6,225 research outputs found

    Gelebter Mythos als Garant der Unsterblichkeit:Formen individueller und kollektiver Fontane-Verehrung in Günter Grass’ Roman ‚Ein weites Feld‘

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    Der Umgang einer Gesellschaft mit ihren klassischen Autoren sagt viel über deren Stellenwert im kulturellen Gedächtnis aus. Kollektiv verehrt und dabei missverstanden – zu diesem ernüchternden Resultat kommt Günter Grass kurz nach der Wende angesichts gesamtdeutsch praktizierter Formen einer Denkmalsetzung, die den Menschen hinter dem Autor negierten. Vor dem Hintergrund der Zuschreibung einer mythologisierenden Funktion von Literatur schafft Grass in seinem 1995 erschienenen Roman Ein weites Feld einen anderen Typus einer mythischen Verehrung: Unter Weiterentwicklung des von Thomas Mann entworfenen Postulats eines mythischen In-Spuren-Gehens gelingt es ihm, in der Gestalt des Fonty Leben und Werk Theodor Fontanes gleichermaßen zu spiegeln und den öffentlichen Gedächtniskulturen gegenüberzustellen

    Trypanosomatids are common and diverse parasites of Drosophila

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    SUMMARYDrosophila melanogasteris an important model system of immunity and parasite resistance, yet most studies use parasites that do not naturally infect this organism. We have studied trypanosomatids in natural populations to assess the prevalence and diversity of these gut parasites. We collected several species ofDrosophilafrom Europe and surveyed them for trypanosomatids using conserved primers for two genes. We have used the conserved GAPDH sequence to construct a phylogenetic tree and the highly variable spliced leader RNA to assay genetic diversity. All 5 of the species that we examined were infected, and the average prevalence ranged from 1 to 6%. There are several different groups of trypanosomatids, related to other monoxenous Trypanosomatidae. These may represent new trypanosomatid species and were found in different species of EuropeanDrosophilafrom different geographical locations. The detection of a little studied natural pathogen inD. melanogasterand related species provides new opportunities for research into both theDrosophilaimmune response and the evolution of hosts and parasites.</jats:p

    Coulomb effects in semiconductor quantum dots

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    Coulomb correlations in the optical spectra of semiconductor quantum dots are investigated using a full-diagonalization approach. The resulting multi-exciton spectra are discussed in terms of the symmetry of the involved states. Characteristic features of the spectra like the nearly equidistantly spaced s-shell emission lines and the approximately constant p-shell transition energies are explained using simplified Hamiltonians that are derived taking into account the relative importance of various interaction contributions. Comparisons with previous results in the literature and their interpretation are made.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Book Reviews

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