29 research outputs found

    Promene vodnog režima listova loznih kalemova tretiranih regulatorima rastenja

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    The effect of foliar application of plant growth regulators, paclobutrazol (1000 mg/L), chlorcholine chloride (200 mg/L) and gibberellic acid (100 mg/L) on leaf water status in grapevine graftlings of cv Cardinal was investigated. After stratification and waxing, young vines were planted into vegetation pots and grown in a glasshouse. Foliar treatments were applied once, twice or three times during the vegetative period, starting on 25 July and every 15 days thereafter. Values of total water potential (Tl) and of relative water content (RWC) were measured over the same period. Results indicate a tendency of increased TL values in leaves of plants repeatedly treated with a growth inhibitor paclobutrazol (-1.18 Mpa) compared with untreated (-1.36 Mpa) as well as plants treated twice with gibberellic acid (-1.37 Mpa). RWC in leaves was significantly increased in the second half of the vegetative period when paclobutrazol was applied twice (78%) in comparison with control (75%). Values of both investigated indices point to a more favorable water status of plants treated during the vegetative period with growth inhibitors compared with untreated and plants treated with gibberellic acid.Ispitivan je uticaj folijarne primene biljnih regulatora rastenja paklobutrazola (1000 mg/1), hlorholinhlorida (200 mg/1) i giberelinske kiseline (100 mg/1), na vodni režim listova loznih kalemova stone sorte kardinal. Mlade biljke su nakon startifikovanja i parafinisanja zasađene u vegetacione sudove i gajene u stakleniku. Tretiranja su obavljena folijarno jednom, dva i tri puta u toku vegetacije, počev od 25. juna sa razmakom od 15 dana. U tom periodu merene su vrednosti ukupnog potencijala vode QĀ„L) i relativnog sadržaja vode (RWC) u listovima. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na tendenciju povećanja vrednosti ukupnog potencijala vode u listovima biljaka viÅ”ekratno tretiranih inhibitorom rastenja, paklobutrazolom (-l,18MPa) u poređenju sa netretiranim (-1,36 MPa) i biljkama dvokratno tretiranim giberelinskom kiselinom (-1,37 MPa). Relativni sadržaj vode u listovima je značajno povećan u drugom delu vegetacije, pri dvokratnom tretmanu paklobutrazolom (78.58%) u poređenju sa netretiranim biljkama (75.65%). Vrednosti ispitivanih pokazatelja vodnog režima ukazuju na bolju snabdevenost vodom biljaka koje su u toku vegetacije tretirane inhibitorima rastenja u poređenju sa netretiranim i biljkama tretiranim giberelinskom kiselinom

    Nasleđivanje nekih morfoloÅ”kih osobina pri hibridizaciji sorti vinove loze Drenak crveni i Afuz-ali

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    The variability and mode of inheritance of young shoot tip, leaf, grape and berry morphological characteristics were investigated in F1 generation obtained by crossing of Drenak crveni and Afuz-ali. Based on seedlings description, considering investigated characteristics, grouping was done by applying O.I.V. method. The conclusions about inheritance of characteristics were obtained based on results of Hi2 test. The consider able variability was expressed in hybrid population. For properties of leaf characteristics (largeness, shape, dividity, and incisions), exception from typical monogenic ratio was determined. The monohybrid inheritance was determined in density of leaf hairs and downs. The monohybrid mode of inheritance was not confirmed in grape characteristics (largeness, compactness and stem length) and berry characteristics (largeness, shape and taste), while skin color is monogenic property.Praćene su varijabilnost i način nasleđivanja morfoloÅ”kih osobina vrha mladog lastara, lista, grozda i bobice u F1 generaciji nastaloj ukrÅ”tanjem sorti Drenak crveni i Afuz-ali. Na osnovu opisa sejanaca izvrÅ”eno njihovo grupisanje po posmatranim obeležjima primenom propisane metode O.I.V-a. Zaključci o načinu nasleđivanja posmatranih osobina doneti su na osnovu rezultata Hi2 testa. U hibridnom potomstvu ispoljena je znatna varijabilnost svih proučavanih osobina. Za osobine razvijenog lista (veličina, oblik, izdeljenost, forma ureza) utvrđeno je od stupanje od odnosa razdvajanja karakterističnog za monogensko nasleđivanje. Za osobine lista kao Å”to su gustina dugih i kratkih malja utvrđeno je da se nasleđuju monogenski. Od osobina grozda i bobice monogenski način nasleđivanja nije potvrđen kod veličine grozda, zbijenosti bobica, dužine peteljke, veličine, oblika i ukusa bobica, dok se boja pokožice nasleđuje monogenski

    Content of heavy metals and radionuclides in grapes grown in aero polluted area near power plant 'Nikola Tesla' in Obrenovac

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    The content of heavy metals and radionuclides in grape berries of four cultivars (Vitis vinifera L): Afuz-ali, Black muskat, SV 18-315 and Pinot noir was investigated. The samples for this analyze originated from four locality with different distant from storage site of ashes that was produced in power plant Nikola Tesla ā€“ Obrenovac. Knowing a dimension of air pollution in the industrial area which is living area too, we set a goal to investigate a content of this element in grape berries that are table grape and source for processing. The obtained values was compared with values from Regulations of maximum levels for metals, metalloids and other contaminants in food (Yugoslav Official Register, No 5/92)

    Klaster analiza klonova autohtone sorte Kreaca (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    The purpose of this paper was to characterize the clones obtained from Kreaca, autochthonous grapevine cultivar of Banat. Based on examination of 6 important biological and technological properties, phenotypic and genetic divergence of 28 selected clones was established. The divergence was determined using ANOVA and hierarchical cluster analysis. Using variance analysis, for grape weight, yield, total acid content, sugar content and sugar/acid ratio very significant or significant differences were obtained between clones. The UPGA method was used and the Euclidean distance in order to determine the difference between the groups. Two clone groups were obtained on the dendrogram. The objective of clone differentiation was primarily cluster weight, although other properties were taken into account as well. As the most perspective clones for further investigation and production, that can be recommended, were clones 12/5/5, 56/11/7 and 69/11/7.U periodu od 2006 do 2008. godine, u zasadima vinove loze 'VrÅ”ački vinogradi' u Gudurici, izvrÅ”ene su sanitarna i masovna pozitivna selekcija sorte vinove loze Kreaca. Sa ukupne povrÅ”ine od 12 ha, na osnovu Å”est značajnih bioloÅ”kih i tehnoloÅ”kih karakteristika izdvojeno je 28 klonova. Primenom ELISA testa kod svih ispitivanih klonova nije utvrđeno prisustvo sledećih ekonomski značajnih virusa: Nepovirus Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), clostero virusa, Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1(GLRaV-1), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2(GLRaV-2) i Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3(GLRaV-3). Primenom ANOVA i hijerarhijske klaster analize određena je divergentnost klonova. Analizom varijanse ustanovljene su veoma značajne ili značajne razlike između klonova za masu grozda, prinos, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina, sadržaj Å”ećera i odnos Å”ećera i kiselina. Fenotipska divergentnost između klonova ustanovljena je primenom hijerarhijske klaster analize. KoriŔćen je UPGA metod, pri čemu je razlika između grupa izražena preko Euklideanovog rastojanja. Na dobijenom dendrogramu izdvojene su dve grupe srodnih klonova. Prvu grupu čine 11 a drugu 17 klonova. Kao najperspektivniji, za kolekcionisanje i dalje Å”irenje u proizvodnji, mogu se preporučiti klonovi 12/5/5, 56/11/7 i 69/11/7

    Procena prinosa grožđa analizom digitalne fotografije čokota vinove loze

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    The grape yield per vine of cv. Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) was evaluated on the basis of digital image processing of vine part. Digital camera was mounted on tripod and used for taking photos of 1 x 1 m portions of canopy. The Adobe Photoshop software was used to analyse image for the colour counting of the blue pixels of grape in the quadrant region. The actual yield was obtained from the photographed vines by hand harvesting of sampled portions. Linear regression was used for calculation of the correlation between blue pixels and grape weight. The relatively strong relationship between blue pixels and grape weight (R2=0.91) was obtained. Based on these results, we can recommend this simple technique for yield forecasting.U radu je prikazan metod procene prinosa grožđa po čokotu na osnovu primene analize nekih elemenata digitalne fotografije. Za analizu su koriŔćene kolor digitalne fotografije čokota vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L.) sorte Kaberne sovinjon na kojima je obuhvaćen deo sa zonom grozdova. Fotografisanje je izvrÅ”eno neposredno pred berbu grožđa, tako Å”to je digitalna kamera montirana na tripod ispred rama koji je označavao zonu od 1 Ɨ 1 m2 i kojim je obuhvaćena cela zona grozdova jednog čokota. Za obradu snimljene fotografije koriŔćen je Adobe Photoshop program uz pomoć kojeg je izvrÅ”eno prebrojavanje svih tačaka i plavih tačaka (piksela) u označenom kvadratu. Odmah po izvrÅ”enom fotografisanju ispitivanog čokota, obrani su svi grozdovi i izmerena je njihova masa. Primenom linearne regresije utvrđena je relativno jaka korelativna zavisnost (R2=0,91) između vrednosti dobijene iz odnosa broja plavih tačaka grozdova / sve tačke fotografije i izmerene mase grožđa. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata, može se preporučiti ova tehnika za brzu, jednostavnu procenu prinosa grožđa u fazi kada bobice poprime punu sortnu boju pokožice


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    Istraživan je stepen rasadničarske kompatibilnosti između novointrodukovanih klonova sorti Chardonnay - BCL 75, VCR4 i Merlot -R18, MCL519 i loznih podloga Kober 5BB (Vitis berlandieri x V. riparia), SO4 (V. berlandieri x V. riparia) i 41B (Chasselas x V. berlandieri). Kao pokazatelj kompatibilnosti poslužio je je prinos visokokvalitetnih loznih kalemova, sadržaj suve materije u zrelim lastarima i razvijenost korenovog sistema. Oba klona sorte Chardonnay su najviÅ”i prinos kalemova I klase ostvarili na loznoj podlozi 41B, gde je razvijena i najveća masa korenovog sistema, zatim na podlozi Kober 5BB, dok su statistički značajno nizi prinosi ostvareni na loznoj podlozi SO4. Sadržaj suve materije u zrelim lastarima ukazuje na dobru sazrelost lastara klonova sorte Chardonnay u svim varijantama ogleda. Klonovi sorte Merlot su ispoljili visok stepen kompatibilnosti sa podlogom Kober 5BB. U istoj varijanti ogleda ostvarena je i najveća masa korenovog sistema. Nezadovoljavajuća kompatibilnost ostvarena je pri kalemljenju klonova sorte Merlot na loznoj podlozi SO4, na Å”ta ukazuje značajno niži prinos kalemova I klase u poređenju sa vrednostima ostvarenim pri kalemljenju na druge istraživane lozne podloge.Level of affi nity between grapevine rootstock and Vitis vinifera as scion, quality of reproductive materials and technological actions in grapevine rootstock production process determine success in grapevine rootstock production in large extent. Practical training showed that difference in level of compatibility between grapevine rootstock and grafted Vitis vinifera cultivars are existing. Direct effects of these differences are unequal yield of fi rst class grafted grapevine rootlings. In this paper, level of compatibility in nursery between clones of cv. Chardonnay BCL 75, VCR4 and cv. Merlot R18, MCL 519 and grapevine rootstocks Kober 5BB (Vitis berlandieri x V. riparia), SO4 (V. berlandieri x V. riparia) and 41B (Chasselas x V.berlandieri) were investigated. The trial was conducted in commercial grapevine nursery located in Velika Drenova, Serbia. As an index of compatibility, grade of high quality grapevine grafted rootlings, dry matter in mature shoots and root system development were used. Grafting was done by `tongue grafting` indoor technique. Stratifi cation was done in sand, on temperature of the stratifi cation material of 26-28oC, and humidity of around 90%. Grafted cuttings were waxed twice: before stratifi cation, and before planting in the nursery. Grafted rootlings were classed in two classes according to regulations of quality, (Yugoslav Offi cial Register, 26/79). Grafted rootlings that did not satisfi ed standard criteria were discarded. Both clones of cv. Chardonnay gave the highest percentage of I class grafted rootlings on grapevine rootstock 41B: clone BCL 75 ā€“ 60% and clone VCR4 ā€“ 61%. In the same combination, those grapevine grafted rootlings had the highest weight of the root system. Lower percentage of obtained I class grafted rootlings was established on rootstock Kober 5BB, while statistically signifi cantly lower yields were obtained on grapevine rootstock SO4: clone BCL75 ā€“ 43% and clone VCR4 ā€“ 48%. Dry matter content in mature shoots is showing good maturity of shoots in cv. Chardonnay in all experiment combinations and varies from 53% up to 54%. Clones of Merlot, in this investigation, showed the highest level of compatibility with rootstock Kober 5BB. Percentage of I class grafted rootlings on this rootstock for clone R18 was 66%, and for clone MCL 519 was 62%. In the same experiment combination the highest root weight was established as well. The low degree of grafting compatibility was obtained by grafting Merlot clones on rootstock SO4, that is shown by signifi cantly lower percentage of produced I class grafted rootlings in relation to obtained values by grafting on other examined grapevine rootstocks (clone R18/SO4 ā€“ 51%; clone MCL519/SO4 ā€“ 50%)

    Uticaj različitog stepena opterećenja čokota okcima na rodnost, prinos i kvalitet vina klonova sorte Šardone, VCR4 i BCL75

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    The basic parameters of grape productivity and yield, as well as, of wine quality of Chardonnay clones BCL75 and VCR4 were investigated at different bud load levels. The increase in bud loads caused the decrease of the developed shoot percentage without significant changes in the percentage of productive shoots in both observed clones. The increase of bud loads caused the increase of the number of grape branches per vine and the decrease of productivity per bud, developed and productive shoot. At the lowest bud load (12 buds per vine) of the clone VCR4 the yield was low and sugar and total acids contents were high. The significantly increased yield, maintained aroma, high sugar and total acids contents in grape must were obtained at 24 and 36 buds per vine. Wine has a complex flavour and taste, it is exotically fruity and full bodied. A bud load from 12 to 24 buds per vine can be a recommended norm for the clone BCL75. Produced wines had herby flavour accompanied with fruit aroma on apple and peach, and very fresh flavour vivacited, balanced, with expressed aromatic fruit note. The poor wines with weak aroma were obtained at large bud loads and high yields.Istraživani su osnovni pokazatelji rodnosti, prinosa i kvaliteta grožđa i vina klonova sorte Å ardone BCL75 i VCR4, pri različitom stepenu opterećenja čokota zimskim okcima. Kod oba istraživana klona, sa povećanjem opterećenja smanjuje se procenat razvijenih lastara, bez značajnih promena u procentu rodnih lastara. Sa povećanjem opterećenja čokota okcima povećava se broj grozdova po čokotu, a smanjuje rodnost po okcu, razvijenom i rodnom lastaru. Kod klona VCR4 pri najmanjem opterećenju (12 okaca/čokotu) ostvareni su veoma niski prinosi i visok nivo Å”ećera i ukupnih kiselina u Å”iri. Pri opterećenju čokota od 24 i 36 okaca, postignuti su značajno viÅ”i prinosi uz očuvan visok nivo Å”ećera i ukupnih kiselina u Å”iri. Vino je kompleksno na mirisu i ukusu, sa mirisom egzotičnog voća, bogato telom. Zbog niskih prinosa u varijanti 1, ne preporučuje se opterećenje od 12 okaca po čokotu. Kod klona BCL75 preporučeno opterećenje okcima kreće se u okvirima Varijante 1 i 2 i iznosi od 12 do 24 okca po čokotu. Dobijena vina su sa mirisom herbe, sa pratećim mirisom voća - jabuka i breskva, na ukusu živa, veoma sveža, uravnotežena, sa izraženom aromatičnom snagom voća. Pri većem opterećenju okcima i viÅ”im prinosima, dobijaju se slabija vina razblažene arome


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    The research was carried out at University of Belgrade Faculty of Agriculture experimental station ā€œRadmilovacā€ on table grape Victoria cv with aim to improve grape quality and with consideration the introduction of these ampelographic measures in regular grapevine growing. The research included two treatments of berry thinning (thinning bunch tip - BtT and first lateral wink -BtW), girdling (G) and control (C). Combined effect of berry thinning and girdling were not examined. The following features were examined: fertility and yield, bunch and berry dimensions, bunch and berry structure, sugar content and total acidity. The thinning treatments did not have significant effect on uvometric parameters and grape quality, but they improved the yield by 41.7% (BtW) and 51.4% (BtT) in comparison to the control. It can be explained by bad fruit set influenced by unfavourable meteorological conditions during flowering in control treatment. Berry thinning achieves a better fruit set. Berry thinning should be applied as a regular ampelographic measure according to weather conditions during flowering phonological stage. Results confirm the positive influence of girdling. The yield was increased by 88,34% compared to control, berries had a higher diameter (for about 1mm with respect to control), fruit set and bunch mass were in higher level against other treatments, sugar content (17,00%), total acidity (5,75 g/L) were improved too. Girdling can be introduced as a regular ampelographic measure in the table cultivars vineyards, in order to obtain higher yields and better quality of table grape

    Genetic diversity of a Serbian grapevine germplasm collection based on morphoagronomic characteristics

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate diversity and relationships among grapevine cultivars from the Serbian gene bank in Sremski Karlovci, and to identify the most useful variables for discrimination. A total of 54 grapevine cultivars have been studied. During the period 2000-2005, twelve quantitative and qualitative characteristics were evaluated using OIV categories to each trait. Characterization was done using multivariate statistical analyses: cluster and principal component analysis (PCA), Based on cluster analysis cultivars divided into three major groups and the clustering pattern was related to the classical eco-geographical grouping: occidentalis, pontica and orientalis. Beside geographic origin clustering position of cultivars throughout the dendrogram was related to main uses. The major part (70.1%) of the total variation presented was explained by four principal components. PC1 is highly correlated with the bunch and berry size and PC2 with the density of prostrate hairs of young shoot tip and the density of prostrate hairs between veins on the lower side of mature leaf. The overall arrangement of cultivars suggests considerable phenotypical (and presumably genetic) variability in studied germplasm collection. Furthermore, obtained results may be useful for further utilization of available genetic resources in gene bank managers, growing and breeding