5,790 research outputs found

    Hadron collider limits on anomalous WWγWW\gamma couplings

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    A next-to-leading log calculation of the reactions pppp and ppW±γXp\overline{p}\rightarrow W^\pm\gamma X is presented including a tri-boson gauge coupling from non-Standard Model contributions. Two approaches are made for comparison. The first approach considers the tri-boson WWγWW\gamma coupling as being uniquely fixed by tree level unitarity at high energies to its Standard Model form and, consequently, suppresses the non-Standard Model contributions with form factors. The second approach is to ignore such considerations and calculate the contributions to non-Standard Model tri-boson gauge couplings without such suppressions. It is found that at Tevatron energies, the two approaches do not differ much in quantitative results, while at Large Hadron Collider (LHC) energies the two approaches give significantly different predictions for production rates. At the Tevatron and LHC, however, the sensitivity limits on the anomalous coupling of WWγWW\gamma are too weak to usefully constrain parameters in effective Lagrangian models.Comment: Revtex 23 pages + 8 figures, UIOWA-94-1

    Vector Boson Pair Production in Hadronic Collisions at Order αs\alpha_s: Lepton Correlations and Anomalous Couplings

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    We present cross sections for production of electroweak vector boson pairs, WWWW, WZWZ and ZZZZ, in ppˉp\bar{p} and pppp collisions, at next-to-leading order in αs\alpha_s. We treat the leptonic decays of the bosons in the narrow-width approximation, but retain all spin information via decay angle correlations. We also include the effects of WWZWWZ and WWγWW\gamma anomalous couplings.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 3 table

    Electroweak-correction effects in gauge-boson pair production at the LHC

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    We have studied the effect of one-loop logarithmic electroweak radiative corrections on WZ and WγW\gamma production processes at the LHC. We present analytical results for the leading-logarithmic electroweak corrections to the corresponding partonic processes du -> WZ, Wgamma. Using the leading-pole approximation we implement these corrections into Monte Carlo programs for pplνlllˉ,lνlγpp\to l\nu_l l'\bar l', l\nu_l\gamma. We find that electroweak corrections lower the predictions by 5-20% in the physically interesting region of large transverse momentum and small rapidity separation of the gauge bosons.Comment: 28 pages, LaTex, 13 eps figures included; references added and corrected typo

    Higher-order QED corrections to W-boson mass determination at hadron colliders

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    The impact of higher-order final-state photonic corrections on the precise determination of the W-boson mass at the Tevatron and LHC colliders is evaluated. In the presence of realistic selection criteria, the shift in the W mass from a fit to the transverse mass distribution is found to be about 10 MeV in the WμνW \to \mu \nu channel and almost negligible in the WeνW \to e \nu channel. The calculation, which is implemented in a Monte Carlo event generator for data analysis, can contribute to reduce the uncertainty associated to the W mass measurement at future hadron collider experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, RevTe

    Heavy ion beam lifetimes at relativistic and ultrarelativistic colliders

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    The effects of higher order corrections in ultra-relativistic nuclear collisions are considered. It is found that higher order contributions are small at low energy, large at intermediate energy and small again at very high energy. An explanation for this effect is given. This means that the Weizsacker-Williams formula is a good approximation to use in calculating cross sections and beam lifetimes at energies relevant to RHIC and LHC.Comment: 10 pages, 2 tables, 4 figure

    Amplitude Zeros in W±ZW^\pm Z Production

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    We demonstrate that the Standard Model amplitude for f1fˉ2W±Zf_1 \bar f_2 \rightarrow W^\pm Z at the Born-level exhibits an approximate zero located at cosθ=(gf1+gf2)/(gf1gf2)\cos\theta = (g^{f_1}_{-} + g^{f_2}_{-}) / (g^{f_1}_{-} - g^{f_2}_{-}) at high energies, where the gfig^{f_i}_{-} (i=1,2i=1,2) are the left-handed couplings of the ZZ-boson to fermions and θ\theta is the center of mass scattering angle of the WW-boson. The approximate zero is the combined result of an exact zero in the dominant helicity amplitudes M(±,){\cal M}(\pm,\mp) and strong gauge cancelations in the remaining amplitudes. For non-standard WWZWWZ couplings these cancelations no longer occur and the approximate amplitude zero is eliminated.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures submitted separately as uuencoded tar-ed postscript files, FSU-HEP-940307, UCD-94-

    Exclusive W + photon production in proton-antiproton collisions I: general formalism

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    We present a detailed computation of the fully exclusive cross section of p + antip --> W + photon + X with X = 0 and 1 jet in the framework of the factorization theorem and dimensional regularization. Order alpha-strong and photon bremsstrahlung contributions are discussed in the MS-bar mass factorization scheme. The resulting expressions are ready to be implemented numerically using Monte Carlo techniques to compute single and double differential cross sections and correlations between outgoing pairs of particles.Comment: ITP-SB-93-72, 40 pages, LateX. 3*4 figures in separate file. ([email protected]) ([email protected]

    Probing Electroweak Top Quark Couplings at Hadron Colliders

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    We consider QCD t\bar{t}\gamma and t\bar{t}Z production at hadron colliders as a tool to measure the tt\gamma and ttZ couplings. At the Tevatron it may be possible to perform a first, albeit not very precise, test of the tt\gamma vector and axial vector couplings in t\bar{t}\gamma production, provided that more than 5 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity are accumulated. The t\bar{t}Z cross section at the Tevatron is too small to be observable. At the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) it will be possible to probe the tt\gamma couplings at the few percent level, which approaches the precision which one hopes to achieve with a next-generation e^+e^- linear collider. The LHC's capability of associated QCD t\bar{t}V (V=\gamma, Z) production has the added advantage that the tt\gamma and ttZ couplings are not entangled. For an integrated luminosity of 300 fb^{-1}, the ttZ vector (axial vector) coupling can be determined with an uncertainty of 45-85% (15-20%), whereas the dimension-five dipole form factors can be measured with a precision of 50-55%. The achievable limits improve typically by a factor of 2-3 for the luminosity-upgraded (3 ab^{-1}) LHC.Comment: Revtex3, 30 pages, 9 Figures, 6 Table

    Secants of Lagrangian Grassmannians

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    We study the dimensions of secant varieties of the Grassmannian of Lagrangian subspaces in a symplectic vector space. We calculate these dimensions for third and fourth secant varieties. Our result is obtained by providing a normal form for four general points on such a Grassmannian and by explicitly calculating the tangent spaces at these four points