21 research outputs found


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    Psychopharmacotherapy does not stand alone. The act of prescribing involves much than solely choosing "best" medication. It seems that somewhere in the process of trying to objectify and scientify our therapy, we have neglected an important and effective dimensions of it. Psychopharmacology should consider much more than just biological dimension of drugs. Psychological, social and behavioral factors that influence drug metabolism, efficacy and side-effects are largely overlooked. Obviously, the subtext of information provided by the medical professional inevitably contains suggestion. Important part of that subtext is consisted in way we think of it, we talk of it and we perform that information. Defining of preformative and performative psychopharmacotherapy was atempted as well as desciption of narrative creative person-centered psychopharmacotherapy. Studies that indicate that medicines (SSRI) do not work on its own but as amplifier of the influence of the living conditions on mood are provided. Undirected susceptibility to change hypothesis which request acknowledging the importance of social, psychological, environmental factors to explain such the mechanisms underlying the recovery from the disease is explained. Understanding the role of medicines (SSRIs) as amplifier of the influence of the living conditions on mood represents a critical step in developing a creative, person-centered psychopharmacotherapy aimed at better matching patients with treatment and avoiding potential harmful consequences


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    Introduction: Addiction is not solely ā€œsubstance dependenceā€. Diminished control is a core defining concept of psychoactive substance addiction. Several behaviors, besides psychoactive substance ingestion, produce short-term reward that may engender diminished control over the behavior. Growing evidence suggests that behavioral addictions resemble substance addictions in many domains, including phenomenology, tolerance, comorbidity, overlapping genetic contribution, neurobiological mechanisms, and response to treatment. This similarity has given rise to the concept of non-substance or behavioral addictions, i.e., syndromes analogous to substance addiction, but with a behavioral focus. The type of excessive behaviors identified as being addictive include gambling, use of computers, playing video games, use of the internet, exercise, and shopping. Behavioral addictions have been proposed as a new class in DSM-5, but the only category included is gambling disorder. Internet gaming disorder is included in the appendix as a condition for further study. The ICD-11 included also the definition of a new disorder, gaming disorder. To present actual knowledge about behavioral addictions in childhood and adolescence Methods: Analysis of data in available literature in data basis and textbooks. Results: Some behavioral addictions are becoming more common in children and adolescents. Dominant are gaming and gambling addiction that are also best researched. Conclusions: Behavioral addiction becomes an epidemic in children and adolescents


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    Komunikacija je mnogo viÅ”e od izgovorene riječi same po sebi. Svako ponaÅ”anje koje možemo zamijetiti, čak i izostanak akcije ima potencijal da ga druga osoba interpretira i pripiÅ”e mu određeno značenje. U psihoterapijskom procesu, kao i u svim međuljudskim komunikacijama, osim verbalne komunikacije i neverbalna je stalno prisutna. Pacijenti i terapeuti ne moraju biti svjesni vlastite osjetljivosti na neverbalne poruke koje tijelo odaÅ”ilje. Prelazak s analitičkog kauča na grupni setting omogućio je povratak tijela u psihoterapiju. Jedna bitna razlika između grupa i dijada jest veća dostupnost govora tijela i izraza lica u komunikaciji nego Å”to bi to slučaj u individualnoj situaciji na kauču. Govor tijela u psihoterapiji često se previđa. U članku se podsjeća na važnost govora tijela i izraza lica koji privlače sve veću pozornost u modernoj psihoterapiji. Prikazane su i vinjete iz grupnih seansi koje prikazuju govor tijela i izraze lica u interakciji u grupi.Communication is much more than a spoken word. Any behavior we can observe, even the absence of action, has the potential for another person to interpret it and attribute a certain meaning to it. In psychotherapeutic process, as in any interpersonal communication, besides verbal, non-verbal communication is constantly present. Patients and therapists may not be aware of their own sensitivity to nonverbal messages that body language conveys. The transition from the analytical couch to group setting enabled the body to return into psychotherapy. One significant difference between groups and dyads is in increased availability of body language and facial expressions in communication than it is case in an individual situation on the couch. We often overlook body language in psychotherapy. The article reminds of importance of body language and facial expressions, which attract increasing attention in modern psychotherapy. Vignettes from group sessions showing body language and facial expressions interacting i the group are also presented


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    Introduction: The eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) is planned to be published in 2018. So called, ā€žbeta versionā€œ of the chapter of mental and behavioral disorders (ICD-11) is already available and it is considered that there will be no significant deviations in the final version. The DSM-5 was released in 2013. Changes related to mental disorders in child and adolescent psychiatry have been made in both of these classifications. To identify changes in the classifications of mental disorders in childhood and adolescent age in beta version of ICD-11 and DSM-5. Methods: Review of mental disorders in childhood and adolescent age and their classification in ICD-11 and DSM-5. Results: For disorders that are classified as ā€œmental retardationā€ in ICD-10, a new term ā€œintellectual development disordersā€ has been introduced in ICD-11, ie ā€œintellectual disabilitiesā€ in DSM-5. Hyperactivity disorders and attention deficit is a separate entity in relation to ICD-10, in which it is classified as a hyperkinetic disorder. Asperger\u27s syndrome, which is isolated from autism spectrum disorders in DSM-5, does not appear under that name in ICD-11 either. Elimination disorders are in a separate block MKB-11 and DSM-5. Speech and language disorders are classified as communication disorders in the DSM-5 classification. Selective mutism and anxiety separation disorder in childhood are in the block of anxiety and fear-related disorders in ICD-11, and among anxiety disorders in DSM-5, respectively. Reactive emotional disorder and disinhibited attachment disorder of childhood are classified as stress-related disorders in ICD-11 and DSM-5. Conclusions: The new classifications (ICD-11 and DSM-5) classify mental disorders in child and adolescent psychiatry somewhat differently from their antecedents. New entities have also been formed


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    Sexual functioning of war veterans is significantly under-explored. During devastating aggression on Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) around 400 thousand soldiers were included in combats. It is estimated that more than 100 000 persons were killed, and more tha n 60 000 them were soldiers. Vast majority of them were deployed since war is ended. We found high prevalence of sexual dysfunctions in war veterans. Also significant difference in several areas of sexual functioning between war veterans with and without sympt oms of posttraumatic stress disorder was found