16 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical visualization of pro-inflammatory cytokines and enzymes in ovarian tumors

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    Epithelial ovarian cancer represents one of the most deadly gynaecological neoplasms in developed countries and is a highly heterogeneous disease. Epidemiological studies show that anti-inflammatory drugs reduce the incidence and mortality of several types of cancer, indicating the potential role of pro-inflammatory factors in carcinogenesis. The expression of pro-inflammatory factors in various cancer types, including ovarian cancer, was assessed in many studies, yielding in consistent results, often due to the histological heterogeneity of various cancers. The aim of the study was to investigate the expression of IL-1, IL-6, TGF-β, TNF-α, COX-2,iNOS, and NF-kB in serous and mucinous ovarian cancers. Ninety cases of ovarian tumors classified into mucous and serous type (45 patients in each group) were selected. Each group was classified into subgroups according to the three stages of tumor differentiation, i.e. into (i) benign, (ii) borderline and (iii) malignant tumors. The presence of proteins of interest in paraffin sections was analysed by immunohistochemistry. The expression of most of the studied factors depended on the histological tumor subtype and the degree of malignancy. Expression of NF-κB appears to be related to the level of the neoplastic differentiation only in the group of serous tumors, while the presence of IL-6 in the mucinous tumor subtype was observed only in the case of benign lesions. Expression of IL-1, TNF-α and COX-2 increased with the stage of the disease in both serous and mucinous tumors. The highest level of TGF-β expression was observed in serous borderline tumors. The different levels of iNOS immunoreactivity between the groups of serous and mucinous tumors were observed only in borderline tumors. The results of our study may be helpful in designing therapeutic strategies depending on the type of ovarian cancer

    Pseudanabaena galeata CCNP1313 : biological activity and peptides production

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    Even cyanobacteria from ecosystems of low biodiversity, such as the Baltic Sea, can constitute a rich source of bioactive metabolites. Potent toxins, enzyme inhibitors, and anticancer and antifungal agents were detected in both bloom-forming species and less commonly occurring cyanobacteria. In previous work on the Baltic Pseudanabaena galeata CCNP1313, the induction of apoptosis in the breast cancer cell line MCF-7 was documented. Here, the activity of the strain was further explored using human dermal fibroblasts, African green monkey kidney, cancer cell lines (T47D, HCT-8, and A549(ACE2/TMPRSS2)) and viruses (SARS-CoV-2, HCoV-OC43, and WNV). In the tests, extracts, chromatographic fractions, and the main components of the P. galeata CCNP1313 fractions were used. The LC-MS/MS analyses of the tested samples led to the detection of forty-five peptides. For fourteen of the new peptides, putative structures were proposed based on MS/MS spectra. Although the complex samples (i.e., extracts and chromatographic fractions) showed potent cytotoxic and antiviral activities, the effects of the isolated compounds were minor. The study confirmed the significance of P. galeata CCNP1313 as a source of metabolites with potent activity. It also illustrated the difficulties in assigning the observed biological effects to specific metabolites, especially when they are produced in minute amounts

    Processes of apoptosis and cell proliferation in uterine myomas originating from reproductive and perimenopausal women

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    We studied uterine myomas originating from females of reproductive age and from females of perimenopausal age. Uterine myomas represent benign tumors of the myometrium, and they develop frequently in women of reproductive age. The frequency of uterine myomas increases with age until women reach the menopause. The study included patients with a myomatous uterus, in the reproductive age or peri-menopausal age, independently evaluating small and large myomas. Myometrial alterations in their direct vicinity were evaluated independently of the myomas. The study included evaluation of immunolocalization of two index proteins which participate in myoma cells growth control: Ki-67 nuclear antigen and caspase 3. In women of reproductive age, both in small and large myomas, elevated immunostaining of Ki-67 was noted in parallel to low levels of caspase 3 staining, which indicated the ongoing process of proliferation. In women of peri-menopausal age with small or large myomas, no Ki-67 immunostaining was detected, while staining of caspase 3 manifested low levels. Proliferation in reproductive age women myomas is higher than in the peri-menopausal age. (<i>Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 398–404</i>

    Differential expression of tumor necrosis factor α, interleukin 1β, nuclear factor κB in nasal mucosa among chronic rhinosinusitis patients with and without polyps

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    Introduction: The pathogenesis of nasal polyps is still not fully understood. Aim : To analyze the topography and intensity of interleukin 1β (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), nitric oxide synthase 2 (NOS-2), and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) expressions in eosinophilic and neutrophilic polyps and in normal nasal mucosa. Material and methods : The study included specimens from 20 patients with eosinophilic polyps (more than 10% of eosinophils in inflammatory infiltrate), 20 individuals with neutrophilic polyps (predominance of neutrophils and less than 10% of eosinophils), and samples of normal nasal mucosa from 10 controls. The expressions of studied proteins in vascular endothelial cells, epithelial, stromal and glandular cells were determined immunohistochemically with specific monoclonal antibodies. Results : Irrespective of the cellular type, the intensity of expressions in eosinophilic and neutrophilic polyps was significantly higher than in the normal mucosa. Eosinophilic polyps were characterized by stronger expressions of TNF-α (in all cellular types), IL-1β (in endothelial, glandular and epithelial cells), NF-κB (in stromal and epithelial cells), COX-2 (in glandular and stromal cells), and NOS-2 (in endothelial and stromal cells). In contrast, neutrophilic polyps showed significantly stronger expressions of COX-2 (in epithelial and endothelial cells) and NOS-2 (in glandular and epithelial cells). In both phenotypes, the strongest expressions of all studied markers were documented in vascular endothelial cells. Conclusions : Inflammatory markers are involved in pathogenesis of both eosinophilic and neutrophilic polyps. Endothelial defects can play an important role in the development of nasal polyps

    Can the level of expression of COX be a prognostic factor in the diagnosis uterine leiomymatosis?

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    INTRODUCTION Fibroids are the most common tumors of benign nature of the female reproductive organ. Before the age of 40 this problem aff ects nearly 30% of female Caucasian population. Diagnosis of fi broids is based on a gynecological examination and ultrasound. Additionally the diagnosis also applies histerosonography, CT scan and MRI scan. COX-2 is induced isoform synthesized in response to the physical, chemical or biological stimulation. Is expressed, inter alia, in tumor tissues. Stimulation of iNOS and NO separation occurring in the pathological changes play an important role in the development of cancer. AIM OF STUDY Therefore it seems to be justifi ed to determine the expression of COX-2 and iNOS in the benign tumor cells of uterine fi broids. For exact analysis of the expression of these factors also decided to get outskirts fragments of fi broids and shows a comparison of observed expressions with the results obtained with fi broids. MATERIAL AND METHODS Pure control comprised 20 patients in whom there were no fi broidal changes, both in the reproductive age and perimenopausal (10 patients each). To the research qualifi ed 20 women in childbearing age and 20 women in perimenopausal age all with fi broidal changes in uterus. In the studied biopsied tissue evaluated the optical density of cells with the expression of selected proteins like cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and induced nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Expression of COX-2 and iNOS was higher in the myoma and in the surrounding myometrium fi broids compared with the expression of these proteins in healthy women uterus myometrium. Increased expression of COX-2 and iNOS at the periphery of uterine fi broids can decide the appearance of new tumors. Therefore, you should consider the use of the expression levels of COX-2 and iNOS as a prognostic factor.WSTĘP Mięśniaki macicy są najczęstszymi łagodnymi nowotworami żeńskiego narządu rodnego. Przed 40 rokiem życia problem ten dotyczy blisko 30% kobiet populacji kaukaskiej. Diagnostyka mięśniaków opiera się na badaniach ginekologicznym oraz ultrasonograficznym. Pomocniczo stosuje się również histerosonografi ę, tomografi ę komputerową oraz rezonans magnetyczny. Cyklooksygenaza 2 (COX-2) jest izoformą indukowalną, syntetyzowaną w odpowiedzi na stymulację fizyczną, chemiczną lub biologiczną. Ulega ekspresji m.in. w tkankach nowotworowych. Stymulacja indukowalnej syntazy tlenku azotu (iNOS) oraz wydzielanie NO zachodzące w zmianach patologicznych, odgrywają istotną rolę w rozwoju nowotworu. CEL PRACY Uzasadnione zatem wydaje się określenie ekspresji COX-2 i iNOS w niezłośliwych komórkach nowotworowych mięśniaków macicy. W celu dokładnej analizy ekspresji tych czynników zdecydowano się także na pobranie fragmentów obrzeża mięśniaków i porównanie zaobserwowanej ekspresji z wynikami otrzymanymi z mięśniaków. MATERIAŁ I METODY Kontrolę czystą stanowiło 20 pacjentek, u których nie stwierdzono zmian mięśniakowatych, zarówno w wieku reprodukcyjnym, jak i okołomenopauzalnym (po 10 pacjentek). Do badań zakwalifikowano po 20 kobiet w wieku rozrodczym ze zmianami mięśniakowymi w macicy oraz z mięśniakami w wieku okołomenopauzalnym. W badanych wycinkach tkankowych dokonano oceny gęstości optycznej komórek z ekspresją wybranych enzymów, tj. COX-2 oraz iNOS. WYNIKI I WNIOSKI Ekspresja COX-2 oraz iNOS była wyższa zarówno w mięśniaku, jak i w myometrium otaczającym mięśniak w porównaniu z ekspresją tych białek w myometrium macicy kobiet zdrowych. Zwiększona ekspresja COX-2 i iNOS na obrzeżu mięśniaków macicy może decydować o pojawieniu się nowych guzów. Dlatego też należy rozważyć wykorzystanie poziomu ekspresji COX-2 i iNOS jako czynników prognostycznych

    Perception of Polish pharmacy students on simulation exercise in pharmaceutical care for diabetes—a pilot study

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    Abstract Background The transformation of a pharmacist’s role from that of a drug dispenser to an advisor and patient educator, partially accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, requires a thorough change in the pharmacy curriculum. Preparation for the provision of modern pharmaceutical services requires the use of the most advanced teaching methods, such as pharmaceutical simulation. Knowledge alone does not guarantee students’ readiness and motivation to take on new challenges in their professional work, but it seems crucial that graduates of medical faculties have the ability to practically apply their knowledge, including in new and nonstandard situations. Therefore, in our study, we proposed an intervention using a simulation method (peer role play) in teaching pharmaceutical care, and we assessed its impact on students’ levels of self-perceived confidence and self-efficacy in accordance with Bandura’s theory. The aim of the study was to verify whether the introduction of these types of classes could be a useful element of pharmacy curriculum renewal. Methods The questionnaire-based study was conducted during pharmaceutical care peer role-playing classes in a simulation environment with a debriefing session among 85 final-year pharmacy students at Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland. The questionnaire consisted of two surveys: the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) and a pre-post self-assessment and self-efficacy questionnaire. Results There was a positive correlation between the GSE score and self-efficacy (R = 0.52, p < 0.0001). A statistically significant increase in the post-self-assessment of all the skills and competencies included in the survey in the field of pharmaceutical care of a patient with diabetes compared to the pre-values was also observed (p < 0.001). Additionally, the students’ self-efficacy in terms of communicating with patients was greater following the class than before the class (p < 0.001). Conclusions The peer role-play active teaching method was found to be a cost-effective method allowing for an increase in the self-assessment and self-efficacy of pharmacy students in diabetic patient pharmaceutical care. However, further in-depth research is needed to fully confirm the effectiveness of simulation exercises for teaching pharmacy undergraduates

    Surwiwina w raku jajnika

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    Objectives Introduction: Survivin is a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family, which are selectively overexpressed in human neoplasms, and its expression has been shown to be connected with cell proliferation. We analyzed survivin expression in ovarian epithelial neoplasms to evaluate its role in the development of ovarian tumors. Material and methods: Immunohistochemistry assays were conducted in 137 cases (48 ovarian carcinoma, 43 borderline ovarian carcinoma, 46 benign ovarian tumor, and 20 samples of normal ovarian tissue of ovarian epithelial neoplasms. Histological types included serous (n=68) and mucinous (n=69) tumors. All tumors were reviewed histopathologically and classified according to the WHO criteria. Results: Survivin expression in the group of serous neoplasms was detected in 24.0% (6 of 25) of benign cases, in 60.0% (12 of 20) of borderline tumors, and 91.0% (24 of 47) of ovarian carcinomas. In the group of mucinous tumors, survivin expression was found in 33.5% (7 of 21) of benign cases, 43.5% (10 of 23) of borderline tumors, and 80.0% (20 of 25) of malignant tumors. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that survivin overexpression may play a crucial role in the development of epithelial ovarian neoplasms and be an important prognostic factor for the influence of survivin expression on epithelial ovarian cancers.Cel pracy Surwiwina należy do rodziny inhibitorów białek apoptozy (IAP - inhibitor of apoptosis protein), cechujących się selektywną nadekspresją w procesie rozwoju nowotworów. Wykazało, że ekspresja surwiwiny jest związana z proliferacją komórek. Celem pracy było określenie roli surwiwiny w guzach jajnika poprzez badanie ekspresji tego białka w grupie nabłonkowych nowotworów jajnika. Materiał i metody Immunohistochemiczne badania przeprowadzono na 137 przypadkach nowotworów nabłonkowych jajnika (48 przypadków raka jajnika, 43 przypadki granicznych raków jajnika, 46 przypadków łagodnych guzów jajnika, oraz 20 próbek prawidłowej tkanki jajnikowej). Histologicznie badane nowotwory zakwalifikowano jako surowicze (n=68) oraz śluzowe (n=69) guzy. Wszystkie nowotwory były badane histopatologicznie I klasyfikowane zgodnie z kryteriami WHO. Wyniki W grupie nowotworów o charakterze surowiczym ekspresję surwiwiny wykryto w 24,0% przypadków z guzami łagodnymi (6 z 25), w 60,0% (12 z 20) w nowotworach granicznych oraz w 91,0% (24 z 47) z rakach jajnika. W puli nowotworów o charakterze śluzowym wykazano ekspresję surwiwiny w 33,5% przypadków (7 z 21) nowotworów łagodnych. Wśród nowotworów granicznych ekspresję surwiwiny stwierdzono w 43,5% przypadków (10 z 23), a wśród nowotworów złośliwych w 80% (20 z 25) badanych prób. Wnioski Nadekspresja surwiwiny może odgrywać kluczową rolę w rozwoju nowotworów nabłonkowych jajnika u kobiet i dodatkowo może stanowić istotną wartość prognostyczną wpływu tej ekspresji na nabłonkowe raki jajnika

    Polish Pharmacy Students&rsquo; Attitudes toward Undergraduate Teaching and Practical Implementation of Pharmaceutical Care&mdash;A Cross Sectional Study

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    It is necessary to monitor and adapt pharmacy curricula to make graduates ready to effectively meet the health needs of the society. Therefore, the aim of the study was to obtain Polish final year pharmacy students&rsquo; opinions on the activities related to pharmaceutical care (PC) andtheir perception of PC. Two questionnaires were used: one evaluating a PC regarding classes and in practice (n = 64), and the other on the assessment of existing educational solutions in the field of professional counseling (n = 118). Statistical analysis showed that the students agreed that there are not enough hours of a PC classes, since these are necessary to enable them to provide PC services in the future (R = 0.05, p = 0.0007). In previous classes, teachers&rsquo; knowledge was rated the highest on a five-point scale (4.74), and role play (3.92) and the duration of the classes (3.77) were rated the lowest. Although the students were aware of the role of a PC in the work of a pharmacist, they indicated that more extensive use of active learning methods would better prepare them for the profession. Therefore, pharmacy students&rsquo; self-efficacy survey and a curriculum renewal would be recommended in Poland