11 research outputs found

    Syndromes with congenital brittle bones

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    BACKGROUND: There is no clear definition of osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). The most widely used classification of OI divides the disease in four types, although it has been suggested that there may be at least 12 forms of OI. These forms have been named with numbers, eponyms or descriptive names. Some of these syndromes can actually be considered congenital forms of brittle bones resembling OI (SROI). DISCUSSION: A review of different syndromes with congenital brittle bones published in the literature is presented. Syndromes are classified in "OI" (those secondary to mutations in the type I pro-collagen genes), and "syndromes resembling OI" (those secondary to mutations other that the type I pro-collagen genes, identified or not). A definition for OI is proposed as a syndrome of congenital brittle bones secondary to mutations in the genes codifying for pro-collagen genes (COL1A1 and COL1A2). SUMMARY: A debate about the definition of OI and a possible clinical and prognostic classification are warranted

    Morphometric analyses of the cervical superior facets and implications for facet dislocation

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    The articular facets of the cervical spine have been well addressed; however, little information is available on the relationship of the superior facets of the cervical spine to traumatic dislocation in the literature. Morphometric analyses of the superior facets of 30 dried cervical spines from C3 to C7 were performed to determine any morphological differences. The angle of the superior facet with respect to the transverse plane was also measured on computed tomography (CT) scans of 30 patients having neck injury without fracture/dislocation. The vertical and surface lengths of the superior facet were significantly lower (P < 0.01) at C6–C7 levels than at C3–5 levels. The anteroposterior diameter of the superior facet was smaller (P < 0.05) at C6 and C7 levels compared to C3–5 levels. Although the superior facet joint surface is in a more coronal orientation in lower cervical vertebrae, the inclination of the superior facet is more horizontal relative to the transverse plane when measured in vivo. A combination of lower height, smaller anteroposterior diameter of the superior facet, and a more horizontally oriented superior facet at C6 and C7 levels in vivo may explain the predilection of translation relative to one another in the lower cervical spine

    Cervical facet joint kinematics during bilateral facet dislocation

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    Previous biomechanical models of cervical bilateral facet dislocation (BFD) are limited to quasi-static loading or manual ligament transection. The goal of the present study was to determine the facet joint kinematics during high-speed BFD. Dislocation was simulated using ten cervical functional spinal units with muscle force replication by frontal impact of the lower vertebra, tilted posteriorly by 42.5°. Average peak rotations and anterior sliding (displacement of upper articulating facet surface along the lower), separation and compression (displacement of upper facet away from and towards the lower), and lateral shear were determined at the anterior and posterior edges of the right and left facets and statistically compared (P < 0.05). First, peak facet separation occurred, and was significantly greater at the left posterior facet edge, as compared to the anterior edges. Next, peak flexion rotation and anterior facet sliding occurred, followed by peak facet compression. The highest average facet translation peaks were 22.0 mm for anterior sliding, 7.9 mm for separation, 9.9 mm for compression and 3.6 mm for lateral shear. The highest average rotation of 63° occurred in flexion, significantly greater than all other directions. These events occurred, on average, within 0.29 s following impact. During BFD, the main sagittal motions included facet separation, flexion rotation, anterior sliding, followed by compression, however, non-sagittal motions also existed. These motions indicated that unilateral dislocation may precede bilateral dislocation