2 research outputs found

    İstenmeyen gebeli?klerde kontrasepti?f yöntem bi?lgi? düzeyi? ve postpartum kontrasepti?f yöntem terci?hleri?

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    Objective: To determine the contraceptive methods and postpartum contraceptive choices in patients with current unintended pregnancies. Material and Method: The study was conducted with pregnant women applied to antenatal outpatient clinic via face-to-face interviews between January 2009-May 2011. Demographic data, education levels, monthly income, preconceptional methods, and contraceptive method planned to be used during postpartum period were questioned. Results: The mean age, gravidity and parity of participants were 30.5±6.4 years, 4.2±2.6, 2.6±2.1, respectively. Educational status was as follows; 28 (21.5%) had no education, while 72 had primary (55.4%), 25 (19.2%) had secondary education, 3.8% had university education. Economic status was recorded as low (53.1%), moderate (39.2%) and high (7.7%). The highest rate of pregnancy was more likely to be in the traditional method use (58.5%), followed by condom use (15.4%) and intrauterine devices (IUD) (12.3%). The traditional method use was of the highest failure rates in each group of income levels. The patients preferred IUD (43.8%) and tubal ligation (31.5%) as postpartum contraceptive options. Factors affecting preference of contraceptive methods were reliability of the method [51.9% (n=67)], the costbeing an easily accessible method [17.8% (n=24)], usability of the method at the lactation period [13.2% (n=17)] and permanence of the method [17.1% (n=22)]. Conclusion: Couples should be evaluated according to their socio-cultural and economic status in the prevention of unintended pregnancies. It should be kept in mind that couples who are well informed about contraceptive options are more likely to be satisfied and continue use of their chosen method

    Post menopozal bir kadında pyometra ile presente olan pelvik tüberküloz

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    63 yaşında, postmenopozal kadın hasta vajinal akıntı, karın ağrısı ve ateş şikayetiyle jinekoloji polikliniğine başvurdu. Ultrasonografide pyometri tespit edildi. Serum CA-125 ve CA 19-9 düzeyleri yüksekti. Endometrial biyopside malignite ve aside dirençli basil saptanmadı. Bilateral salpingo-ooferektomi ve total histerektomi yapıldı. Histolojik incelemede kazeöz granülomatöz inflamasyon saptandı. Genital tüberküloz tanısı koyuldu ve antitüberküloz tedavi başlandı. Burada, postmenopozal bir hastada yüksek CA 125 ile CA 19 9 seviyeleri ve pyometri ile prezente olan pelvik tüberküloz vakası sunulmaktadır.A 63-years-old postmenopausal woman was admitted to the gynecology clinic with vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, and pyrexia. Ultrasonography revealed evidence of pyometra. Serum CA-125 and CA 19-9 levels were elevated. Endometrial biopsy revealed no malignant cells or acid-fast bacilli. We performed total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Histological examination revealed caseous granulomatous inflammation. The diagnosis of genital tuberculosis was made and antituberculosis treatment was initiated. Here, we present a pelvic tuberculosis with pyometra in a post-menopausal women with elevated CA 125 and CA 19 9 levels