391 research outputs found

    On Foundation of the Generalized Nambu Mechanics

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    We outline the basic principles of canonical formalism for the Nambu mechanics---a generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics proposed by Yoichiro Nambu in 1973. It is based on the notion of Nambu bracket which generalizes the Poisson bracket to the multiple operation of higher order n≥3n \geq 3 on classical observables and is described by Hambu-Hamilton equations of motion given by n−1n-1 Hamiltonians. We introduce the fundamental identity for the Nambu bracket which replaces Jacobi identity as a consistency condition for the dynamics. We show that Nambu structure of given order defines a family of subordinated structures of lower order, including the Poisson structure, satisfying certain matching conditions. We introduce analogs of action from and principle of the least action for the Nambu mechanics and show how dynamics of loops (n−2n-2-dimensional objects) naturally appears in this formalism. We discuss several approaches to the quantization problem and present explicit representation of Nambu-Heisenberg commutation relation for n=3n=3 case. We emphasize the role higher order algebraic operations and mathematical structures related with them play in passing from Hamilton's to Nambu's dynamical picture.Comment: 27 page

    Formal symplectic groupoid

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    The multiplicative structure of the trivial symplectic groupoid over Rd\mathbb R^d associated to the zero Poisson structure can be expressed in terms of a generating function. We address the problem of deforming such a generating function in the direction of a non-trivial Poisson structure so that the multiplication remains associative. We prove that such a deformation is unique under some reasonable conditions and we give the explicit formula for it. This formula turns out to be the semi-classical approximation of Kontsevich's deformation formula. For the case of a linear Poisson structure, the deformed generating function reduces exactly to the CBH formula of the associated Lie algebra. The methods used to prove existence are interesting in their own right as they come from an at first sight unrelated domain of mathematics: the Runge--Kutta theory of the numeric integration of ODE's.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    On infinite walls in deformation quantization

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    We examine the deformation quantization of a single particle moving in one dimension (i) in the presence of an infinite potential wall, (ii) confined by an infinite square well, and (iii) bound by a delta function potential energy. In deformation quantization, considered as an autonomous formulation of quantum mechanics, the Wigner function of stationary states must be found by solving the so-called \*-genvalue (``stargenvalue'') equation for the Hamiltonian. For the cases considered here, this pseudo-differential equation is difficult to solve directly, without an ad hoc modification of the potential. Here we treat the infinite wall as the limit of a solvable exponential potential. Before the limit is taken, the corresponding \*-genvalue equation involves the Wigner function at momenta translated by imaginary amounts. We show that it can be converted to a partial differential equation, however, with a well-defined limit. We demonstrate that the Wigner functions calculated from the standard Schr\"odinger wave functions satisfy the resulting new equation. Finally, we show how our results may be adapted to allow for the presence of another, non-singular part in the potential.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in Annals of Physic

    Quantization with maximally degenerate Poisson brackets: The harmonic oscillator!

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    Nambu's construction of multi-linear brackets for super-integrable systems can be thought of as degenerate Poisson brackets with a maximal set of Casimirs in their kernel. By introducing privileged coordinates in phase space these degenerate Poisson brackets are brought to the form of Heisenberg's equations. We propose a definition for constructing quantum operators for classical functions which enables us to turn the maximally degenerate Poisson brackets into operators. They pose a set of eigenvalue problems for a new state vector. The requirement of the single valuedness of this eigenfunction leads to quantization. The example of the harmonic oscillator is used to illustrate this general procedure for quantizing a class of maximally super-integrable systems

    Flatness-based control of open-channel flow in an irrigation canal using SCADA

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    Open channels are used to distribute water to large irrigated areas. In these systems, ensuring timely water delivery is essential to reduce operational water losses. This article derives a method for open-loop control of open channel flow, based on the Hayami model, a parabolic partial differential equation resulting from a simplification of the Saint-Venant equations. The open-loop control is represented as infinite series using differential flatness. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the approach by applying the open-loop controller to a real irrigation canal located in South of France

    A Path Integral Approach To Noncommutative Superspace

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    A path integral formula for the associative star-product of two superfields is proposed. It is a generalization of the Kontsevich-Cattaneo-Felder's formula for the star-product of functions of bosonic coordinates. The associativity of the star-product imposes certain conditions on the background of our sigma model. For generic background the action is not supersymmetric. The supersymmetry invariance of the action constrains the background and leads to a simple formula for the star-product.Comment: Latex 13 pages. v2: references and footnotes adde

    Toeplitz operators on symplectic manifolds

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    We study the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization on symplectic manifolds making use of the full off-diagonal asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernel. We give also a characterization of Toeplitz operators in terms of their asymptotic expansion. The semi-classical limit properties of the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization for non-compact manifolds and orbifolds are also established.Comment: 40 page

    Infinitesimal deformations of a formal symplectic groupoid

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    Given a formal symplectic groupoid GG over a Poisson manifold (M,π0)(M, \pi_0), we define a new object, an infinitesimal deformation of GG, which can be thought of as a formal symplectic groupoid over the manifold MM equipped with an infinitesimal deformation π0+ϵπ1\pi_0 + \epsilon \pi_1 of the Poisson bivector field π0\pi_0. The source and target mappings of a deformation of GG are deformations of the source and target mappings of GG. To any pair of natural star products (∗,∗~)(\ast, \tilde\ast) having the same formal symplectic groupoid GG we relate an infinitesimal deformation of GG. We call it the deformation groupoid of the pair (∗,∗~)(\ast, \tilde\ast). We give explicit formulas for the source and target mappings of the deformation groupoid of a pair of star products with separation of variables on a Kaehler- Poisson manifold. Finally, we give an algorithm for calculating the principal symbols of the components of the logarithm of a formal Berezin transform of a star product with separation of variables. This algorithm is based upon some deformation groupoid.Comment: 22 pages, the paper is reworked, new proofs are adde
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