
Prótesis totales y lesiones bucales en adultos mayores institucionalizados
Fundamento: las prótesis dentales constituyen una alternativa al perderse los dientes, pero no están exentas de provocar daños, que junto a la susceptibilidad de los tejidos, provocada por el envejecimiento e inadecuados estilos de vida, pueden llevar a la aparición de lesiones bucales. Objetivo: describir las características de pacientes portadores de prótesis totales y su relación con las lesiones bucales. Métodos: estudio descriptivo, con 93 ancianos institucionalizados portadores de prótesis total. Se utilizaron las pruebas de chi cuadrado y el riesgo relativo para determinar la asociación entre las variables: edad, sexo, higiene, estado de conservación, tiempo y frecuencia de uso de la prótesis, necesidades de prótesis, tipo de lesión, localización, hábito de fumar, enfermedades sistémicas y medicamentos empleados. Resultados: el 78,5 % de los ancianos presentó lesiones relacionadas con el uso de la prótesis. La estomatitis subprótesis fue la lesión más frecuente. La presencia de lesiones bucales fue significativa en aquellos con 80 años y más (100 %). El 95,8 % tenían prótesis deterioradas, y en la totalidad de ellos, las prótesis tenían 21 años y más de uso. El riesgo de desarrollar lesiones fue 2,98 veces superior en aquellos con una higiene bucal deficiente. El 100 % de los ancianos diabéticos y anémicos presentaron lesiones. Conclusiones: las lesiones bucales estuvieron muy relacionadas con los factores locales: estado de conservación, higiene, tiempo de uso de las prótesis; y con factores generales como: incremento de la edad, enfermedades sistémicas y uso de medicamentos para su tratamiento
Dental health state in the 20 year-old population and more in Cienfuegos province.
<strong>Background:</strong> The absence of consice data of some indicators in the stomatological subsystem of our province difficults the knowledge of the real situation of the dental health in our province population. <strong><br />Objetive:</strong> to determine some epidemiological indicators related to dental health in the 20 year-old population and more in Cienfuegos province. <strong><br />Method:</strong> a descriptive epidemiologcal study. Methods: 253 621 patients in a range of 20 years old and more. All health areas including municipalities were taken into consideration from May to June 2004. <strong><br />Results:</strong> The kind of denture more demanded for its rehabilitation by the population was the upper and the lower one. The highest indicators of cavities and exodonties were found in the 35 to 59 year-old group of patient as well as in the rural areas. The anatomic localization of cavity lesions were predominant in the posterior dental sector with a relation between sectors of 1:1,7. The lowest percetange in the covering range of stomatological attention was found in the 35 to 59 year-old group with 5 and 18 % in the majority of the municipalities. <strong><br />Conclusions:</strong> Through this investigation the behaviour of proposed indicators were evaluated as well as the necesities of treatment to establish future strategies of work in order to improve the dental health in the population.<strong><br /></strong
Factores biomecánicos en la rehabilitación por prótesis parcial fija sobre implantes Microdent
Fundamento: la comprensión y aplicación de los factores biomecánicos garantizan una rehabilitación protésica funcional, biocompatible y estética. Objetivo: identificar los factores biomecánicos que están en relación con el resultado de la rehabilitación por prótesis parcial fija sobre implantes del sistema Microdent. Métodos: estudio comparativo representativo realizado en el período comprendido entre septiembre del 2007 y mayo del 2009. La muestra quedó conformada por 100 pacientes, para un total de 250 implantes. Se utilizaron las pruebas estadísticas de chi cuadrado de Pearson y el test de tendencia lineal de Mantel-Haenszel para establecer la asociación entre las variables y la determinación del riesgo relativo. Resultados: La rehabilitación protésica parcial fija sobre implantes Microdent tuvo éxito en el 66% de la muestra. La rehabilitación fracasó en el 100 % de los pacientes con mala higiene bucal, así como, en el 84,2 % de las rehabilitaciones con implantes no axiales. El riesgo de fracaso es de más de 6 veces superior en aquellos que presentan implantes no axiales. En el 100 % de los pacientes con superficies oclusales inadecuadas e interferencias, la rehabilitación fracasó. Los portadores de interferencias oclusales tienen 10,4 veces más riesgo de fracaso de las rehabilitaciones protésicas que los que no las tienen. Conclusiones: la influencia directa de los factores biomecánicos en el logro de una rehabilitación protésica sobre implantes exitosa es primordial, por lo que el rehabilitador debe velar por el cumplimiento de las normas establecidas para cada uno de ellos
Epidemiological study on Buccal Health in the 12 years old population of Health Care Area VIII in Cienfuegos.
Background: The 12 years-old children population is worldwide taken as a reference age to compare the buccal health condition of different countries, by means of various indicators that measure the presence of the main buccal diseases. The knowledge of these epidemiological profiles generates information to guide the services planning policies of the Primary Health Care. Objective: To characterize 12 years-old population's buccal health condition. Methods: Cross- sectional descriptive correlative study with a stratified probabilistic sample of 90 children starting from a universe conformed by the 269 adolescents that constitute the total of the 12 years old population of the Health Care Area VIII in Cienfuegos municipality. Pearson’s chi-square and Mantel-Haenszel lineal tendency tests were used with the determination of the relative risk and reliance intervals of 95%. Results: The decay prevalence reached 54, 4%. The COP-D index was 2, 45 being the decayed component the major percentage with 4.6%. The periodontal disease was more frequent in boys than in girls, with 54, 9% and 30, 8% respectively. 80,9% of the segments is healthy. In those affected, the calculation prevailed in 11,7%. It was determined that faulty obturations, inheritance and faulty buccal hygiene were the most affecting risk factors for children with decays, while in the periodontal disease it was faulty buccal hygiene. Malocclusions presented a prevalence rate of 40%. Out of which, 55,6% required secondary level attention. Those with habits present a risk 2 times superior of making sick. The sick epidemiological category was present in 77,8% of the total. Conclusions: We emphasize the prevention need as core issue of the primary medical care in the world today; being the General-Integral Dentist a transforming agent that according to his/her formation is capable to assume the existent health problem and to modify it positively, acting from the earliest ages.</p