7,651 research outputs found

    Irreversible magnetization in thin YBCO films rotated in external magnetic field

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    The magnetization M of a thin YBaCuO film is measured as a function of the angle θ\theta between the applied field H and the c-axis. For fields above the first critical field, but below the Bean's field for first penetration H*, M is symmetric with respect to θ=π\theta =\pi and the magnetization curves for forward and backward rotation coincide. For H>H* the curves are asymmetric and they do not coincide. These phenomena have a simple explanation in the framework of the Bean critical state model.Comment: 14 pages, 7 PostScript figure

    Field Induced Nodal Order Parameter in the Tunneling Spectrum of YBa2_2Cu3_3O7x_{7-x} Superconductor

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    We report planar tunneling measurements on thin films of YBa2_2Cu3_3O7x_{7-x} at various doping levels under magnetic fields. By choosing a special setup configuration, we have probed a field induced energy scale that dominates in the vicinity of a node of the d-wave superconducting order parameter. We found a high doping sensitivity for this energy scale. At Optimum doping this energy scale is in agreement with an induced idxyid_{xy} order parameter. We found that it can be followed down to low fields at optimum doping, but not away from it.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Magnetic and thermodynamic properties of Sr_{2}LaFe_{3}O_{9}

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    Using a Dirac-Heisenberg Hamiltonian with biquadratic exchange interactions, we study the effect of iron disproportionation on the magnetic ordering, and describe the first-order magnetic transition occurring in the perovskite Sr_{2}LaFe_{3}O_{9}. Upon fitting the experimental data, we give an estimate of the exchange integrals for the antiferromagntic and ferromagnetic interactions, in agreement with previous works on kindered compounds. Spin-wave theory yields a magnon spectrum with a gapless antiferromagnetic mode together with two gapped ferromagnetic ones.Comment: 8 pages of RevTex, 5 figures (available upon request), submitted to J. Mag. Mag. Ma

    Evolution of the fishtail-effect in pure and Ag-doped MG-YBCO

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    We report on magnetic measurements carried out in a textured YBa2_2Cu3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} and YBa2_2(Cu1x_{1-x}Agx_x)3_3O7δ_{7-\delta} (at xx \approx 0.02) crystals. The so-called fishtail-effect (FE) or second magnetization peak has been observed in a wide temperature range 0.4~<T/Tc<<T/T_c<~0.8 for Hc\textbf{H}\parallel c. The origin of the FE arises for the competition between surface barrier and bulk pinning. This is confirmed in a non-monotonically behavior of the relaxation rate RR. The value HmaxH_{max} for Ag-doped crystals is larger than for the pure one due to the presence of additional pinning centers, above all on silver atoms.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Universality in D-brane Inflation

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    We study the six-field dynamics of D3-brane inflation for a general scalar potential on the conifold, finding simple, universal behavior. We numerically evolve the equations of motion for an ensemble of more than 7 \times 10^7 realizations, drawing the coefficients in the scalar potential from statistical distributions whose detailed properties have demonstrably small effects on our results. When prolonged inflation occurs, it has a characteristic form: the D3-brane initially moves rapidly in the angular directions, spirals down to an inflection point in the potential, and settles into single-field inflation. The probability of N_{e} e-folds of inflation is a power law, P(N_{e}) \propto N_{e}^{-3}, and we derive the same exponent from a simple analytical model. The success of inflation is relatively insensitive to the initial conditions: we find attractor behavior in the angular directions, and the D3-brane can begin far above the inflection point without overshooting. In favorable regions of the parameter space, models yielding 60 e-folds of expansion arise approximately once in 10^3 trials. Realizations that are effectively single-field and give rise to a primordial spectrum of fluctuations consistent with WMAP, for which at least 120 e-folds are required, arise approximately once in 10^5 trials. The emergence of robust predictions from a six-field potential with hundreds of terms invites an analytic approach to multifield inflation.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    Vector magnetic hysteresis of hard superconductors

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    Critical state problems which incorporate more than one component for the magnetization vector of hard superconductors are investigated. The theory is based on the minimization of a cost functional C[H(x)]{\cal C}[\vec{H}(\vec{x})] which weighs the changes of the magnetic field vector within the sample. We show that Bean's simplest prescription of choosing the correct sign for the critical current density JcJ_c in one dimensional problems is just a particular case of finding the components of the vector Jc\vec{J}_c. Jc\vec{J}_c is determined by minimizing C{\cal C} under the constraint JΔ(H,x)\vec{J}\in\Delta (\vec{H},\vec{x}), with Δ\Delta a bounded set. Upon the selection of different sets Δ\Delta we discuss existing crossed field measurements and predict new observable features. It is shown that a complex behavior in the magnetization curves may be controlled by a single external parameter, i.e.: the maximum value of the applied magnetic field HmH_m.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Weak Lensing Effects on the Galaxy Three-Point Correlation Function

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    We study the corrections to the galaxy three-point correlation function (3PCF) induced by weak lensing magnification due to the matter distribution along the line of sight. We consistently derive all the correction terms arising up to second order in perturbation theory and provide analytic expressions as well as order of magnitude estimates for their relative importance. The magnification contributions depend on the geometry of the projected triangle on the sky plane, and scale with different powers of the number count slope and redshift of the galaxy sample considered. We evaluate all terms numerically and show that, depending on the triangle configuration as well as the galaxy sample considered, weak lensing can in general significantly contribute to and alter the three-point correlation function observed through galaxy and quasar catalogs.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures; version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D; v2: typos corrected, figure caption clarifie

    Prominent bulk pinning effect in the MgB_2 superconductor

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    We report the magnetic-field dependence of the irreversible magnetization of the recently discovered binary superconductor MgB2_{2}. For the temperature region of T<0.9TcT< 0.9T_c, the contribution of the bulk pinning to the magnetization overwhelms that of the surface pinning. This was evident from the fact that the magnetization curves, M(H)M(H), were well described by the critical-state model without considering the surface pinning effect. It was also found that the M(H)M(H) curves at various temperatures scaled when the field and the magnetization were normalized by the characteristic scaling factors H(T)H^\ast(T) and M(T)M^\ast(T), respectively. This feature suggests that the pinning mechanism determining the hysteresis in M(H)M(H) is unique below T=TcT=T_c.Comment: 4pages and 4 figures. Phys. Rev. B (accepted

    Superconducting gap structure and pinning in disordered MgB2 films

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    We have performed a comparative study of two thin films of magnesium diboride (MgB2) grown by different techniques. The critical current density at different temperatures and magnetic fields was evaluated from magnetisation curves, the structure of superconducting order parameter was obtained from point-contact spectroscopy, and the scattering rates were evaluated by fitting the temperature dependent normal-state resistivity to the two-band model. The films have similar critical temperatures close to 39 K, but the upper critical fields were different by a factor of 2 (5.2T and 2.5 T at 20 K). We have found that the film with higher Hc2 also had stronger scattering in the sigma band and smaller value of the superconducting gap in this band. As the scattering in sigma band is primarily due to the defects in boron plane, our results are consistent with the assumption that disordering the boron planes leads to enhanced Hc2 and better pinning properties in magnetic field.Comment: Paper presented at EUCAS'0

    Enhancement of Critical Current Density in low level Al-doped MgB2

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    Two sets of MgB2 samples doped with up to 5 at. % of Al were prepared in different laboratories using different procedures. Decreases in the a and c lattice parameters were observed with Al doping confirming Al substitution onto the Mg site. The critical temperature (Tc) remained largely unchanged with Al doping. For 1 - 2.5 at.% doping, at 20K the in-field critical current densities (Jc's) were enhanced, particularly at lower fields. At 5K, in-field Jc was markedly improved, e.g. at 5T Jc was enhanced by a factor of 20 for a doping level of 1 at.% Al. The improved Jcs correlate with increased sample resistivity indicative of an increase in the upper critical field, Hc2, through alloying.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Superconductor Science and Technolog