9 research outputs found

    Covered Self-Expandable Metallic Stents Could be Used Successfully in the Palliation of Malignant Cervical Esophageal Strictures: Preliminary Report

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    Purpose: To present the authors' preliminary experience with covered self-expandable metallic stents in the palliation of malignant cervical esophageal strictures

    Comparison of classical surgery and sutureless repair with duraseal or fibrin glue for duodenal perforation in rats Sıçanlarda oluşturulan duodenum perforasyonunda klasik cerrahi ile duraseal ya da fibrin yapıştırıcı ile yapılan dikişsiz onarımların karşılaştırılması

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    The purpose of the study was to compare classical primary suture repair and sutureless repair with fibrin glue or DuraSeal adhesion barrier for the closure of duodenal perforation in rats. METHODS Forty adult female Wistar Albino rats weighing between 250-300g were randomly divided into four equal groups. Primary repair, primary repair and omentoplasty, or application of fibrin glue or DuraSeal adhesion barrier was performed in each of the four groups, respectively. The bursting pressure, tissue hydroxyproline levels and histopathology were evaluated. RESULTS Bursting pressure values of the primary repair and primary repair and omentoplasty groups were significantly higher than in the fibrin glue and DuraSeal groups (p<0.001). There were no significant differences between the experimental groups regarding hydroxyproline levels and istological parameters. CONCLUSION The sutureless methods (Fibrin glue, DuraSeal) have no superior effects when compared with the conventional repair techniques. We observed similar results between the sutureless repair groups; thus, DuraSeal can be considered an alternative to fibrin glue for this purpose. This suggestion must be supported with new studies, however, which would be planned with other wound healing markers and different designs

    Transvaginal Specimen Extraction in Minimally Invasive Colorectal Resections: Initial Experience of a Tertiary Referral Hospital

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    Purpose: The aim of the present (this) study is to present the initial experience of a single team on specimen extraction from the vagina after laparoscopic or robotic colorectal resections. Patients and methods: Between January 2010 and April 2015, ten female patients whose resection specimens had been extracted transvaginally after robotic or laparosopic colorectal resections were evaluated in terms of short and mid term postoperative outcomes. Results: 10 cases were included. The operations were robotic rectal resections for cancer (n=6), laparoscopic total colectomy for transverse colon tumor (n=1), single port laparoscopic transumbilical right colectomy for Crohn’s disease (n=1), laparoscopic rectal resection for endometriosis (n=2). In one patient, a vaginal bleeding occurred on postoperative day 7 and a vaginal tampon was inserted and the bleeding was stopped. One patient had a urinary tract infection, it was treated with proper antibiotic therapy. The median postoperative hospital stay was 5 (4-9) days. No mortality occurred. Conclusion: Transvaginal specimen extraction is feasible after colorectal resection and could prevent additional skin incision and its potential complications

    Predictive parameters of early postoperative complications in Crohn's disease: Single team experience

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    Background/Aims: Most of the patients with Crohn's disease (CD) may require at least one surgical procedure over their lifetime. However, these patients tend to have a high incidence of postoperative complications. The aim of this retrospective study was to investigate the predictive parameters of postoperative complications in CD

    Nüks Rektum Kanserinde İntraoperatif Radyoterapi

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    Giriş: Lokal ileri ve nüks rektum kanserinde multimodal tedavi seçeneklerden biri olan intraoperatif radyoterapi (İORT), lokal kontrolü sağlamak için tercih edilebilir. Bu çalışmada nüks rektum kanseri nedeniyle radikal cerrahi ve intraoperatif radyoterapi uyguladığımız hastalar üzerindeki deneyimimizi sunmayı amaçladık. Metod: Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Maslak Hastanesi’nde Kasım 2012 ve Aralık 2016 tarihleri arasında nüks rektum kanseri nedeniyle radikal cerrahi ve İORT uygulanan hastaların klinik özellikleri ve ameliyat sonrası takipleri değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Çalışmamıza nüks rektum kanseri olan 8 hasta (4 kadın) dahil edildi. Tüm hastalarda nüks adenokarsinom mevcuttu. Hastaların ortanca yaş değeri 54.5 (33-67) ve vücut kitle indeksi 24.3 (19.6-32.5) kg/m2 idi. Rektum kanseri için yapılan ilk ameliyatların tümü sfinkter koruyucu rezeksiyondu. Nüks tümör nedeniyle 4 hastaya aşağı anterior rezeksiyon, 2 hastaya abdominoperineal rezeksiyon, 2 hastaya da pelvisten kitle çıkarılması işlemi uygulandı. 5 hastaya R0, 2 hastaya R1 ve 1 hastaya R2 rezeksiyon yapıldı. Ameliyat sonrası erken dönem takiplerinde 2 hastada cerrahi yara enfeksiyonu gelişti. Ortanca hastanede kalış süresi 8 (4-10) gündü. Ortanca 35.5 (7-52) aylık takip süresince 4 hasta hastalıksız takip edilmektedir. İki hastada pelvik nüks gelişti. İki hasta eksitus oldu. Sonuç: Nüks rektum kanserinde intraoperatif radyoterapi, toksisite riskini azaltarak yüksek doz radyoterapi uygulayabilmemize olanak sağlayan ve bu yolla cerrahinin lokal kontrol üzerindeki etkinliğini artıran bir yöntemdir

    Dealing with the gray zones in the management of gastric cancer: The consensus statement of the Istanbul Group

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    The geographical location and differences in tumor biology significantly change the management of gastric cancer. The prevalence of gastric cancer ranks fifth and sixth among men and women, respectively, in Turkey. The international guidelines from the Eastern and Western countries fail to manage a considerable amount of inconclusive issues in the management of gastric cancer. The uncertainties lead to significant heterogeneities in clinical practice, lack of homogeneous data collection, and subsequently, diverse outcomes