410 research outputs found

    Nuovi dati sull’espansione di Parkinsonia aculeata (Caeasalpinaceae) in Sicilia

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    New data about the expansion of Parkinsonia aculeata L. (Caesalpinaceae) in Sicily are reported. The species, cultivated as ornamental, has known as a naturalized since 1977. Data on new finding localities, near Menfi, Sciacca, Canicattì (Agrigento), Misilmeri (Palermo) and Catania are given

    Vascular flora evolution in the Soqotra Archipelago (Indian Ocean)

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    The main floristic and vegetational features of the Soqotra Archipelago are outlined. The theories of vicariance and dispersal are commented with the support of examples suggesting the idea that both are complementary in the establishment and evolution of the flora of Soqotra. Finally the relation of alien vs natural elements of the flora is analyzed

    Ambienti umidi effimeri e naturalità del paesaggio in Sicilia

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    This paper analyzes the relationship between vegetal communities conservation state and surrounding landscape naturalness. Expert-based assessment, based on phytosociological releves, has been used to define the qualitative condition of vegetal coenoses. Landscape naturalness has been assessed using Naturalness Evaluation Index (NEI). Analysis showed strong correlation between landscape naturalness and assemblages conservation state. Ephemeral wetlands survival is tied to proper conservation of surrounding territory

    Ipotesi progettuale per un giardino pubblico “australiano” ai Danisinni, nella città di Palermo

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    It is presented a project aimed at achieving a public garden theme “Australia” to Danisinni, in Palermo. The idea is based mainly on the consideration that the image of Palermo, resulting from the urban climate and flora in its main public spaces and within private gardens; on the view that in Palermo has a garden to English G. B. F. Basile, the first and last example of a public garden designed as such from its inception; last but not least, the propulsive action of the Botanical garden, behind the idea of conceiving an urban design, structured by a system of theme parks, in order to affirm the cosmopolitan character of Palermo. The project of urban Danisinni depression shows an area, covering 12 hectares, which grows around the historic township of the same name that has always been characterized by a marked condition of marginality, combined with urban and social decay. The “Australian”, which symbolizes the species, more than any other in the city, became in time an emblem of urban beauty of he Sicilian capital

    Efecto de aplicación del biofertilizante Avibiol en tres diferentes dosis en la producción del apio Apium graveolens L. (Umbeliferae), en condiciones del Valle de Santa Catalina

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se desarrolló en el Campus II de la Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego de Trujillo, situado en el distrito de Laredo en la localidad de Nuevo Barraza con el objeto de determinar el efecto de aplicación del Biofertilizante AVIBIOL en tres diferentes dosis en la producción del apio (Apium graveolens L), en condiciones del valle de Santa Catalina. El diseño experimental utilizado fue de Bloques Completamente al Azar, con cuatro tratamientos 0, 160, 180, 200 litros del Biofertilizante AVIBIOL por hectárea y cuatro repeticiones. Las aplicaciones se realizaron en forma foliar y en dos oportunidades con quince días de intervalo entre aplicaciones y veinte días después del trasplante, las plagas y enfermedades que se presentaron fueron controlados oportunamente y haciendo labores de control cultural, etológico y químico. Realizado el trabajo de campo se observó que es el tratamiento 3 el que consigue los mayores resultados así tenemos que logra la mayor altura de planta con 51.75 cm mientras que el tratamiento 1 o testigo sin aplicación 45.25 y 43.50 cm respectivamente, es decir un promedio de 7.38 cm menos. Igualmente en lo que respecta al diámetro de planta es en el tratamiento 3 (200 L/ha) el que logra el mayor índice con 69.26 mm, es decir 7.1 mm más que el tratamiento 1 y el Testigo sin aplicación.The present research work was developed in Campus II of the Antenor Orrego Private University of Trujillo located in the district of Laredo in the town of Nuevo Barraza in order to determine the effect of application of the Biofertilizer AVIBIOL in three different doses in the production of celery (Apium graveolens L.), in conditions of the Santa Catalina valley. The experimental design used was of Completely Random Blocks, with four treatments 0, 160, 180, 200 liters of Biofertilizer AVIBIOL per hectare and four repetitions. The applications were made in foliar form and on two occasions with fifteen days of interval between applications and twenty days after the transplant, the plagues and diseases that were presented were controlled in a timely manner and doing cultural, ethological and chemical control tasks. Once the field work was carried out, it was observed that treatment 3 achieved the highest results, thus achieving the highest plant height with 51.75 cm while treatment 1 or control without application 45.25 and 43.50 cm respectively, that is, an average of 7.38 cm shorter. Equally as regards the diameter of the plant, it is in treatment 3 (200 L / ha) that it achieves the highest index with 69.26 mm, that is, 7.1 mm more than treatment 1 and the control without application.Tesi

    Diseño de un sistema logístico para la reducción de costos operativos en una empresa del rubro lácteo – Cajamarca

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal diseñar un sistema logístico para reducir los costos operativos en una empresa del rubro lácteo – Cajamarca, la cual, en la actualidad no cuenta con un sistema logístico establecido; por lo que, se realizó en 3 áreas: en el área de aprovisionamiento, dónde se encontró que no existe criterios de evaluación, selección y homologación de proveedores, no existe personal encargado para el área de compras, en el área de almacén se pudo observar que no existe clasificación de los productos y un control sistemático de sus productos; debido a que sus registros lo realizan en cuadernos. En cuanto al área de inventarios no hay personal asignado y capacitado, tienen desconocimiento de su inventario real y no cuentan con un kárdex físico para ingresar sus datos y actualizar sus registros; lo que, conllevó en incremento de costos en dichas áreas; la metodología utilizada fue pre experimental –Transversal – Explicativo, Finalmente, con el diseño del sistema logístico propuesto permitió reducir los costos operativos significativamente, notándose los resultados de los indicadores que se han desarrollado positivamente y juntamente con el análisis económico lo que confirma que el proyecto es viable, obteniéndose un VAN > 0 generando una rentabilidad de 99,735 soles en un periodo de 5 años, y un TIR de 70% mayor a la taza de COK y un IR de 2.87 soles, esto significa que por cada sol invertido se gana s/ 1.87.The main objective of this research is to design a logistics system to reduce operating costs in a dairy-Sector company , which currently does not have an established logistics system; therefore, it was carried out in 3 areas: in the area of supply, where it was found that there are no criteria for evaluation, selection and approval of suppliers, there is no personnel in charge for the procurement area, in the warehouse area it was observed that there is no classification of the products and a systematic control of their products; so, your records are made in notebooks. As for the inventory area there are no assigned and trained personnel, they have no knowledge of their actual inventory and do not have a physical kárdex to enter their data and update their records; which, involved increased costs in these areas; the methodology used was pre-experimental –Transversal – Explanatory, Finally, with the design of the proposed logistics system, it reduced operating costs significantly, Noting the results of the indicators that have been developed positively and together with the economic analysis which confirms that the project is viable, obtaining a VAN > 0 generating a profitability of 99,735 soles over a period of 5 years, and a TIR of 70% greater than the COK cup and an IR of 2.87 soles, this means that for each sun invested is gained s/ 1.87

    Studio botanico finalizzato al recupero del paesaggio vegetale dell’Area archeologica di Lilibeo presso Marsala (Sicilia occidentale)

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    Viene presentato uno studio botanico volto al recupero del paesaggio vegetale dell’Area Archeologica di Capo Lilibeo (Marsala). Il progetto prevede l’eradicazione delle specie esotiche ad alto grado di invasività quali Ailanthus altissima e Vachellia karroo, il risanamento fitosanitario dei viali di Palme delle Canarie e la sostituzione degli individui malformati con specie ornamentali altamente decorative e a basso grado di invasività. E’ previsto l’impiego di specie afferenti agli stadi più evoluti dei sigmataxa Chamaeropo humilis- Querceto calliprini sigmetum ed al Pistacio lentisci- Chamaeropo humilis sigmetum al fine di assicurare i migliori risultati contro l’espansione della componente esotica ad alto grado di invasività.A plan based on a previous botanical investigation is presented here in order of recovering the plant landscape of the archaeological area o fthe Lilibeo Cape near Marsala. It includes the uprooting of highly invasive exotics such as Ailanthus altissima and Vachellia karroo, the recovery of the Canary date palms the replacement of disfigured tree specimens using less invasive ornamental trees. In addition, species belonging to the final stages of the sigmataxa Chamaeropo humilis- Querceto calliprini sigmetum and of the Pistacio lentisci- Chamaeropo humilis sigmetum in order to oppose successful barriers against the most invasive aliens

    Improving Energy Efficiency with the Risk of Investment of Reference to Urban Development of Zielona Góra

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    The purpose of this article is a risk assessment of investments aimed at increasing the energy efficiency of urban development, in accordance with the terms agreed in the common EU policy, which would be cost-effective and optimal in technical, social and political terms. Factors affecting the change in the energy efficiency of selected buildings were determined by using multi-criteria comparative analysis. An attempt was made of economic justification of future energy-efficient building on the example of research carried out in the area of one of the quarters of Zielona Góra, taking into account a possibility of gaining funds from the European Union in a new 2014-2020 perspective. Investment activities were prioritized on the basis of the achieved synthetic indexes, hence giving the answer on priority in establishing activities in local politics

    Reconstruction after a programmed disaster. The construction of a dam: Zuri and Cantalupo Ligure, Italy

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    In this essay we present two case studies of the research “The ‘Osso’ of Italy” of submerged settlements: restoration, reconstruction and translation of memories. The main objective is an in-depth and comprehensive study of submerged settlements as consequence of the construction of water reservoirs. These operations which took place mostly between the 1930s and the 1950s, common in Italy and Spain, triggered three phenomena: the disappearance of villages and their rediscovery for tourism purposes; the construction of new population centres with the related problem of the production of memories; and the translation of memories of buildings dismounted before their submersion into new buildings, or parts of them. These two cases are related because the first one, the submersion of the village of Zuri in Sardinia in the early 1920s seems to have become a model of reconstruction for other cases in Italy, while the second one, the Cantalupo Ligure (Alessandria) case, was finally not carried out. The “planned” disaster which represents the construction of a dam is a good opportunity to analyse the reconstruction plans which involved the population historically and which at present constitutes an opportunity to reflect on the needs of the population when their homes are about to disappear. It enables us also to reflect on the topic of “collective memory” in order to build new concepts through which to analyse and design very contemporary fields of study, themes and topics, such as those related to villages in areas with high seismic risk or hydro-geological instability