32 research outputs found

    Developing Red Chilli Downstream Business In Simalungun District

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    This training held at Gondang Rejo Farmers Group, Bandar Huluan District, Simalungun District. The purpose of this training is (1) provide broader knowledge to farmers in handling post-harvest red chili; (2) train and guide farmers in managing red chili to become a durable food product; and (3) increasing the economic value of red chili so that farmers do not experience losses when the harvest is abundant, and the price of chili is low. Development of local commodities, especially red chili; providing training material in the process of product manufacturing and packaging; Implementation of this training is the processing of fresh red chili into powdered red chili using a simple dryer and grinder capable of producing chili powder products that have a longer shelf life and are in accordance by the standard.The outcome will developed skill abilty,built networking and encourage red chilli farmers interest to increase the amount of production for continuity the supply side. By developing the downstream red chilli it could increase the income of the red chili farmers

    Visualization of Amplified DNA of Origin of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Germplasm PT. Socfindo Based on Three SSR Primers

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    ABSTRACT   The oil palm plant is a one-piece plant included in Palmae's family. Molecular marking applications can be used to improve efficiency in analyzing genetic relationships, gene mapping, and marker-assisted selection (MAS) in oil palm plants. This study aims to determine the visualization of the amplification of DNA of Origin of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Germplasm PT. Socfindo Based on Three SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) Primers. The material analyzed is the 14 origin of oil palm originating from the germplasm of PT. Socfindo. The results showed the size of DNA bands that varied from 138 bp to 308 bp. The lowest band size was found on the FR-0782 primers, namely 138-211 bp and the polymorphic percentage was 60%

    The effect of drought stress on root morphology of several red rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) in the vegetative phase

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    This study aims to determine the effect of drought stress on root morphology, namely root length, root volume, and dry root weight of red rice on the vegetative phase. This research began in July-October 2018 in the Greenhouse area of ​​the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 2 treatment factors, namely, genotype consisting of 5 red rice genotypes (Inpago 7 variety, B11908D-MR-2-2-4 strain, B11423G-MR-17 strain, B11186G-MR-3-1-18-1 strain, and G15175C-TB-13 strain) and watering frequency consisting of 4 levels of treatment (every day, once every 5 days, once every 10 days and 15 days) with 5 replications. The results showed that the genotypes of red rice showed significant differences in root length, root volume, and dry weight of root. B1186G-MR-3-1-18-1 strain has the highest average root length (42.29 cm), root volume (29.63 ml), and dry weight of root  (6.46 g) compared to other strains. Watering frequency of every 15 days shows the highest root length average (42.51 cm), watering frequency of every 5 days shows the highest root height average (24.60 ml), dry weight of root (5.21 g), and interaction between the genotypes of red rice and the frequency of watering does not show a significant effect

    The Effect of Drought Stress on Root Morphology of Several Red Rice Genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) in the Vegetative Phase

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    Red rice is rice consumed without going through the process of ignition, which has nutrients such as fiber, essential fatty acids and several other vitamins. One abiotic stress which is the limiting factor in the cultivation of red rice is drought stress.This study aims to determine the effect of drought stress on root morphology, namely root length, root volume, and dry root weight of red rice on vegetative phase. This research began in July-October 2018 in the Greenhouse area of ​​the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan. This study used a randomized block design (RBD) with 2 treatment factors, namely, genotype consisting of 5 red rice genotypes (Inpago 7 variety, B11908D-MR-2-2-4 strain, B11423G-MR-17 strain, B11186G-MR-3-1-18-1 strain, and G15175C-TB-13 strain) and watering frequency consisting of 4 levels of treatment (every day, once every 5 days, once every 10 days and 15 days) with 5 replications. The results showed that the genotypes of red rice showed significant differences in root length, root volume, and dry weight of root. B1186G-MR-3-1-18-1 strain has the highest average root length (42.29 cm), root volume (29.63 ml), and dry weight of root  (6.46 g) compared to other strains. Watering frequency of every 15 days shows the highest root length average (42.51 cm), watering frequency of every 5 days shows the highest root height average (24.60 ml), dry weight of root (5.21 g), and interaction between the genotypes of red rice and the frequency of watering does not show a significant effect

    Pola Sebaran Karakter - Karakter Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merril) Hasil Persilangan Grobogan Dengan Genotipa Tahan Salin Pada Turunan F2: Distribution pattern of growth and production characters of hybrid soybean (glycine max L. Merrill) varieties of soybean genotypes resistant Grobogan with saline at F2

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    Pola Sebaran karakter-karakter pertumbuhan dan produksi kedelai (glycine max L. Merril) hasil persilangan grobogan dengan genotipa tahan salin pada turunan F2, dibimbing oleh Rosmayati dan Eva Sartini Bayu.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi karakter pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman kedelai hasil persilangan pada tanah salin. Penelitian ini dilakukan di dalam rumah kasa Fakultas Pertanian USU (± 25 meter dpl) pada bulan April sampai bulan Agustus 2015. Benih F2 diperoleh dari penelitian sebelumnya dengan menggunakan benih hasil persilangan varietas grobogan dengan genotipa kedelai tahan salin. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian untuk seluruh hasil persilangan didapatkan bahwa untuk karakter jumlah daun, umur berbunga, jumlah polong, jumlah polong berisi, jumlah polong hampa, bobot biji, jumlah biji, dan umur panen tidak ada yang berdistribusi normal. Semua karakter tersebut menunjukan sebaran yang tidak normal yang dipengaruhi oleh adanya gen aditif epistasis duplikat maupun komplementer   Distribution pattern of growth and production characters of hybrid soybean (glycine max L. Merrill) varieties of soybean genotypes resistant Grobogan with saline at F2, guided by Rosmayati and Eva Sartini Bayu. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the character of the growth and production of soybean plants from F2 in saline soil. This research was carried out in home screen of the Faculty of Agriculture USU (± 25 meters above sea level) in April till August 2015. The F2 seeds obtained from previous studies using Grobogan varieties of seeds from crosses with saline resistant soybean genotypes. The results showed that for plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, flowering dates, number of pods containing the number of empty pods, seed weight, number of seeds, and harvesting is not normally distributed. All of these characters shows the distribution is not normal is influenced by the presence of an additive gene duplicates or complementary epistasis

    Penampilan Morfologi Akar Beberapa Hasil Persilangan (F1) Tanaman Jagung pada Media Tanam Tanah Gambut dengan Penambahan Bahan Organik Leguminosa di Rhizotron: Morphological Root Performance of Hybrid Maize (F1) in Peat Soil Medium Applicated with Legume Organic Manure in Rhizotron

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    The maize in indonesia mostly use land that is not fertile. The objective of the research was identified the selection character based on root morphology of hybrid maize (F1) in peat soil medium applicated with legume organic manure in rhizotron. The research was conducted at the greenhouse of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, from February until July 2017. The Randomized Block Design was used with two factors, the first factor is the population (V1, V2, V3, V4, V5) and the second factor is the planting medium (peat soil, peat soil + leucena, peat soil + mucuna). The parameters observed were: the number of root, the length of root, the diameter of root dispersed, the fresh weight of the canopy, the fresh weight of root and the dry weight of root. The result showed that the population F1 significantly affected the number of root, the volume of root, the fresh weight of root and the dry weight of root. The planting medium significantly affected the number of root, the length of root, the diameter of root dispersed, the volume of root, the fresh weight of the canopy, the fresh weight of root, the dry weight of root. Interaction between the population F1 NEI9008 x CLA46 (V5) and the planting medium peat soil + mucuna significantly affected the fresh weight of root. Tanaman jagung di Indonesia banyak menggunakan lahan yang tidak subur.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menduga karakter seleksi morfologi akar tanaman jagung dari beberapa hasil persilangan (F1) terhadap pemberian bahan organik leguminosa pada media tanam tanah gambut di rhizotron. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di rumah kaca Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara Medan, pada bulan Februari sampai dengan Juli 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 2 faktor perlakuan yaitu. Populasi (V1, V2, V3, V4, V5) sebagai faktor pertama dan media tanam (gambut, gambut+bo lamtoro dan gambut+bo mucuna) sebagai faktor kedua. Peubah amatan yang diamati adalah jumlah akar, panjang akar, volume akar, diameter sebaran akar, bobot basah tajuk, bobot kering tajuk, bobot basah akar, dan bobot kering akar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan populasi F1 berpengaruh nyata pada tinggi tanaman, jumlah akar, volume akar, bobot basah akar, and bobot kering akar. Media tanam berpengaruh sangat nyata pada jumlah akar, panjang akar, diameter sebaran akar, volume akar, bobot basah tajuk, bobot kering tajuk, bobot basah akar, bobot kering akar. Interaksi antara populasi F1 NEI9008 x CLA46 (V5) dengan media tanam gambut + bo mucuna berpengaruh nyata pada bobot basah akar

    Application of Chopper Machinery Technology from Oil Palm Fronds in Huta Gondang Rejo Nagori Bandar Tongah Bandar Hands, Regency of Simalungun

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    This community service activity aims to improve the efficiency of cattle farm business in Huta Gondang Rejo Nagori Bandar Tongah Bandar Huluan Subdistrict Simalungun Regency through the use of pellet complete feed based on palm oil fronds and agricultural waste. This activity is conducted on cattle ranchers who are members of the farming community group Huta Gondang Rejo. Farmers are given counseling and training on the processing of palm oil fronds and agricultural waste into livestock feed and the establishment of a complete ration of palm-based pellet and agricultural waste. To facilitate the transfer of this technology to the breeder, then prepared a complete feed pellet with 5 types of machines. Palm Crusher Counter Machines or Palm Crafter Engines with a capacity of 600 kg/hour. Pellet printing machine (granulator) with capacity of 100 kg/hour. Mixer machine (mixer feed) with a capacity of 50 kg/stir. Dryer (Oven) with capacity of 10 kg/rack. Manual press feed press tool with specification 2 kg/print. Measuring the success of this activity is seen from the level of farmer adoption of pelleting technology and the difference of ration conversion between cattle that get complete feed and conventional or traditional. Performance of palm cropping machine for cattle that get complete pellet feed is better than cattle that get conventional or traditional feed. This Chopper machine can count the palm stem from the tip of the base of the leaf to the stem (80% of the palm stem). Through the activities of plant waste feed technology is expected to achieve some outcomes, namely, improve the productivity of farming through the system integration of livestock combine farming system with synergistic system to form an effective, efficient and environmentally friendly.&nbsp

    Periode Kritis Pengendalian Gulma Pada Tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.): Critical periode of weed control in Zea mays L

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    Gulma sangat merugikan pada tanaman jagung karena kompetisi terhadap cahaya, air dan unsure hara. Kompetisi tersebut dapat terjadi pada awal tanam hingga menjelang panen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan periode kritis pengendalian gulma pada tanaman jagung (Zea mays L.). Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan bekas pertanaman jagung Tanjung Sari, kecamatan Medan Selayang. Parameter pengamatan yaitu tinggi tanaman, umur berbunga, bobot kering jagung pipil per sampel, bobot kering jagung pipil per plot, bobot 100 biji jagung, nilai indeks panen, kerapatan gulma, tinggi gulma, dan bobot kering gulma. Ada 12 perlakuan yang diuji, masing-masing yaitu bebas gulma 2 minggu setelah tanam : P1, bebas gulma 4 minggu setelah tanam : P2, bebas gulma 6 minggu setelah tanam : P3, bebas gulma 8 minggu setelah tanam : P4, bebas gulma 10 minggu setelah tanam : P5, bebas gulma sampai panen : P6, bergulma 2 minggu setelah tanam : P7, bergulma 4 minggu setelah tanam : P8, bergulma 6 minggu setelah tanam : P9, bergulma 8 minggu setelah tanam : P10, bergulma 10 minggu setelah tanam : P11, bergulma sampai panen (tidak disiangi) : P12. Perlakuan-perlakuan tersebut disusun dalam Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) non faktorial dengan 3 ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu penyiangan pada tanaman jagung berpengaruh tidak nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman, bobot kering jagung pipil per sampel, nilai indeks panen dan bobot kering jagung pipil per plot, tetapi berpengaruh nyata pada bobot 100 biji. Gulma yang paling dominan terdapat pada lahan penelitian adalah gulma Eleusine indica. Periode kritis pada jagung terdapat pada umur 21 hari sampai 28 hari setelah tanam.   Weeds are really making disadvantages on corn (Zea mays L.). Since they compete to obtain light, water and nutrient. The competition may occur in the beginning until the harvesting time. The aims of this research is to determinate the critical periode of weed control on corn (Zea mays L.). The present study was conducted at exfarming field of corn, Tanjung Sari, Medan selayang. Variable factor being observed were plant height, initiation time of flower, dry weight of grain per sample, dry weight of grains per plot, weight of 100 corn grains, value harvesting indeks, height of weeds, dry weight of weeds and density of weeds. There were 12 treatments conducted, no weeds 2 week after planting : P1, no weeds 4 week after planting : P2, no weeds 6 week after planting : P3, no weeds 8 week after planting : P4, no weeds 10 week after planting : P5, no weeds are found till the harvesting time : P6, weedy until 2 week after planting : P7, weedy until 4 week after planting : P8, weedy until 6 week after planting : P9, weedy until 8 week after planting : P10, weedy until 10 week after planting : P11, weedy until the harvesting time : P12. The treatment were arranged in a randomized block design with three replication. The result showed that the weeding time for corn has non significantly affected to the plant height, dry weight of grains per sample, value harvesting indeks and dry weight of grains per plot, but significantly affected to the weight of 100 grain of corn.The filed of research was dominated by Eleusine indica. The critical periode of corn was happened of 21 day after planting up to 28 days after planting

    Pengamatan Parameter Genetik Kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merril] Generasi M4 Pada Kondisi Optimum dan Cekaman Kekeringan

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    Kemampuan adaptasi tanaman kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] generasi M4 terhadap cekaman kekeringan akan mempengaruhi peningkatan produksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di rumah kaca dan lahan penelitian Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan mulai dari bulan September 2017 sampai dengan Desember 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga populasi tanaman yaitu populasi tanaman kontrol (Anjasmoro), populasi 100 Gray serta populasi 200 Gray pada generasi M4. Analisa data secara statistik karakter tanaman populasi generasi M4 dengan tanaman populasi kontrol (Anjasmoro) dengan uji t menggunakan aplikasi minitab 16. Paramater genetik yang diamati adalah ragam genotipe, ragam fenotipe dan heritabilitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada populasi terpilih dari tanaman kedelai [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] hasil iradiasi sinar gamma generasi M4 yang memiliki pertumbuhan yang baik dalam kondisi cekaman kekeringan dengan kriteria jumlah polong berisi, jumlah biji per tanaman dan bobot biji per tanaman yang tinggi terdapat pada tanaman populasi 200 Gray. Nilai duga heritabilitas yang tinggi terdapat pada karakter jumlah polong per tanaman serta bobot biji per tanamana dari populasi 100 dan 200 Gy dapat dijadikan karakter seleksi untuk kondisi cekaman kekeringan

    Growth and Production Response of Varieties of Mung Beans (Vigna radiata L.) to Gibberellin Concentration in the Saline Field

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    This study aims to determine the growth and production response of some mung bean varieties with the application of gibberellin at different concentrations in the saline field. This research was conducted at Hamparan Perak , District of Deli Serdang North Sumatera, Medan (± 3-9 m asl) from May - August 2017. The tretment was arranged by Randomized Block Design (RBD) with two factors, three mung green varieties (Vima-1, Vima-2, and Vima-3) and GA3 concentration (0 ppm, 100 ppm, 200 ppm). The results showed that there were significant diffrent among varieties on plant height, the number of pods per plant, and the diameter of the seed. Gibberellin concentration gives sinificant effect to the plant height in 3 and 5 week after pllanted, root volume, and seed diameter. The interaction between aplication gibberellins and varieties had a significant effect on the root volume