3,287 research outputs found

    Standard arc welders provide high amperage direct current source

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    Standard arc welders or power supplies are hooked up in parallel or series connections to obtain an adequate supply of current or voltage for various purposes. This method provides maximum flexibility in a wide range of voltages and currents

    An Exploratory Investigation of the Effects of a Thin Plastic Film Cover on the Profile Drag of an Aircraft Wing Panel

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    Exploratory wind tunnel tests were conducted on a large chord aircraft wing panel to evaluate the potential for drag reduction resulting from the application of a thin plastic film cover. The tests were conducted at a Mach number of 0.15 over a Reynolds number range from about 7 x 10 to the 6th power to 63 x 10 to the 6th power

    Wind-tunnel results for an improved 21-percent-thick low-speed airfoil section

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    Low speed wind tunnel tests were conducted to evaluate the effects on performance of modifying a 23 percent thick low speed airfoil. The airfoil contour was altered to reduce the upper-surface adverse pressure gradient and hence reduce boundary layer separation. The chord Reynolds number varied from about 2,000,000 to 9,000,000

    Continuously operating induction plasma accelerator Patent

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    Continuous operation, single phased, induction plasma accelerator producing supersonic speed

    The Challenges Facing Training in Pediatric Surgery Worldwide

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    Like most specialties, pediatric surgery is becoming more complex, and changes to health systems have not always been in the best interests of trainees or their surgical teachers. This paper outlines four of the current challenges faced by training boards in pediatric surgery worldwide, and documents their implications for the future training of pediatric surgeons

    A study of the possible preventive effects of muscular exercises and intermittent venous occlusion on the cardiovascular deconditioning observed after 10 days bed recumbency - Experimental design

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    Experiment designed to study preventive effects of muscular exercises on intermittent venous occlusion on cardiovascular deconditioning observed after 10 days bed recumbenc

    Job Creation in Postconflict Societies

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    [From Preface] Too often, the need for job creation projects after serious conflict goes unrecognized and unmet. This paper discusses the main justifications for such projects, both short- and longer-term, and reviews some major lessons learned and best practices to guide their design and implementation. A central focus is the array of issues and challenges that must be worked out to permit a smooth transition from violent conflict and its attendant joblessness to a situation of stable, long-term employment capable of supporting a decent livelihood

    Low-speed aerodynamic characteristics of a 13-percent-thick airfoil section designed for general aviation applications

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    Wind-tunnel tests were conducted to determine the low-speed section characteristics of a 13 percent-thick airfoil designed for general aviation applications. The results were compared with NACA 12 percent-thick sections and with the 17 percent-thick NASA airfoil. The tests were conducted ovar a Mach number range from 0.10 to 0.35. Chord Reynolds numbers varied from about 2,000,000 to 9,000,000