191 research outputs found

    The Introduction and Establishment of Anaphes (Patasson) calendrae (Gahan) in Hawaii (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)

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    Scientific noteThe history of introductions of the mymarid egg parasitoid Anaphes (Patasson) calendrae (Gahan) into Hawaii for biological control of sphenophorine weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is reviewed, and its establishment on the islands of Oahu, Maui and Hawaii is documented

    A Review of the Hawaiian Braconidae (Hymenoptera)

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    A New Genus and Species of Pseudococcidae from Haleakala, Maui

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    Notes on Two Species of Megaspilidae in Hawaii (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronoidea: Megaspilidae)

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    Two immigrant species of Megaspilidae appear to be established in Hawaii. One, placed here in the genus Dendrocerus Ratzeburg, is known only from elevations above 3,000 ft on the islands of Maui and Hawaii, and was first collected here in 1946. A second species, placed tentatively in the genus Megaspilus Westwood, was collected on Oahu at about 350 ft elevation in February 1991. Neither has yet been identified to species

    Hawaiian Eucoilidae (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea), Key to Genera and Taxonomic Notes on Apparently Non-Endemic Species

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    A key to the genera of Eucoilidae known to occur in Hawaii is presented. All known non-endemic species are treated except those which attack larvae of Agromyzidae (Beardsley 1988) and those of the genus Kleidotoma Westwood (Beardsley in press). The following three species are described as new: Eucoila ophyrae, Hexacola neoscatellae Rhoptomeris advena. The following new combinations are proposed: Chrestosema magnifica for Pseudeucoila (Hexamocera) magnificus Yoshimoto, Didtyctium weldi for Pseudeucoila (Pseudeucoila) weldi Yoshimoto, Ganaspis ovata for Pseudeucoila ovata Yoshimoto, and Leptopilina rugipunctata for Pseudeucoila (Pseudeucoila) rugipunctata Yoshimoto. The following new synonomies are proposed: Hexacola samuelsoni Yoshimoto and Yasumatsu (1965) as a junior synonym of Micreriodes guamensis Yoshimoto (1962), and Hexaplasta konensis Ashmead (1901) as a junior synonym of Trybliographa xanthopada Ashmead (1896). The following immigrant species are reported as new to the Hawaiian fauna: Micreriodes guamensis, Eucoila ophyrae, Didyctium weldi, Hexacola neoscatellae, Leptopilina boutardi (Barbotin el al.) and Rhoptomeris advena. In addition, three as yet undetermined species assigned lo Hexacola Forster are each known from a single specimen collected on Oahu

    On the Taxonomy of the Genus Pseudopsylla Froggatt, with a Redescription of the Type-Species (Homoptera: Coccoidea)

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    The history of the genus Pseudopsylla Froggatt and the rediscovery of the type specimens of P. hirsutus Froggatt, the type species, are discussed. Pseudopsylla is placed as a junior synonym of Lachnodius Maskell on the basis of the morphological and biological similarities between the type species of these genera which are enumerated. Froggatt's species is redescribed and illustrated from the type specimens as a new combination, Lachnodius hirsutus (Froggatt), and a lectotype is designated

    Additions to the Known Insect Fauna of Niihau

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