3,391 research outputs found

    A nested sequence of projectors (2): Multiparameter multistate statistical models, Hamiltonians, S-matrices

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    Our starting point is a class of braid matrices, presented in a previous paper, constructed on a basis of a nested sequence of projectors. Statistical models associated to such N2×N2N^2\times N^2 matrices for odd NN are studied here. Presence of 12(N+3)(N1)\frac 12(N+3)(N-1) free parameters is the crucial feature of our models, setting them apart from other well-known ones. There are NN possible states at each site. The trace of the transfer matrix is shown to depend on 12(N1)\frac 12(N-1) parameters. For order rr, NN eigenvalues consitute the trace and the remaining (NrN)(N^r-N) eigenvalues involving the full range of parameters come in zero-sum multiplets formed by the rr-th roots of unity, or lower dimensional multiplets corresponding to factors of the order rr when rr is not a prime number. The modulus of any eigenvalue is of the form eμθe^{\mu\theta}, where μ\mu is a linear combination of the free parameters, θ\theta being the spectral parameter. For rr a prime number an amusing relation of the number of multiplets with a theorem of Fermat is pointed out. Chain Hamiltonians and potentials corresponding to factorizable SS-matrices are constructed starting from our braid matrices. Perspectives are discussed.Comment: 32 pages, no figure, few mistakes are correcte

    Connected component identification and cluster update on GPU

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    Cluster identification tasks occur in a multitude of contexts in physics and engineering such as, for instance, cluster algorithms for simulating spin models, percolation simulations, segmentation problems in image processing, or network analysis. While it has been shown that graphics processing units (GPUs) can result in speedups of two to three orders of magnitude as compared to serial codes on CPUs for the case of local and thus naturally parallelized problems such as single-spin flip update simulations of spin models, the situation is considerably more complicated for the non-local problem of cluster or connected component identification. I discuss the suitability of different approaches of parallelization of cluster labeling and cluster update algorithms for calculations on GPU and compare to the performance of serial implementations.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, one table, submitted to PR

    The Statistics of the Number of Minima in a Random Energy Landscape

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    We consider random energy landscapes constructed from d-dimensional lattices or trees. The distribution of the number of local minima in such landscapes follows a large deviation principle and we derive the associated law exactly for dimension 1. Also of interest is the probability of the maximum possible number of minima; this probability scales exponentially with the number of sites. We calculate analytically the corresponding exponent for the Cayley tree and the two-leg ladder; for 2 to 5 dimensional hypercubic lattices, we compute the exponent numerically and compare to the Cayley tree case.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figures, added background on landscapes and reference

    Multicolored Temperley-Lieb lattice models. The ground state

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    Using inversion relation, we calculate the ground state energy for the lattice integrable models, based on a recently obtained baxterization of non trivial multicolored generalization of Temperley-Lieb algebras. The simplest vertex and IRF models are analyzed and found to have a mass gap.Comment: 15 pages 2 figure

    Algebras in Higher Dimensional Statistical Mechanics - the Exceptional Partition (MEAN Field) Algebras

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    We determine the structure of the partition algebra Pn(Q)P_n(Q) (a generalized Temperley-Lieb algebra) for specific values of Q \in \C, focusing on the quotient which gives rise to the partition function of nn site QQ-state Potts models (in the continuous QQ formulation) in arbitrarily high lattice dimensions (the mean field case). The algebra is non-semi-simple iff QQ is a non-negative integer less than nn. We determine the dimension of the key irreducible representation in every specialization.Comment: 4 page

    A hard-sphere model on generalized Bethe lattices: Statics

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    We analyze the phase diagram of a model of hard spheres of chemical radius one, which is defined over a generalized Bethe lattice containing short loops. We find a liquid, two different crystalline, a glassy and an unusual crystalline glassy phase. Special attention is also paid to the close-packing limit in the glassy phase. All analytical results are cross-checked by numerical Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: 24 pages, revised versio

    Critical properties of joint spin and Fortuin-Kasteleyn observables in the two-dimensional Potts model

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    The two-dimensional Potts model can be studied either in terms of the original Q-component spins, or in the geometrical reformulation via Fortuin-Kasteleyn (FK) clusters. While the FK representation makes sense for arbitrary real values of Q by construction, it was only shown very recently that the spin representation can be promoted to the same level of generality. In this paper we show how to define the Potts model in terms of observables that simultaneously keep track of the spin and FK degrees of freedom. This is first done algebraically in terms of a transfer matrix that couples three different representations of a partition algebra. Using this, one can study correlation functions involving any given number of propagating spin clusters with prescribed colours, each of which contains any given number of distinct FK clusters. For 0 <= Q <= 4 the corresponding critical exponents are all of the Kac form h_{r,s}, with integer indices r,s that we determine exactly both in the bulk and in the boundary versions of the problem. In particular, we find that the set of points where an FK cluster touches the hull of its surrounding spin cluster has fractal dimension d_{2,1} = 2 - 2 h_{2,1}. If one constrains this set to points where the neighbouring spin cluster extends to infinity, we show that the dimension becomes d_{1,3} = 2 - 2 h_{1,3}. Our results are supported by extensive transfer matrix and Monte Carlo computations.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Statistical Mechanical Models and Topological Color Codes

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    We find that the overlapping of a topological quantum color code state, representing a quantum memory, with a factorized state of qubits can be written as the partition function of a 3-body classical Ising model on triangular or Union Jack lattices. This mapping allows us to test that different computational capabilities of color codes correspond to qualitatively different universality classes of their associated classical spin models. By generalizing these statistical mechanical models for arbitrary inhomogeneous and complex couplings, it is possible to study a measurement-based quantum computation with a color code state and we find that their classical simulatability remains an open problem. We complement the meaurement-based computation with the construction of a cluster state that yields the topological color code and this also gives the possibility to represent statistical models with external magnetic fields.Comment: Revtex4, color figures, submitted for publicatio

    The Blob Algebra and the Periodic Temperley-Lieb Algebra

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    We determine the structure of two variations on the Temperley-Lieb algebra, both used for dealing with special kinds of boundary conditions in statistical mechanics models. The first is a new algebra, the `blob' algebra (the reason for the name will become obvious shortly!). We determine both the generic and all the exceptional structures for this two parameter algebra. The second is the periodic Temperley-Lieb algebra. The generic structure and part of the exceptional structure of this algebra have already been studied. Here we complete the analysis, using results from the study of the blob algebra.Comment: 12 page

    On quantum group symmetry and Bethe ansatz for the asymmetric twin spin chain with integrable boundary

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    Motivated by a study of the crossing symmetry of the `gemini' representation of the affine Hecke algebra we give a construction for crossing tensor space representations of ordinary Hecke algebras. These representations build solutions to the Yang--Baxter equation satisfying the crossing condition (that is, integrable quantum spin chains). We show that every crossing representation of the Temperley--Lieb algebra appears in this construction, and in particular that this construction builds new representations. We extend these to new representations of the blob algebra, which build new solutions to the Boundary Yang--Baxter equation (i.e. open spin chains with integrable boundary conditions). We prove that the open spin chain Hamiltonian derived from Sklyanin's commuting transfer matrix using such a solution can always be expressed as the representation of an element of the blob algebra, and determine this element. We determine the representation theory (irreducible content) of the new representations and hence show that all such Hamiltonians have the same spectrum up to multiplicity, for any given value of the algebraic boundary parameter. (A corollary is that our models have the same spectrum as the open XXZ chain with nondiagonal boundary -- despite differing from this model in having reference states.) Using this multiplicity data, and other ideas, we investigate the underlying quantum group symmetry of the new Hamiltonians. We derive the form of the spectrum and the Bethe ansatz equations.Comment: 43 pages, multiple figure