162 research outputs found

    Optimal Compressive Strength of RHA Ultra-High-Performance Lightweight Concrete (UHPLC) and Its Environmental Performance Using Life Cycle Assessment

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    Frequent laboratory needs during the production of concrete for infrastructure development purposes are a factor of serious concern for sustainable development. In order to overcome this trend, an intelligent forecast of the concrete properties based on multiple data points collected from various concrete mixes produced and cured under different conditions is adopted. It is equally important to consider the impact of the concrete components in this attempt to take care of the environmental risks involved in this production. In this work, 192 mixes of an ultra-high-performance lightweight concrete (UHPLC) were collected from literature representing different mixes cured under different periods and laboratory conditions. These mix proportions constitute measured variables, which are curing age (A), cement content (C), fine aggregate (FAg), plasticizer (PL), and rice husk ash (RHA). The studied concrete property was the unconfined compressive strength (Fc). This exercise was necessary to reduce multiple dependence on laboratory examinations by proposing concrete strength equations. First, the life cycle assessment evaluation was conducted on the rice husk ash-based UHPLC, and the results from the 192 mixes show that the C-783 mix (87 kg/m3 RHA) has the highest score on the environmental performance evaluation, while C-300 (75 kg/m3 RHA) with life cycle indices of 289.85 kg CO2eq. Global warming potential (GWP), 0.66 kg SO2eq. Terrestrial acidification and 5.77 m3 water consumption was selected to be the optimal choice due to its good profile in the LCA and the Fc associated with the mix. Second, intelligent predictions were conducted by using six algorithms (ANN-BP), (ANN-GRG), (ANN-GA), (GP), (EPR), and (GMDH-Combi). The results show that (ANN-BP) with performance indices of R; 0.989, R2; 0.979, mean square error (MSE); 2252.55, root mean squared error (RMSE); 42.46 MPa and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE); 4.95% outclassed the other five techniques and is selected as the decisive model. However, it also compared well and outclassed previous models, which had used gene expression programming (GEP) and random forest regression (RFR) and achieved R2of 0.96 and 0.91, respectively. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2022-08-11-03 Full Text: PD

    Effects of training and motivation on auditory P300 brain–computer interface performance

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    Objectives Brain–computer interface (BCI) technology aims at helping end-users with severe motor paralysis to communicate with their environment without using the natural output pathways of the brain. For end-users in complete paralysis, loss of gaze control may necessitate non-visual BCI systems. The present study investigated the effect of training on performance with an auditory P300 multi-class speller paradigm. For half of the participants, spatial cues were added to the auditory stimuli to see whether performance can be further optimized. The influence of motivation, mood and workload on performance and P300 component was also examined. Methods In five sessions, 16 healthy participants were instructed to spell several words by attending to animal sounds representing the rows and columns of a 5 × 5 letter matrix. Results 81% of the participants achieved an average online accuracy of ≥70%. From the first to the fifth session information transfer rates increased from 3.72 bits/min to 5.63 bits/min. Motivation significantly influenced P300 amplitude and online ITR. No significant facilitative effect of spatial cues on performance was observed. Conclusions Training improves performance in an auditory BCI paradigm. Motivation influences performance and P300 amplitude. Significance The described auditory BCI system may help end-users to communicate independently of gaze control with their environment

    Controversies in the Use of MIGS

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    Abstract Minimally invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) has fulfilled an unmet need in the management of glaucoma. This chapter highlights some controversial issues regarding the use of MIGS in clinical practice, including (1) whether there is sufficient evidence to advocate combining MIGS with cataract surgery over cataract surgery alone, (2) the merits and drawbacks of different approaches to trabecular bypass and canal-based MIGS procedures, (3) the effect of MIGS on endothelial cell loss, (4) suprachoroidal MIGS devices and whether there is still a role for these procedures, and (5) a comparison between subconjunctival MIGS and trabeculectomy. Several questions are still left unanswered and hopefully, further research and more clinical experience with these new technologies will help improve surgical outcomes for patients

    37th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (part 3 of 3)

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