52 research outputs found

    Weather conditions on route Olkusz-Cracow in autumn and winter.

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    Celem pracy jest charakterystyka warunków meteorologicznych na trasie Kraków- Olkusz w sezonie jesienno- zimowym oraz ich wpływ na bezpieczeństwo ruchu drogowego z punktu widzenia kierowcy. Do analizy wykorzystano dane z czterech stacji przydrożnej sieci automatycznych stacji meteorologicznych TRAX elektronik: Węzeł Modlnica, Jerzmanowice, Gotkowice i Sieniczno oraz ze stacji naukowej "Obserwatorium Astronomiczne” znajdującej się w Ogrodzie Botanicznym w Krakowie. Posłużono się również danymi dotyczącymi wypadków, kolizji, liczby ofiar śmiertelnych oraz rannych na trasie Kraków-Olkusz, udostępnionych przez Policję w Krakowie. Z analizy oraz wszystkich zebranych informacji wynika, że pogoda wykazuje zróżnicowanie na całej trasie oraz różni się znacząco od pogody panującej w tym samym czasie w Krakowie. Różnice te wynikają z faktu, że każda ze stacji zlokalizowana jest na innym terenie oraz na innej wysokości nad poziomem morza. Ponadto stacje meteorologiczne na trasie Kraków- Olkusz są to przydrożne stacje automatyczne, natomiast stacja w Krakowie jest stacją klimatologiczną działająca zgodnie z instrukcją WMO.Z przeprowadzonej analizy wynika, że pogoda ma znikomy wpływ na wypadki drogowe. Zarówno z niniejszej pracy jak i z literatury na ten temat można wysnuć wniosek, że w dni pogodne częściej dochodzi do wypadków, niż w dni ze złą pogodą. W dni z dobrą pogodą kierowcy czują się pewniej na drodze i rozwijają większe prędkości, niż przy gorszych warunkach jazdy takich jak zamglenia, opady deszczu czy śniegu. W pogłębiającym się niżu wzrost liczby wypadków wynosi 37%, w zaburzonym wyżu liczba wypadków wzrasta o 31%, o 22% przy wielofrontowości oraz o 38% kiedy występował niż bliski i wielofrontowość razem. Podsumowując warto zaznaczyć, że wypadkowość drogowa jest kształtowana przez czynniki głównie nie związane z pogodą takie jak rozwój motoryzacji, natężenie ruchu na drodze, alkohol, nieuwaga czy zmęczenie kierującego.Aim of this study is to characterize the meteorological conditions along the route Cracow Olkusz during the autumn and winter, and their impact on road safety from the driver’s point of view.The analysis is based on data from four stations roadside network of automatic weather stations TRAX electronics: Node Modlnica Jerzmanowice, Gotkowice and Sieniczno and from the research station "Observatory" section in the Botanical Garden in Cracow.We also used data on incidents, accidents, fatalities and injuries from Cracow Olkusz made available by the police in Krakow. The analysis of all the information tells us that the weather is differentiated along the route, and is very different from the weather prevailing at the same time in Cracow.These differences result from the fact that each station is located on another site, and at a different height above sea level. In addition, meteorological stations from Cracow Olkusz roadside stations are automated, and the station in Krakow is the climatological station operating in accordance with the instructions of WMO.The analysis shows that the weather has little effect on road accidents. Both the present study and from the literature on this subject can be concluded that the in sunny days we're more likely to have accidents than in the days of bad weather.On days with good weather the driver feel more confident on the road and develop a greater speed than the worst driving conditions such as haze, rain or snow. The deepening decline increase in the number of accidents is 37%, in disturbed increases the number of accidents by 31% and by 22% at many fronts and by 38% when performed than close and many fronts together. In conclusion it is worth noting that road accidents are mainly shaped by factors not related to weather such as the development of automotive traffic on roads, alcohol, driver inattention or fatigue

    Using Sheep's Wool as an Additive to the Growing Medium and its Impact on Plant Development on the Example of Chlorophytum comosum

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    The paper presents the results of the research on the possibility of using sheep wool in the form of wool waste as an additive to the soil for plants. Chlorophytum comosum was selected for the research, as a plant that is very easy grow. The wool was introduced into the soil in two ways: in the form of a compact layer on the bottom of the pot (sample A) and in the form of an even mixture with soil (sample B). The research focused on the impact of the wool and method of its deployment on soil humidity. The research showed that even mixing of the fibers with the soil provided plants with the access to water and prevented water evaporation. In addition, the presence of wool in the whole soil volume influenced the formation of Chlorophytum comosum root system. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) together with elemental analysis (EDS) enabled analyzing the relationship between the method of mixing wool fibers with the cultivation substrate and the degradation on the fiber surface. The studies have shown that single fibers dispersed in the soil (sample B) undergo decomposition easier than the fibers placed on the bottom of the pot (sample A). The decomposition consisted in damage to the epidermal layer and a decrease in fiber thickness from 35.8 μm for the reference sample (X) down to 29.4 μm for sample B. Furthermore, the studies using the EDS probe confirmed that the wool keratin content decreased from 30.5% (for sample X) to 22.3% (for sample B), due to degradation

    Effect of Barley and Buckwheat Grain Processing on the Development and Feeding of the Confused Flour Beetle

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    Abstract: The consequences of pearling and cutting (barley Hordeum vulgare L.), and roasting and cutting (buckwheat Fagopyrum es-culentum Möench) on the development and food consumption of the confused flour beetle Tribolium confusum Duv. were studied. The factors affecting the increase in the T. confusum population, and food consumption effectiveness (the proportion of wasted food in the whole amount of the used product) were different in barley and buckwheat. The best barley product for T. confusum was the flour. The population number, the proportion of imagines, and the effectiveness of food consumption were relatively high for cut groats, compared to whole barley. The toughness of the whole groats was most likely the cause of the lowest suitability of this product for the confused flour beetle. Neither the size of the cut groats nor the pearling of barley had any effect on T. confusum development and food consumption effectiveness. The best buckwheat product for T. confusum was the whole hulled non-processed groats. In these groats, the total population number, the proportion of imagines, and the effectiveness of food consumption were relatively high compared to cut groats. The total population number was the lowest in the steamed groats. The decrease in nutrients and B vitamins due to the removal of the embryo and aleurone layer during the breaking process of buckwheat, was possibly the main factor affecting T. confu-sum development and food consumption in buckwheat. Key words: Fagopyrum esculentum, Hordeum vulgare, Tribolium confusum, storag

    Preparing and Using Cellulose Granules as Biodegradable and Long-Lasting Carriers for Artificial Fertilizers

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    The paper presents the results of research on the preparation and use of cellulose granules as carriers of nutrients in the cultivation of plants. The granules were prepared from a cellulose solution in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazole acetate followed by coagulation in water and primary alcohols: methanol, ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, 1-pentanol, 1-hexanol and 1-octanol. Modifications of granules were also carried out by hydrophobization at elevated temperature and by encapsulation in a polylactide solution. As a result of the research, cellulose granules were obtained, which were characterized by different porosity, depending on the type of coagulant used. The morphology of granules surface and cross-sections was examined by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The cellulose granules exhibited good sorption/desorption properties which were investigated by conductometry and UV-Vis spectroscopy. The longest desorption time of NH4NO3 was characteristic of granules obtained as a result of thermal hydrophobization of the surface, which were used in the cultivation of the spider plant. As a result of the research, cellulose granules were obtained which may find potential application in crop production, as long-acting, non-dusting and fully biodegradable fertilizers

    Effect of Soy Leaf Flavonoids on Pea Aphid Probing Behavior

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    Flavonoids detected in soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr. (Fabaceae) cause various alterations in the metabolism, behavior, and development of insect herbivores. The pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) poses potential threat to soybeans, but the effect of individual flavonoids on its feeding-associated behavior is relatively unknown. We monitored probing behavior (stylet penetration activities) of A. pisum on its preferred host plant, Pisum sativum L. untreated (control) and treated with 0.1% ethanolic solutions of flavonoids apigenin, daidzein, genistein, and kaempferol. We applied the electrical penetration graph (electropenetrography, EPG) technique, which visualizes the movements of aphid stylets within plant tissues. None of the applied flavonoids affected the propensity to probe the plants by A. pisum. However, apigenin enhanced the duration of probes in non-phloem tissues, which caused an increase in the frequency and duration of stylet mechanics derailment and xylem sap ingestion but limited the ingestion of phloem sap. Daidzein caused a delay in reaching phloem vessels and limited sap ingestion. Kaempferol caused a reduction in the frequency and duration of the phloem phase. Genistein did not affect aphid probing behavior. Our findings provide information for selective breeding programs of resistant plant cultivars to A. pisum

    Quercetin and Rutin as Modifiers of Aphid Probing Behavior

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    Rutin and its aglycone quercetin occur in the fruits, leaves, seeds, and grains of many plant species and are involved in plant herbivore interactions. We studied the effect of the exogenous application of rutin and quercetin on the probing behavior (= stylet penetration activities in plant tissues) of Acyrthosiphon pisum on Pisum sativum, Myzus persicae on Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis, and Rhopalosiphum padi on Avena sativa using the electrical penetration graph technique (EPG = electropenetrography). The reaction of aphids to quercetin and rutin and the potency of the effect depended on aphid species, the flavonol, and flavonol concentration. Quercetin promoted probing activities of A. pisum within non-phloem and phloem tissues, which was demonstrated in the longer duration of probes and a trend toward longer duration of sap ingestion, respectively. M. persicae reached phloem in a shorter time on quercetin-treated B. rapa than on the control. Rutin caused a delay in reaching sieve elements by A. pisum and deterred probing activities of M. persicae within non-phloem tissues. Probing of R. padi was not affected by quercetin or rutin. The potency of behavioral effects increased as the applied concentrations of flavonols increased. The prospects of using quercetin and rutin in plant protection are discussed

    Repellent and Antifeedant Activities of Citral-Derived Lactones against the Peach Potato Aphid

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    Citral is well known for its antimicrobial, antifungal, and insecticidal activities. Natural sesquiterpene α-methylenelactones also exhibit a broad spectrum of biological activities. The aim of the study was to explore the effect of structural changes to citral molecules on citral behavior-modifying activity towards Myzus persicae. Specifically, the effects of the introduction of a γ-lactone moiety and methylene groups in α and γ positions of the lactone ring were investigated. The lactones were obtained in five-step (saturated lactone and γ-methylenelactone) or six-step (α-methylenelactone and α,γ-dimethylenelactone) syntheses from citral. The synthetic procedures and physical and spectral data of the lactones are presented. The settling behavior of freely moving aphids in choice and no-choice situations was monitored. The probing behavior of tethered M. persicae using the Electrical Penetration Graph (EPG) technique was also analyzed. Citral appeared a strong repellent and pre-ingestive and ingestive probing deterrent to M. persicae. The incorporation of a lactone moiety caused the loss of the repellent activity. α-Methylenelactone inhibited aphid settling and probing activities at pre-ingestive and ingestive phases. The saturated γ-lactone and α,γ-dimethylenelactone were the settling post-ingestive deterrents to M. persicae, which did not affect aphid probing activity. γ-Methylenelactone did not affect aphid behavior