58 research outputs found

    Zinc and propolis reduces cytotoxicity and proliferation in skin fibroblast cell culture : total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of propolis

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    It has been demonstrated that zinc exerts its beneficial influence on skin fibroblasts. Propolis, a complex mixture of plant-derived and bees’ products, was reported to stimulate cicatrization processes in skin and prevent infections. The aim of this study was to find out how zinc and propolis influence human skin fibroblasts in cell culture and to compare the effect of individual compounds to the effect of a mixture of zinc and propolis. In this study, zinc, as zinc aspartate, at a concentration of 16 μM, increased human fibroblasts proliferation in cell culture, whereas propolis at a concentration of 0.01 % (w/v) revealed antiproliferative and cytotoxic action followed by mild cell necrosis. In culture, zinc was effectively transported into fibroblasts, and propolis inhibited the amount of zinc incorporated into the cells. An addition of propolis to the medium caused a decrease in the Zn(II) amount incorporated into fibroblasts. The obtained results also indicate an appreciable antioxidant property of propolis and revealed its potential as a supplement when applied at doses lower than 0.01 % (w/v). In conclusion, the present study showed that zinc had a protective effect on human cultured fibroblasts’ viability, although propolis revealed its antiproliferative action and caused mild necrosis

    Identification of phenolic compounds and determination of antioxidant activity in extracts and infusions of salvia leaves

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    Francik, Slawomir/0000-0002-4535-9450; NZEYIMANA, Abdoul/0000-0002-1887-510X; Knapczyk, Adrian/0000-0002-1134-6299; Francik, Renata/0000-0002-7071-8072; Bystrowska, Beata/0000-0001-6501-8656WOS:000602822400001PubMed: 33352787The influence of harvest period and drying method of Salvia officinalis L. leaves on the content of essential oils, polyphenols and antioxidant properties was investigated. Sage leaves were collected twice during plant blossoming (in June and July) and dried traditionally in natural conditions and at 35 degrees C. Antioxidant activity was assayed in methanol-acetone extracts and infusions of dried leaves with the use of free radical scavenging activity (DPPH) and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) technique. Total phenolic content in extracts as well as in infusions was determined by the means of Folin-Ciocalteu method. Based on the LC/MS analysis, the polyphenol compounds present in both extracts and in infusions were identified. The extracts contained more polyphenols and were characterized by higher antioxidant activity than infusions. in the extracts significant amount of ferulic acid was found, which was influenced both by the harvest period and drying method. The amount of ferulic acid found in extracts obtained from the June leaves dried traditionally was three times lower (6.185 mu g/g DW) than in extracts from July leaves dried in the same conditions. Harvest period had a significant effect on the essential oils' content, leaves collected in July contained 15% more oils than those collected in June.Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of PolandMinistry of Science and Higher Education, PolandThe study was financed by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland

    Effect of a Lactobacillus salivarius probiotic on a double-species Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans caries biofilm

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the anti-cariogenic effects of Lactobacillus salivarius by reducing pathogenic species and biofilm mass in a double-species biofilm model. Coexistence of S. mutans with C. albicans can cause dental caries progression or recurrence of the disease in the future. Fifty-nine children with diagnosed early childhood caries (ECC) were recruited onto the study. The condition of the children’s dentition was defined according to the World Health Organization guidelines. The participants were divided into children with initial enamel demineralization and children showing dentin damage. The study was performed on the S. mutans and C. albicans clinical strains, isolated from dental plaque of patients with ECC. The effect of a probiotic containing Lactobacillus salivarius on the ability of S. mutans and C. albicans to produce a double-species biofilm was investigated in an in vitro model. The biomass of the formed/non-degraded biofilm was analyzed on the basis of its crystal violet staining. The number of colonies of S. mutans and C. albicans (CFU/mL, colony forming units/mL) forming the biofilm was determined. Microorganism morphology in the biofilm was evaluated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). In vitro analysis demonstrated that the presence of S. mutans increased the number of C. albicans colonies (CFU/mL); the double-species biofilm mass and hyphal forms produced in it by the yeast. L. salivarius inhibited the cariogenic biofilm formation of C. albicans and S. mutans. Under the influence of the probiotic; the biofilm mass and the number of S. mutans; C. albicans and S. mutans with C. albicans colonies in the biofilm was decreased. Moreover; it can be noted that after the addition of the probiotic; fungi did not form hyphae or germ tubes of pathogenic potential. These results suggest that L. salivarius can secrete intermediates capable of inhibiting the formation of cariogenic S. mutans and C. albicans biofilm; and may inhibit fungal morphological transformation and thereby reduce the pathogenicity of C. albicans; weakening its pathogenic potential. Further research is required to prove or disprove the long-term effects of the preparation and to achieve preventive methods

    Szybka metoda oceny stężenia witaminy A, witaminy E oraz kotyniny w surowicy krwi kobiet z śródnabłonkową neoplazją (CIN)i rakiem szyjki macicy

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    Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to elaborate on the analytical method for quantitative determination of retinol and α-tocopherol in serum of women diagnosed with CIN and cervical cancer. The basic problem in the analysis of the vitamins content in biological material is their low physiological concentration level and instability. Liquid chromatography with diode array detector (DAD) was applied. Material and methods: The material consisted of serum and urine collected from 12 women diagnosed with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and 16 diagnosed with cervical cancer. The method was evaluated for the following parameters: linearity, recovery, sensitivity, precision, accuracy, selectivity, stability, limit of quantification (LOQ) and limit of detection (LOD). Results: Results showed good linearity (r2 ≥0,99) in the range 0,1μg/ml-10mg/ml for retinol and 0,25μg/ml-15μg/ml for α-tocopherol. The Lower Limit of Detection was 0,15μg/ml for vitamin E and 0,05μg/ml for vitamin A. The within-run R.S.Ds were below 5,2% at all concentration levels and the between-run R.S.Ds were below 10,0% at all concentration levels. Conclusions: The advantage of this method is that it measures both compounds in a more rapid, reproducible and accurate manner when compared to the previous HPLC studies. The compounds (vitamin A and E and internal standards) are measured in the same sample at the same time. Quantitative determination of cotinine may reveal active smokers and subjects exposed to environmental tobacco smoke, which is independent measurable carcinogenetic co-factor. The following study is a part of a project determining non-viral causative agents in cervical carcinogenesis.Streszczenie Cel pracy: Celem niniejszej pracy jest ocena przydatności analitycznej metody oznaczania ilościowego retinolu i alfa-tokoferolu w surowicy kobiet z rozpoznaną śródnabłonkową neoplazją (CIN) i rakiem szyjki macicy. Głównym problemem w analizowaniu zawartości witamin w materiale biologicznym jest ich niskie fizjologiczne stężenie i niestabilność. W niniejszym badaniu zastosowano metodę ciekłej chromatografii z detektorem diodowym (DAD). Materiał i metodyka: Materiał badawczy stanowiło osocze i mocz, 12 kobiet z rozpoznaną śródnabłonkową neoplazją szyjki macicy (CIN) i 16 z rakiem szyjki macicy. Metodę oceniono pod kątem następujących parametrów: liniowość, powtarzalność, czułość, precyzja, dokładność, selektywność, stabilność, granica kwantyfikacji (limit of quantification - LOQ) i detekcji (limit of detection - LOD). Wyniki: Uzyskano wysoka liniowość (r2 ≥0,99) w zasięgu 0,1μg/ml-10mg/ml dla retinolu i 0,25μg/ml-15μg/ml dla alfa-tokoferolu. Dolna granica wykrywalności wyniosła 0,15μg/ml dla witaminy E i 0,05μg/ml dla witaminy A. Zasięg metody R.S.Ds wyniósł 5,2% we wszystkich poziomach stężeń a interwałowy zasięg R.S.Ds poniżej 10,0% we wszystkich poziomach stężeń. Wnioski: Zaleta zbadanej metody jest fakt, iż można przy jej pomocy uzyskać wyniki w szybszy, bardziej powtarzalny i dokładniejszy sposób, niż w opisywanych w literaturze badaniach z użyciem HPLC. Dodatkową zaleta stosowanej metody jest możliwość pomiaru z tej samej próbki witamin A i E. Ilościowa ocena stężenia kotyniny może wskazać pacjentki, będące aktywnymi palaczkami lub narażonymi na palenie bierne. W aspekcie karcinogenezy w obrębie szyjki macicy może być to cenna wiadomość dotycząca istotnego a często zatajanego kofaktora nowotworzenia. Niniejsze badanie jest częścią projektu oceniającego pozawirusowe czynniki onkogenne w procesie karcinogenezy w obr´bie szyjki macicy