4 research outputs found


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    The research aimed to analyse the language of publication of journals classified under humanistic sciences (humanities) at Hrčak, the portal of scientific journals of Croatia. As for their scopes, the journals were categorized into mono-disciplinary, intra-area and inter-area ones. Most journals allocated to the humanistic sciences were published either exclusively or mainly in Croatian, and English appeared to be the second most frequent publication language. The yielded results point to two directions in Croatian scientific journals in terms of the publication language. On the one hand, they aim to the international dissemination of the research results, which implies that the articles are published in English or some other widespread language. On the other hand, cultural traditions should be preserved, and one way of doing so is to publish in the standard Croatian language. Interestingly, containing articles written in English did not prove to be a factor for the inclusion of journals in the Web of Science (WoS). Ultimately, the language of the journals’ titles of the three scope categories was scrutinized for both the whole sample and the subsample of journals indexed in the Web of Science. In both cases, the predominance of the journals’ titles in Croatian was evident


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    The research aimed to analyse the language of publication of journals classified under humanistic sciences (humanities) at Hrčak, the portal of scientific journals of Croatia. As for their scopes, the journals were categorized into mono-disciplinary, intra-area and inter-area ones. Most journals allocated to the humanistic sciences were published either exclusively or mainly in Croatian, and English appeared to be the second most frequent publication language. The yielded results point to two directions in Croatian scientific journals in terms of the publication language. On the one hand, they aim to the international dissemination of the research results, which implies that the articles are published in English or some other widespread language. On the other hand, cultural traditions should be preserved, and one way of doing so is to publish in the standard Croatian language. Interestingly, containing articles written in English did not prove to be a factor for the inclusion of journals in the Web of Science (WoS). Ultimately, the language of the journals’ titles of the three scope categories was scrutinized for both the whole sample and the subsample of journals indexed in the Web of Science. In both cases, the predominance of the journals’ titles in Croatian was evident

    Teaching Entrepreneurship - Learning from Best Practices of Family Business Development Programs

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    U radu su predstavljeni opći trendovi u visokoškolskom obrazovanju, te razlike u pristupu poduzetničkom obrazovanju i stjecanju poduzetničkih kompetencija na stručnim i sveučilišnim studijima poduzetničke orijentacije. Stručni studiji u Hrvatskoj posjeduju značajne stručne i obrazovne resurse koji još uvijek nisu dovoljno iskorišteni za suradnju s drugim sektorima. Programi cjeloživotnog učenja ojačali bi povezanost tih obrazovnih institucija s gospodarskim, civilnim i javnim sektorom, te učvrstili povezanost prakse, istraživanja i znanosti. Za potrebe ovog rada istraženi su primjeri dobre prakse u području pružanja kvalitetnih usluga za razvoj obiteljskog poduzetništva u obrazovnim institucijama, te predstavljeni uspješni europski i američki programi koji bi mogli poslužiti kao benchmark za buduće planiranje razvoja tih programa u Hrvatskoj. Korištene su metode pretraživanja sekundarnih izvora, provođenja ankete u vezi s potrebama obiteljskih poduzetnika, te metoda snimanja postojeće ponude takvih programa na tematskim konferencijama o obiteljskom poduzetništvu. Upućivanjem na najbolje prakse ponuđeni su modeli za definiranje novih programa, te utvrđene pretpostavke za pružanje obrazovnih programa u sklopu cjeloživotnog učenja obiteljskih poduzetnika. Svrha ovog rada je stvaranje svijesti o potrebi korištenja iskustava najboljih europskih i svjetskih praksi s ciljem podizanja kvalitete programa cjeloživotnog učenja, te sustavnog osposobljavanja predavača za kvalitetnije djelovanje u nastavi i takvim programima.This paper presents the general trends in higher education, and differences in approach to entrepreneurial education and the acquisition of entrepreneurial competencies in vocational and university studies of entrepreneurial orientation. Vocational studies in Croatia have significant professional and educational resources that have not yet been sufficiently exploited for collaboration with other sectors. Lifelong learning programs will strengthen the connection between these educational institutions with economic, civil and public sectors, as well as make closer connection between practice, research and science. For the purpose of this study, examples of good practice in the field of providing quality services for the development of family entrepreneurship in educational institutions have been explored. Furthermore, the successful European and American programs are presented, because they could serve as a benchmark for future planning of these programs in Croatia. The following methods are used: search of secondary sources, the survey related to the needs of family businesses, and the method of screening the existing programs in thematic conferences on the family businesses. Referring to the best practice models for defining new programs have been offered, and conditions for the provision of educational programs as part of lifelong learning for the family businesses have been established. The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness of the need to use the experience of the European and worldwide best practice examples, to increase the quality of lifelong learning, and provide systematic training of teachers for quality conduction in teaching and in such programs

    Hrvaščina in angleščina v besedilih oglasnih sporočil

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    The aim of this research was to find out whether men (n = 72) and women (n = 101) (totalling 173 respondents) – 20 to 60+ years of age – from the Republic of Croatia understand the text – written either in English or written in Croatian but including English words – of promotional messages found on jumbo posters and billboards. No statistically significant differences between men and women exist. However, differences in certain aspects were obtained among the age groups.Na vzorcu 173 anketirancev (72 moških in 101 ženska), starih od 20 do več kot 60 let, iz Republike Hrvaške smo želeli ugotoviti, ali razumejo besedila oglasnih sporočil na jumbo plakatih in panojih, ki so pisana v celoti angleško ali pa kot kombinacija hrvaščine in angleščine. Statistično pomembne razlike med moškimi in ženskami niso zaznane, v posameznostih pa so ugotovljene razlike med starostnimi skupinami