1 research outputs found

    Climate change and equestrian empires in the Eastern Steppes: new insights from a high-resolution Lake Core in Central Mongolia

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    The repeated expansion of East Asian steppe cultures was a key driver of Eurasian history, forging new social, economic, and biological links across the continent. Climate has been suggested as important driver of these poorly understood cultural expansions, but paleo-climate records from the Mongolian Plateau often suffer from poor age control or ambiguous proxy interpretation. Here, we use a combination of geochemical analyses and comprehensive radiocarbon dating to establish the first robust and detailed record of paleo-hydrological conditions for Lake Telmen, Mongolia, covering the past ~4000 years. Our record shows that humid conditions coincided with solar minima, and hydrological modelling confirms the high sensitivity of the lake to paleo-climate changes. Careful comparisons with archaeological and historical records suggest that in the vast semi-arid grasslands of eastern Eurasia, solar minima led to reduced temperatures, less evaporation, and high biomass production, expanding the power base for pastoral economies and horse cavalry. Our findings suggest a crucial link between temperature dynamics in the Eastern Steppe and key social developments, such as the emergence of pastoral empires, and fuel concerns that global warming enhances water scarcity in the semi-arid regions of interior Eurasia.1. Introduction 2. Results 2.1 Sediment core chronology 2.2 Sedimentological and geochemical analyses 2.3 Isotope analyses, evaporation index (EI), and paleohydrology 3. Discussion 3.1 External forcing on the regional climate 3.2 Hydrological modelling 3.3 Climate impact on human history in Mongolia Method