
Psychopharmacotherapy does not stand alone. The act of prescribing involves much than solely choosing "best" medication. It seems that somewhere in the process of trying to objectify and scientify our therapy, we have neglected an important and effective dimensions of it. Psychopharmacology should consider much more than just biological dimension of drugs. Psychological, social and behavioral factors that influence drug metabolism, efficacy and side-effects are largely overlooked. Obviously, the subtext of information provided by the medical professional inevitably contains suggestion. Important part of that subtext is consisted in way we think of it, we talk of it and we perform that information. Defining of preformative and performative psychopharmacotherapy was atempted as well as desciption of narrative creative person-centered psychopharmacotherapy. Studies that indicate that medicines (SSRI) do not work on its own but as amplifier of the influence of the living conditions on mood are provided. Undirected susceptibility to change hypothesis which request acknowledging the importance of social, psychological, environmental factors to explain such the mechanisms underlying the recovery from the disease is explained. Understanding the role of medicines (SSRIs) as amplifier of the influence of the living conditions on mood represents a critical step in developing a creative, person-centered psychopharmacotherapy aimed at better matching patients with treatment and avoiding potential harmful consequences

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