30 research outputs found

    Composite plastering technique (CPT) for anterior and posterior restorations

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    Composite plastering technique (CPT) is a novel restoration improvement technique for eliminating and re-contouring the marginal defects. Restoration-related interproximal contour deficiencies such as dark triangles beneath the contact point following direct class II restorations, the gaps at the interproximal cavity step following indirect cementations, and the gaps at the interproximal wall following class III restoration layering procedures can be corrected using the CPT. The technique may also be used as a layering step during the free-hand layering in diastema closure restorations. Contour deficiencies on interproximal surfaces which lead to the renewal of restoration and periodontal damages can be prevented by additional direct composite build-up using the CPT. The technique can be performed either immediately after the restoration directly or long after by using the composite repair protocol. It focuses on filling and re-contouring the surface of the deficiency by using a mylar strip actively under rubberdam isolation. Composite is loaded between the strip and the tooth surface and the strip is pulled slightly in palato-buccal or the opposite direction depending on the location of the defect, to fill it by plastering the composite. It may contribute the longevity of the restoration by improving the emergence profile and correcting the interproximal contour. Re-contouring of the interproximal surface defects by CPT is a useful approach to improve the esthetics as well as the function of anterior and posterior direct and indirect restorations which may also prolong the longevity

    Safe Human-Robot Interaction Using Variable Stiffness, Hyper-Redundancy, and Smart Robotic Skins

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    In service robotics, safe human-robot interaction (HRI) is still an open research topic, requiring developments both in hardware and in software as well as their integration. In UMAY1 and MEDICARE-C2projects, we addressed both mechanism design and perception aspects of a framework for safe HRI. Our first focus was to design variable stiffness joints for the robotic neck and arm to enable inherent compliance to protect a human collaborator. We demonstrate the advantages of variable stiffness actuators (VSA) in compliancy, safety, and energy efficiency with applications in exoskeleton and rehabilitation robotics. The variable-stiffness robotic neck mechanism was later scaled down and adopted in the robotic endoscope featuring hyper-redundancy. The hyper-redundant structures are more controllable, having efficient actuation and better feedback. Lastly, a smart robotic skin is introduced to explain the safety support via enhancement of tactile perception. Although it is developed for a hyper-redundant endoscopic robotic platform, the artificial skin can also be integrated in service robotics to provide multimodal tactile feedback. This chapter gives an overview of systems and their integration to attain a safer HRI. We follow a holistic approach for inherent compliancy via mechanism design (i.e., variable stiffness), precise control (i.e., hyper-redundancy), and multimodal tactile perception (i.e., smart robotic-skins)

    Bir barış süreci örneği olarak Oslo

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    Bayraktar, Bora, Bir Barış Süreci Örneği Olarak Oslo, Doktora Tezi, Danışman: Doç. Dr. Gülden Ayman, 332 s. Bu çalışmada 1991-2000 yılları arasında İsrail’in Filistin Kurtuluş Örgütü ile birlikte yürüttüğü barış görüşmelerini kapsayan ve Oslo Barış Süreci olarak adlandırılan müzakereler, çatışma çözümleri ya da barış çalışmaları olarak adlandırılan alanın sunduğu teorik çerçeve kapsamında, tüm yönleriyle değerlendirilmektedir. Çalışmada henüz yeni gelişmekte olan barış süreci kavramının ne olduğu, hangi unsurları içerdiği, bu köklü ve büyük siyasi projenin başarıya ulaşması için ne gibi koşulların yerine getirilmesi gerektiği gibi konular tartışılmaktadır. Bu teorik altyapı ele alınarak İsrail ile Filistinliler arasında yaklaşık 10 yıl yürütülen müzakere sürecinin neden kalıcı barış sağlayamadığı, tarafların hangi nedenlerle anlaşmaya varamadığı ve hepsinden önemlisi, bu kadar çaba harcanan bir süreç sonunda tarafların neden müzakereden vazgeçerek şiddet eylemlerine geri döndüğü sorularına yanıt aranmaktadır. Çalışma sonucunda çatışma çözümü alanının getirdiği yeni yaklaşım ve yöntemlerin barış adına önemli adımlar atılmasını sağlamakla birlikte güç dengelerini hesaba katmadan yapılan düzenlemelerin başarıya ulaşamayacağı, asimetrik çatışmalarda arabulucu rolü oynayan tarafın kalıcı barış yerine kendi çıkarlarını koruyacak çözümlere yönelmesinin sürece yardımcı olmayacağı ve İsrail-Filistin sorunu gibi tarafların birbirlerinin varlığı inkar ettiği çözümü zor çatışmalarda kimlik dönüşümü gerçekleşmeden anlaşmazlığın çözülemeyeceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Çalışmadaki diğer bulgular şöyle lenebilir: İsrail’deki Şimdi Barış Örgütü’nün ifadesiyle “barış ülkesi için bir parça toprak” ya da “barış için toprak” ilkesinin İsrail-Filistin sorununu çözmeye yetmediği görülmüştür. ABD arabuluculukta tarafsızlığını koruyamayarak “adil arabulucu” olamamış ve pek çok durumda ağırlığını İsrail’den yana koymuştur. İki taraf İslam, Hıristiyanlık ve Yahudilik açısından dinsel ve hassas bir değer olan Kudüs konusunda taviz verememiştir, imzalanan anlaşmaların koşullarını yerine getirmemiştir. Son olarak Camp David Zirvesi’nin sonunda tarafların birbirlerinin barış ortağı olarak meşruiyetini tartışmaya açması, Oslo Barış Süreci’nin sonunu getirmiş ve bu bölgeyi yeniden şiddete sürüklenmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Ortadoğu Barış Süreci, İsrail Filistin Sorunu, çatışma çözümleri, barış çalışmaları, barış süreçleri, Oslo Barış Süreci, müzakere, uluslararası ilişkiler. ABSTRACT Bayraktar, Bora, Oslo as an Example of a Peace Process, PhD Thesis, Supervisor: Associate Professor Gülden Ayman, 332 p. This thesis analyses the Oslo Peace Process between Israelis and Palestinians which lasted nearly a decade from 1991 to year 2000 from the perspective of conflict resolution or peace studies’ theoretical framework. In this study the concept of peace process, its content, the factors which make such big political projects success are being discussed. Within this theoretical framework, questions of why this 10 years of maraton talks did not lead a permanent peace, for what reasons the parties could not reach an agreement and most importantly, after all these efforts, why the two sides stopped negotiations and turned to violence again have been tried to be answered. The study concludes that despite the fact that the comparingly new field of conflict resolution and peace studies provide very useful tools for peace building and help conflicting sides to sit together and negotiate, without taking classical considerations like power balances into account it is hard to expect a permanent settlement. In assymetrical conflicts like this, mediators must put their weight to counter balance of the powerful sides. Otherwise, when a strong mediator seeks her own interests rather than finding a fair solution the chances of success is very low. The study also shows us that in protracted conflicts in which both sides deny the existence of the other, without transformation of national identities in more receptive direction the dispute cannot be resolved. Other findings can be summarized as follows: “Piece of land for a land of peace” as Peace Now Organization put it, or principle of land for peace proved not enough to find a solution to the Israeli Palestinian question. The US as the main sponsor of the process did not act as a fair-broker and supported Israel’s position in most cases. The two sides could not concede on the religiously sensitive issue of Jerusalem and they did not honor the agreements. Finally at the end of the Camp David Summit, the parties’ opening the legitemacy of the other as peace partners into question brought Oslo Peace Process to its end and led violence. Keywords: Middle East Peace Process, Israeli Palestinian Conflict, conflict resolution, peace studies, peace processes, Oslo Peace Process, negotiation, international relations


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    WOS: 000405119400013The objective of this study was to investigate the adsorption/desorption behavior of oleuropein on different types of silk fibroin matrices including silk fibroin microfibers (MF), regenerated silk fibroin (RSF), and silk fibroin nanofibers (NF). Nanofibers with an average diameter of ranging between 24 and 326 nm were successfully prepared using the electrospinning technique. The effects of the silk fibroin concentration, the voltage applied and the distance between needle tip and collector plate on the morphology of the NF were investigated. The adsorption capacities of MF, RSF and NF were determined as 104.92, 163.07 and 228.34 mg oleuropein per gram of material, respectively. The percentage of initially adsorbed oleuropein that was desorbed was 86.08, 91.29 and 96.67% for MF, RSF and NF, respectively. NF and RSF discs loaded with oleuropein were subjected to disc diffusion assays to determine their antibacterial activity against test microorganisms Staphylococcus epidermidis (Gram +) and Escherichia coli (Gram -). The results showed that both biomaterials possessed antibacterial properties after loading with oleuropein. Wound scratch assays using oleuropein released from NF revealed an enhancement of cell migration, indicating a wound healing property of the material. In conclusion, the NF can be utilized as a biofunctional polymeric material with better performance for the adsorption and desorption of oleuropein compared with MF and RSF.Natural Products Research Development Unit (NPRDU) located in Technology Development Zone [DUA01/2010]The support (DUA01/2010) from Natural Products Research Development Unit (NPRDU) located in Technology Development Zone for the thesis study of Mr. Ali Bora Balta is gratefully acknowledged

    Ateşli silah yaralanmasını takiben duygudurum bozukluğu: Bir olgu sunumu

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    Secondary mood disorders is a well known consequence of head trauma. Although self limiting mania following head trauma is also relatively common , bipolar mania is much more rare. We present a case of secondary mood disorder following gun shot and discuss the case by reviewing the literature. Mangetic resonance imaging revealed a gross right basotemporal cortex lesion and corticosubcortical atrophy. Neuropsychological evaluation revealed an apparent visual memory loss and frontosubcortical dysfunction. We suggest that this kind of cases may serve to optimize our therapeutic strategies and may also contribute to learn about biological mechanisms causing bipolar disorderKafa travmasını takiben gelişen duygudurum bozuklukları sıkça rastlanan bir durumdur. Kafa travmasını takiben sınırlı mani tabloları görece sık olarak görülse de, ikincil bipolar bozukluğun görülmesi çok daha enderdir. Bu yazıda ateşli silah yaralanması sonrası manik ve depresif dönemlerle giden bir duygudurum bozukluğu ve kişilik değişikliği olan bir hastayı sunmaktayız. Manyetik rezonans görüntülemesinde sağ bazotemporal lezyonu olan ve görsel bellek ve frontosubkortikal yetilerinde bozukluğu olan hasta altta yatan nörobiyolojik süreçler ve tedavi açısından literatür ışığında tartışılmıştır. Benzer olgular konusundaki deneyimlerin paylaşılmasının tedavi yaklaşımımızın geliştirilmesi yanında birincil bipolar bozukluğun altında yatan biyolojik süreçler hakkında ipuçları sağlayabileceği düşüncesindeyiz