120 research outputs found

    The work of German oncologist Ferdinand Blumenthal in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, 1933-1937.

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    After the adoption of racial laws in Germany, the well-known German oncologist Ferdinand Blumenthal, one of the founders of cancer research in Germany, left the Third Reich and arrived in Belgrade in October 1933. A German oncologist working in interwar Yugoslavia is interesting for the history of the development of Yugoslav cancer research, which at the time was still in its infancy

    Politika sećanja, istorijski revizionizam i negacionizam u postsocijalističkoj Srbiji

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    This paper explores the phenomenon of revisionism in historiography, while focusing in particular on illegitimate revisionism and negationism. It is indisputably true that historiography must be subject to constant revisions. Like all scientific theories, it needs to be characterized by a sort of “conservative” openness towards new ideas; however, revisions and negations are often put forward without scientific grounding. They reject the well-established historiographical methods, while opening themselves to various kinds of ideologies, biases and manipulations. The paper further offers a synthesized overview of the revisionist practice in dominant parts of the society and historiography in post-communist Serbia. The change in the ideological paradigm that occurred in the 1980s was accompanied by a politically motivated reinterpretation of the past, which primarily focused on World War II in Yugoslavia. In Serbia in the 1990s, Tito’s Partisans were no longer celebrated as national heroes and fighters against fascism; they were replaced by the royalist and nationalist Chetniks led by Draža Mihailović, whose collaboration with the occupying forces was purposefully glossed over. The nationalist interpretation of history and the new revisionist politics in Serbia were supported by the state and the activities of its three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. In spite of the political changes that took place in Serbia in 2000, the dominant nationalist matrix in historical interpretations and revisionist politics remained unchanged.Polazeći od distinkcije između nauke i pseudonauke, rad se bavi pojavama revi-zionizma u naučnoj istoriografiji sa posebnim akcentom na pojave nelegitimnog revizionizma i negacionizma. Iako nije sporno da istoriografija mora da bude pod-ložna konstantnim revizijama, jer kao i svaka naučna teorija mora da ima neku vrstu konzervativne otvorenosti prema novim idejama, česte su pojave nenauč-nih revizija i negacionističkog pristupa. Ove pojave odbacuju utvrđene istorio-grafske metode uz otvaranje prema različitim vrstama pristrasnosti i manipula-cije. U radu se dalje daje sintetizovan pregled revizionističke prakse u dominantnim delovima društva i istoriografije u postkomunističkoj Srbiji. Promena ideološke paradigme krajem osamdesetih godina prošlog veka donela je i politički motivi-sanu reinterpretaciju, pre svega, Drugog svetskog rata na jugoslvoenskom pro-storu. Umesto dotadašnjih Titovih partizana u Srbiji u poslednjoj deceniji 20. veka rojalistički i nacionalistički četnici Draže Mihailovića bivaju proglašeni za nacionalne heroje i borce protiv fašizma, dok se njihova kolaboracija prećutkuje. Nacionalističko tumačenje istorije i nova revizionistička politika u Srbiji uživala je podršku države kroz delatnost sve tri grane vlasti: zakonodavne, izvršne i sud-ske. Uprkos političkim promenama u Srbiji 2000. dominantna nacionalistička matrica u istorijskim interpretacijama i politici revizionizma, nije promenjena

    Izlazak Velike Britanije iz EU: Uzroci i konsekvence jedne istorijske odluke

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    U tekstu se daje sažeta analiza odnosa Velike Britanije i Evropske zajednice⁄unije u kontekstu referenduma o izlasku ostrvske Kraljevine iz navedene asocijacije. U radu se postavljaju pitanja uzroka i traga za dugoročnijim konsekvencama takve odluke. Poseban segment je posvećen uticaju Rusije i njenom odnosu prema dezintegracionim tendencijama unutar Evropske unije kao i refleksiji ovih procesa na balkanski prostor, ali i rezonanci britanskog referenduma u Srbiji

    Adolf Muk

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    Deforestation of the Principality of Serbia, 1830-1878: Overview

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    The goal of this article is to trace the appearance of a pattern of forest mismanagement from the beginnings of modern Serbian state in the 19th century. The article will demonstrate that rapid demographic growth, accompanied by the expansion of arable land due to a gradual transition from animal husbandry to agriculture as the dominant form of economy, led to a vigorous increase in the process of deforestation in the period spanning from the attainment of autonomy (1830) to the wars against the Ottoman Empire (1876-1878). Supremacy of agriculture in the beginning of the 1870s was achieved at the expense of forests, because the increase in agricultural yields in the peasant existential economy, which was characterized by underdeveloped agricultural techniques, meant a continuous expansion of arable land. The example of the Principality of Serbia confirms that in agrarian economies competition between the usufruct of the forest and its potential as agricultural land regularly ends with the removal of the forest

    Soviet-Yugoslav reconciliation as a basic for understanding Tito's role in Hungarian revolution of 1956.

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    This paper analyzes Soviet-Yugoslav relations in the context of the first major crisis between the two countries that started in 1948. The focus is on the period after Stalin’s death, which was followed by a period of detente and reconciliation. This process was not without tensions because the interests of the two countries were in opposition to one another. While the Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev, wanted to return Yugoslavia to the Soviet sphere of influence, Tito considered Yugoslav independence won during the conflict with Stalin as his foreign policy priority. Due to these circumstances, the Hungarian rebellion in the autumn of 1956 against the Soviet occupation was the catalyst for further development of relations between Yugoslavia and the USSR, and these relations are a necessary frame of reference for understanding the politics of Yugoslavia during this Hungarian crisis

    Simbiotička veza istoriografije i nacionalizma u postsocijalističkoj Srbiji

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    Starting from theoretical and methodological presuppositions on the craft of historians, this paper analyses fundamental contemporary challenges in the scientific methodology of history as a science. Placing the post-Socialist historiography in Serbia in the context of present time, the paper especially focuses on revisionist tendencies as constituents of forming a historiography freed of prescriptive norms and principles of scientific methodology, as well as the precisely determined facts. Influenced not only by global but also by very specific domestic particularities of ideological patterns in the past three decades, the historical revisionism has produced a school of thought that places in the foreground different ideological forms of ethnic nationalism as the dominant social matrix in our contemporariness, instead the epistemological and heuristic-interpretative goals and tasks of the science of history

    Nikola Samardžić, Limes: istorijska margina i poreklo posebnosti Jugoistočne Evrope, Beograd, HERAedu, 2017

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    Nikola Samardžić, Limes: istorijska margina i poreklo posebnosti Jugoistočne Evrope, Beograd, HERAedu, 201