219 research outputs found

    Thermopower of Interacting GaAs Bilayer Hole Systems in the Reentrant Insulating Phase near ν=1\nu=1

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    We report thermopower measurements of interacting GaAs bilayer hole systems. When the carrier densities in the two layers are equal, these systems exhibit a reentrant insulating phase near the quantum Hall state at total filling factor ν=1\nu=1. Our data show that as the temperature is decreased, the thermopower diverges in the insulating phase. This behavior indicates the opening of an energy gap at low temperature, consistent with the formation of a pinned Wigner solid. We extract an energy gap and a Wigner solid melting phase diagram.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Heat Capacity Evidence for the Suppression of Skyrmions at Large Zeeman Energy

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    Measurements on a multilayer two-dimensional electron system (2DES) near Landau level filling ν\nu=1 reveal the disappearance of the nuclear spin contribution to the heat capacity as the ratio g~\tilde{g} between the Zeeman and Coulomb energies exceeds a critical value g~c\tilde{g}_c \approx0.04. This disappearance suggests the vanishing of the Skyrmion-mediated coupling between the lattice and the nuclear spins as the spin excitations of the 2DES make a transition from Skyrmions to single spin-flips above g~c\tilde{g}_c. Our experimental g~c\tilde{g}_c is smaller than the calculated g~c\tilde{g}_c=0.054 for an ideal 2DES; we discuss possible origins of this discrepancy.Comment: Experimental paper, 6 figure

    Imaging Electron Wave Functions Inside Open Quantum Rings

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    Combining Scanning Gate Microscopy (SGM) experiments and simulations, we demonstrate low temperature imaging of electron probability density Ψ2(x,y)|\Psi|^{2}(x,y) in embedded mesoscopic quantum rings (QRs). The tip-induced conductance modulations share the same temperature dependence as the Aharonov-Bohm effect, indicating that they originate from electron wavefunction interferences. Simulations of both Ψ2(x,y)|\Psi|^{2}(x,y) and SGM conductance maps reproduce the main experimental observations and link fringes in SGM images to Ψ2(x,y)|\Psi|^{2}(x,y).Comment: new titl

    Critical Behavior of Nuclear-Spin Diffusion in GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures near Landau Level Filling \nu=1

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    Thermal measurements on a GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure reveal that the state of the confined two-dimensional electrons dramatically affects the nuclear-spin diffusion near Landau level filling factor \nu=1. The experiments provide quantitative evidence that the sharp peak in the temperature dependence of heat capacity near \nu=1 is due to an enhanced nuclear-spin diffusion from the GaAs quantum wells into the AlGaAs barriers. We discuss the physical origin of this enhancement in terms the possible Skyrme solid-liquid phase transition.Comment: 1 LateX file, 3 figures, submitte

    Thermodynamic Phase Diagram of the Quantum Hall Skyrmion System

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    We numerically study the interacting quantum Hall skyrmion system based on the Chern-Simons action. By noticing that the action is invariant under global spin rotations in the spin space with respect to the magnetic field direction, we obtain the low-energy effective action for a many skyrmion system. Performing extensive molecular dynamics simulations, we establish the thermodynamic phase diagram for a many skyrmion system.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 2 postscript figure

    Wigner and Kondo physics in quantum point contacts revealed by scanning gate microscopy

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    Quantum point contacts exhibit mysterious conductance anomalies in addition to well known conductance plateaus at multiples of 2e^2/h. These 0.7 and zero-bias anomalies have been intensively studied, but their microscopic origin in terms of many-body effects is still highly debated. Here we use the charged tip of a scanning gate microscope to tune in situ the electrostatic potential of the point contact. While sweeping the tip distance, we observe repetitive splittings of the zero-bias anomaly, correlated with simultaneous appearances of the 0.7 anomaly. We interpret this behaviour in terms of alternating equilibrium and non-equilibrium Kondo screenings of different spin states localized in the channel. These alternating Kondo effects point towards the presence of a Wigner crystal containing several charges with different parities. Indeed, simulations show that the electron density in the channel is low enough to reach one-dimensional Wigner crystallization over a size controlled by the tip position

    Coherent-State Approach to Two-dimensional Electron Magnetism

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    We study in this paper the possible occurrence of orbital magnetim for two-dimensional electrons confined by a harmonic potential in various regimes of temperature and magnetic field. Standard coherent state families are used for calculating symbols of various involved observables like thermodynamical potential, magnetic moment, or spatialdistribution of current. Their expressions are given in a closed form and the resulting Berezin-Lieb inequalities provide a straightforward way to study magnetism in various limit regimes. In particular, we predict a paramagnetic behaviour in the thermodynamical limit as well as in the quasiclassical limit under a weak field. Eventually, we obtain an exact expression for the magnetic moment which yields a full description of the phase diagram of the magnetization.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PR

    NMR Determination of 2D Electron Spin Polarization at ν=1/2\nu=1/2

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    Using a `standard' NMR spin-echo technique we determined the spin polarization of two-dimensional electrons, confined to GaAs quantum wells, from the hyperfine shift of Ga nuclei in the wells. Concentrating on the temperature and magnetic field dependencies of spin polarization at Landau level filling factor ν=1/2\nu =1/2, we find that the results are described well by a simple model of non-interacting composite fermions, although some inconsistencies remain when the two-dimensional electron system is tilted in the magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages (REVTEX) AND 4 figures (PS

    Long dephasing time and high temperature ballistic transport in an InGaAs open quantum dot

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    We report on measurements of the magnetoconductance of an open circular InGaAs quantum dot between 1.3K and 204K. We observe two types of magnetoconductance fluctuations: universal conductance fluctuations (UCFs), and 'focusing' fluctuations related to ballistic trajectories between openings. The electron phase coherence time extracted from UCFs amplitude is larger than in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum dots and follows a similar temperature dependence (between T^-1 and T^-2). Below 150K, the characteristic length associated with 'focusing' fluctuations shows a slightly different temperature dependence from that of the conductivity.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of ICSNN2002, to appear in Physica