51 research outputs found

    Digital for Heritage and Museums: Design-Driven Changes and Challenges

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    In the recent decade, cultural institutions have increasingly embraced digital technologies as key resources for accomplishing their mission and innovating their cultural activities. In the present work, we attempt to disentangle through a design-driven and multidisciplinary approach the challenges brought by digital transformation in the cultural heritage sector. A diversified research team has thus been involved to include scholars with different backgrounds around the common phenomenon of investigation of Digital (Cultural) Heritage, under the Design Think Thank project. The Introduction is followed by a Methodological section, which outlines the approach to select and review case studies from the exploratory literature for producing a state-of-the-art report and delineates the methodology to map the main user behaviours and needs in the digital experience of CH throughout the value chain. The research team identified three relevant and major themes for the investigation which are addressed in the Literature Review Section through the lenses of design research and practices; simultaneously, design knowledge emerges to have an agency in the transformation. The following section tries to triangulate the results from the literature review, and the mapping of users and stakeholders throughout the cultural institutions value chain, to track and highlight their role and interest in changing heritage panorama. The contribution of the present work wishes to consolidate the results gathered in the first phases of the TT, providing the design community of academics and practitioners with a theoretical contribution about digital changes and challenges of heritage and museums based on a design perspective

    The Potentials of Google Vision API-based Networks to Study Natively Digital Images

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    In this article, we present the potentials of Google Vision API-based networks for studying online images, covering three important modalities as part of a critical visual methodology: the content of the image itself, its specific ‘audiencing’ through web references (or image metadata), and the sites of image circulation. First, we conceptually and technically define different networks built upon computer vision features: image-label, image-web entities, and image-domain. Second, we present a research protocol diagram that illustrates how to build networks of images and respective descriptions or sites of circulation. Third, we discuss the potentialities of computer vision networks as a research device, stressing their data-relational (trans)formations and interpretative specifics. Three different case studies will be introduced as examples. In conclusion, we argue that such a visual methodology requires critical technical practices accounting for the multiple layers of technical mediation involved


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    O artigo apresenta resultados de estudo sobre Interfaces de Programação de Aplicações (API, na sigla em inglês) de visão computacional e sua interpretação de representações em bancos de imagens. A visão computacional é um campo das ciências da computação dedicado a desenvolver algoritmos e heurísticas para interpretar dados visuais, mas são ainda incipientes os métodos para sua aplicação ou investigação críticas. O estudo investigou três APIs de visão computacional por meio de sua reapropriação na análise de 16.000 imagens relacionadas a brasileiros, nigerianos, austríacos e portugueses em dois dos maiores bancos de imagens do ocidente. Identificamos que: a) cada API apresenta diferentes modos de etiquetamento das imagens; b) bancos de imagens representam visualidades nacionais com temas recorrentes, mostrando-se úteis para descrever figurações típicas emergentes; c) APIs de visão computacional apresentam diferentes graus de sensibilidade e modos de tratamento de imagens culturalmente específicas

    Staging and storing data sprint-based research results: a communication design approach

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    Data sprints are multidisciplinary, time-limited, practice-oriented, and group activities that explore complex issues through data gathering, visualization, and analysis. Data sprints usually conclude with final presentations where participants showcase the research process they followed and the achieved results. Although this activity is now widespread in some research centers, there does not appear to be a data-sprint tailored dissemination format that can support the organization, archive, and online diffusion of results. Starting from the experience of a data sprint on Digital Methods, the paper describes the design process of a digital format which condenses and reinterprets good practices already in use in current supports for disseminating data sprints results. The design process of the format is structured in two steps: (i) designing and (ii) staging the format. The former aims to dissect and recompose data sprint results in hierarchical block structures filled with variable contents; the latter describes outcomes that emerged during a preliminary evaluation phase with experts and a stress-test activity. The format is a container that participants can fill at the end of a data sprint to organize, archive, and present research results. Evaluation activities confirmed the efficiency of the format, which is distinguished by its nested structure and flexibility with different content. Future research opportunities concern the ultimate implementation of the format as a public Content Management System to be used even outside data sprint contexts, such as disseminating more thorough research and teaching students how to structure Digital Methods research

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    La ricerca analizza l’assetto delle necropoli romane di Aquileia, dal punto di vista dell’organizzazione spaziale, delle tipologie monumentali e della committenza delle tombe. Si prendono in considerazione le evidenze di carattere funerario di cui sia noto il luogo di provenienza. Si evince che i monumenti si disponevano lungo le sei strade principali in uscita dalla città, ma anche presso la viabilità secondaria a nord-est di Aquileia. In tutti i casi il tratto più vicino alle mura (entro 0,5-1 km) risulta il più ricco di testimonianze. La monumentalizzazione di questo settore va ascritta omogeneamente all’inizio dell’età imperiale, quando lo spazio viene occupato da ampi recinti con tombe erette in posizione di massima visibilità. A tale dinamica si accompagna una razionale divisione degli spazi lungo tutto il tracciato, disciplinata apparentemente con più rigore nella misura in agro, in particolare nel tratto più vicino alle mura. Si è notata la concentrazione di tombe monumentali in corrispondenza di ponti (necropoli della via Annia) e incroci stradali (necropoli nord-orientali). Monumenti di alto livello di età tardo-repubblicana e primo-imperiale (mausolei, edicole con statue) si sono osservati in località a circa 1-1,5 km dalla città lungo la viabilità nord- e sud-occidentale. Lo sfruttamento più intenso è riconoscibile nella necropoli lungo la strada verso la Pannonia, dove si registra un alto numero di altari funerari monumentali databili tra i primi decenni del I sec. d.C. e l’età traianea. I committenti sono soprattutto soldati e commercianti, che lungo questa direttrice svolgevano le loro attività professionali. Lo sfruttamento delle necropoli è diversificato nel tempo: quelle settentrionali mostrano una flessione delle testimonianze dopo i primi due decenni del II sec. d.C., mentre la via Annia (restaurata da Massimino il Trace) e la via meridionale (forse legata allo sviluppo di Grado) conservano abbondanti tracce di frequentazione fino al IV secolo, con numerose attestazioni di stele, ampiamente utilizzate fin dal I sec. d.C., oltre che di sarcofagi.In this work we analyse the organisation of the Roman necropolis of Aquileia, by considering both topographical and monumental aspects. We consider spatial organisation of the sepulchral system, typology of the monuments, social status of the owners. Only attestations with a certified location are taken into account. The tombs are found to be positioned along the six main ways leading out from the city, but also along a secondary road, north-east from the city walls. All necropolis show a larger density of monuments within the first km from the city gates. The monumental development of these areas has to be ascribed to the beginning of the Imperial age. Wide sepulchral enclosures spread out in that period, with great tombs built up in a preminent and visible location. At the same time, most of space dedicated to burial purposes is partitioned in regular plots: near city walls this mainly concern the in agro dimension. A concentration of noteworthy monuments is observed in the vicinity of bridges (via Annia necropolis) and crossroads (north-eastern necropolis). Several aediculae and mausoleums of late Republican age and early Imperial age are found in areas at about 1-1,5 km from the city along north- and south-west ways. The largest number ot attentations is found in the necropolis along the road to Pannonia. Hence, we infer that this necropolis was the most exploitated one from the first decades of I century A.D. up to Trajan’s age. Great funerary altars with depictions at their sides are raised especially by soldiers and traders, whose professional activities gravitate around this road. Concerning the period of exploitation, we note differences between necropolis. The north- and north- eastern ones show a decrease of attestations after first two decades of II century A.D., maybe related to the changed political situation of the northern provinces. On the contrary, necropolis of via Annia (restored by Maximinus Thrax) and along southern ways (probably as consequence of the increasing importance of the neighboring town of Grado) appear to be used up to the beginning of IV century A.D. The most common types of monuments in this period are stelae (that were widely used in Aquileia from I century A.D.) and sarcophagi