30 research outputs found

    Idiopathic Membranous Nephropathy Preceding the Onset of Rheumatoid Arthritis: a Case Report

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    Introduction: Membranous nephropathy (MN) in the context of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is often an iatrogenic complication due to the nephrotoxic effects of antirheumatic drugs. Rare cases of non-iatrogenic association between these two diseases were reported in the literature.Case report: A 30-year-old female patient presented in September 2005 with nephrotic syndrome. Renal biopsy showed features consistent with MN. Search for etiology was negative, particularly lupus serology which remained negative throughout the course of her illness. Accordingly, she was diagnosed as a case of idiopathic MN. Initially, she was treated with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers which maintained her protein excretion below nephrotic range for two years. Her nephrotic syndrome then relapsed and was treated with steroids and chlorambucil, according to the Ponticelli protocol. A few months later, she presented with early morning joint stiffness, polyarthritis involving the small joints of the hands, and strongly positive rheumatoid factor, fulfilling the diagnostic criteria of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Her serum creatinine remained normal and a second renal biopsy revealed the same features of MN. Her RA was treated with pulsed methylprednisolone followed by oral steroids and methotrexate resulting in remission of the joints disease and the nephrotic syndrome. Remission was maintained for the last two years up to the time of this report.Conclusion: We hereby report a case of secondary membranous nephropathy that preceded the onset of rheumatoid arthritis by three years.Keywords: Auto-immunity; Membranous nephropathy; Rheumatoid arthriti

    Les complications chirurgicales de la transplantation rénale à partir du donneur vivant: expérience du CHU Ibn Sina de Rabat

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    Introduction: La transplantation rénale (TR) est actuellement considérée comme un traitement de choix de l’insuffisance rénale chronique terminale (IRCT). Ses résultats se sont améliorés au cours des dernières années. Cependant, les complications chirurgicales demeurent graves car elles touchent un rein unique et surviennent sur un terrain fragilisé par l’insuffisance rénale et l’immunosuppression. L’objectif de ce travail est d’évaluer la fréquence des complications chirurgicales lors de l’activité de TR au CHU Ibn Sina de Rabat, et de dégager les facteurs ayant influé l’apparition de ces complications. Méthodes : Étude rétrospective des patients transplantés rénaux à partir de donneurs vivants apparentés (DVA) de Juin 1999 à Décembre 2008 dans notre centre hospitalo-universitaire. Nous avons recensé les caractéristiques propres au receveur, au prélèvement, au donneur ainsi qu’au greffon. Les complications chirurgicales ont été colligées ainsi que leur prise en charge et évolution. Résultats: Soixante sept dossiers ont été analysés avec un suivi moyen de 55 +/- 28 mois. 38 complications chirurgicales ont été recensées : sténose des artères rénales (38,7%), lymphocèle (21%), hématome (12,7%), thrombose vasculaire (7,8%), reflux vésico-urétéral (4,8%), rupture du greffon (3,2%), calcul (1 cas), éventration (1 cas), L’analyse statistique de notre série n’a pas mis en évidence de facteurs de risque significatifs semblant influer sur l’incidence des complications chirurgicales. Conclusion: La morbidité liée aux complications chirurgicales de la TR reste élevée nécessitant un diagnostic et un traitement adéquat afin d’éviter les répercussions sur la survie des patients et des greffons

    Association myélome multiple – maladie de Kaposi: à propos d’un cas

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    L'association Kaposi–myélome multiple est extrêmement rare. Nous rapportons, le cas d'un patient âgé de 76 ans suivi dans notre formation pour un myélome à immunoglobuline A kappa stade III-B selon Durie et Salmon. Ceci a été associé à des lésions cutanées dont la biopsie cutanée était en faveur d’une maladie de Kaposi. La sérologie de l’herpès virus humain de type 8 (HHV8) est revenue positive. Une radiothérapie sur les lésions était refusée par le patient. L'évolution était marquée par une altération de l'état général. Le patient ayant refusé la radiothérapie et toute prise en charge thérapeutique est décédée deux mois plus tard. Nous rapportons, à notre connaissance, le 18ème cas mondial de maladie de Kaposi associée à un Kahler chez un patient HHV8 positif. C'est une association exceptionnelle rendant probable le rôle pathogénique de HHV8 dans le développement du myélome

    Grossesse gémellaire siamois en dialyse péritonéale (Siamese twin pregnancy in peritoneal dialysis)

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     Introduction: The probability of conception is low in peritoneal dialysis (PD), and the probability of successful pregnancy is even lower. Nearly 60 years after the first reported case of successful pregnancy in a dialysis patient, many questions about pregnancy during dialysis remain unresolved, namely the required dialysis dose, the follow-up rhythm, the choice of the the most appropriate dialysis technique. Case report: We report the first case worldwide of twin Siamese pregnancy in a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). The pregnancy was diagnosed at 7 weeks of amenorrhea (WA). The patient was initially under 2 exchanges per day, with 2-liter bags of Dianealof 1.36% glucose. As soon as the pregnancy was discovered, the prescription was modified, putting the patient under 3 exchanges a day with the same concentrates. The infusion volume was maintained at 2 liters up to 18 WA , and then reduced to 1.5 liters due to patient discomfort and abdominal hyperpressure. Daily ultrafiltration ranged from 180 to 800 ml with 1 liter diuresis. The blood pressure was well controlled, with an average of 125/80 mmHg, without need of  antihypertensive drugs. On a biological level, the Kt / V was 2.2, nPCR was 0.8, and the weekly clearance was 80 L / 1.73 m². The average hemoglobin was 11.5 g / dl under erythropoietin 9000 units per week. At 20 WA, obstetrical ultrasound revealed a mono-chorionic, mono-amniotic twin pregnancy. Due to high maternal and fetal risks, closer obstetrical control was indicated. At 24 WA, morphological obstetrical ultrasound coupled with Doppler examination of the uterine and umbilical arteries favored the diagnosis of mono-amniotic mono-chorionic twin pregnancy with strong suspicion of Siamese contiguous to the pelvis, with a cerebral malformation in one of the fetuses. The patient experienced intense contractions and pelvic pain leading to an emergency cesarean section with two surviving Siamese twins, contiguous to the pelvis, weighing 900g, but who died one day after delivery. Conclusion: Pregnancy during dialysis is at high maternal and fetal risks. It is necessary to prepare and follow this pregnancy to optimize the chances of success. This implies an adaptation of the medical treatment and dialysis prescription, including the volume and modality of exchanges. The same holds true for gynecological and obstetrical follow-up, which must be regular and strict, in order to prevent any maternal-fetal complications.Introduction : La probabilitĂ© de conception est faible en dialyse pĂ©ritonĂ©ale (DP), et la probabilitĂ© de rĂ©ussir la grossesse est encore plus faible. Près de 60 ans après le premier cas rapportĂ© de grossesse rĂ©ussie chez une patiente dialysĂ©e, de nombreuses questions concernant la grossesse en dialyse restent non rĂ©solues, Ă  savoir la dose de dialyse nĂ©cessaire, le rythme de suivi, le choix de la technique de dialyse la plus appropriĂ©e.  Observation : Nous rapportons le premier cas mondial d’une grossesse gĂ©mellaire siamoise chez une patiente en dialyse pĂ©ritonĂ©ale continue ambulatoire (DPCA). La grossesse a Ă©tĂ© diagnostiquĂ©e Ă  7 semaines d’amĂ©norrhĂ©e (SA). La patiente Ă©tait initialement sous 2 Ă©changes par jour, par des poches de Dianeal de 2 litres de 1,36% de glucose. Dès la dĂ©couverte de la grossesse, la prescription a Ă©tĂ© modifiĂ©e, mettant la patiente sous 3 Ă©changes par jour par les mĂŞmes concentrĂ©s. Le volume d’infusion a Ă©tĂ© maintenu Ă  2 litres jusqu’à 18 SA, puis il a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©duit Ă  1,5 litres du fait de la gĂŞne ressentie par la patiente et de l’hyperpression abdominale. Les ultrafiltrations quotidiennes variaient entre 180 et 800 ml avec une diurèse Ă  1 litre. La pression artĂ©rielle Ă©tait bien contrĂ´lĂ©e, avec des chiffres en moyenne de 125/80 mmHg, sans recours aux traitements antihypertenseurs. Sur le plan biologique, le Kt / V Ă©tait de 2,2, le nPCR Ă©tait de 0,8, et la clairance hebdomadaire Ă  80 L/1.73 m². L’hĂ©moglobine moyenne Ă©tait de 11.5 g/dl sous Ă©rythropoĂŻĂ©tine 9000 unitĂ©s par semaine.  A 20 SA, l’échographie obstĂ©tricale a mis en Ă©vidence une grossesse gĂ©mellaire mono-choriale, mono-amniotique. Vu les risques maternel et fĹ“tal Ă©levĂ©s, un contrĂ´le obstĂ©trical plus rapprochĂ© a Ă©tĂ© indiquĂ©. A 24 SA, l’échographie obstĂ©tricale morphologique couplĂ©e au doppler des artères utĂ©rine et ombilicale Ă©tait en faveur d’une grossesse gĂ©mellaire monochoriale monoamniotique avec forte suspicion de siamois accolĂ©s par le pelvis, avec une malformation cĂ©rĂ©brale chez un des deux fĹ“tus. La patiente a prĂ©sentĂ© des contractions et douleurs pelviennes intenses menant Ă  une cĂ©sarienne en urgence avec issue de deux jumeaux siamois vivants, accolĂ©s par le pelvis, pesant 900g, dĂ©cĂ©dĂ©s un jour après l’accouchement.  Conclusion : la grossesse en dialyse est Ă  hauts risques maternel et fĹ“tal. Il est nĂ©cessaire de prĂ©parer et de suivre cette grossesse   pour en optimiser   les   chances   de   rĂ©ussite. Ceci sous-entend une adaptation du traitement mĂ©dical et de la prescription de dialyse, notamment le volume et la modalitĂ© des Ă©changes. Il en  va de mĂŞme pour le suivi gynĂ©cologique et obstĂ©trical qui doit ĂŞtre rĂ©gulier et strict, afin de prĂ©venir toute complication materno-fĹ“tale.  Introduction: The probability of conception is low in peritoneal dialysis (PD), and the probability of successful pregnancy is even lower. Nearly 60 years after the first reported case of successful pregnancy in a dialysis patient, many questions about pregnancy during dialysis remain unresolved, namely the required dialysis dose, the follow-up rhythm, the choice of the the most appropriate dialysis technique. Case report: We report the first case worldwide of twin Siamese pregnancy in a patient on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD). The pregnancy was diagnosed at 7 weeks of amenorrhea (WA). The patient was initially under 2 exchanges per day, with 2-liter bags of Dianealof 1.36% glucose. As soon as the pregnancy was discovered, the prescription was modified, putting the patient under 3 exchanges a day with the same concentrates. The infusion volume was maintained at 2 liters up to 18 WA , and then reduced to 1.5 liters due to patient discomfort and abdominal hyperpressure. Daily ultrafiltration ranged from 180 to 800 ml with 1 liter diuresis. The blood pressure was well controlled, with an average of 125/80 mmHg, without need of  antihypertensive drugs. On a biological level, the Kt / V was 2.2, nPCR was 0.8, and the weekly clearance was 80 L / 1.73 m². The average hemoglobin was 11.5 g / dl under erythropoietin 9000 units per week. At 20 WA, obstetrical ultrasound revealed a mono-chorionic, mono-amniotic twin pregnancy. Due to high maternal and fetal risks, closer obstetrical control was indicated. At 24 WA, morphological obstetrical ultrasound coupled with Doppler examination of the uterine and umbilical arteries favored the diagnosis of mono-amniotic mono-chorionic twin pregnancy with strong suspicion of Siamese contiguous to the pelvis, with a cerebral malformation in one of the fetuses. The patient experienced intense contractions and pelvic pain leading to an emergency cesarean section with two surviving Siamese twins, contiguous to the pelvis, weighing 900g, but who died one day after delivery. Conclusion: Pregnancy during dialysis is at high maternal and fetal risks. It is necessary to prepare and follow this pregnancy to optimize the chances of success. This implies an adaptation of the medical treatment and dialysis prescription, including the volume and modality of exchanges. The same holds true for gynecological and obstetrical follow-up, which must be regular and strict, in order to prevent any maternal-fetal complications. &nbsp