13 research outputs found

    Aphids-induced plant volatiles affect diel foraging behavior of a ladybird beetle Coccinella septempunctata

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    The ladybird beetle Coccinella septempunctata (L.) is an important biocontrol agent of pests such as various aphid species. Despite being one of the most studied coccinellid species, many aspects of its foraging behavior are still not completely understood. This study focuses on the diel foraging behavior of C. septempunctata, investigating their olfactory orientation toward aphid-infested plants, walking activity on plants and on the soil, and feeding rates. In the scotophase the ladybird beetles were significantly more attracted to the odor of aphid-infested plants, on which they also showed considerably higher walking activity then on uninfested controls. Females were more prone to utilize olfactory cues when searching for prey and fed at higher rates than males; this shows that they are better adapted to nocturnal activity, as they require higher food intake. Coccinella septempunctata have the same feeding rate during the scotophase as in the photophase. Our study shows that C. septempunctata has the potential to forage in the scotophase if prey is abundant. The results support the hypothesis that volatiles of aphid-infested plants can attract or arrest foraging adult ladybird beetles, even in the darkness, which makes a considerable contribution to efficient prey search and enhances feeding capacity

    Fungal plant endosymbionts alter life history and reproductive success of aphid predators

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    Endosymbionts occur in most plant species and may affect interactions among herbivores and their predators through the production of toxic alkaloids. Here, we ask whether effects of mycotoxins produced by the symbiosis of the fungal endophyte Neotyphodium lolii and the grass Lolium perenne are transmitted to the aphidophagous ladybird Coccinella septempunctata when feeding on cereal aphids Rhopalosiphum padi on infected plants. The larval development of coccinellids was extended, while their survival was reduced when feeding exclusively on aphids from infected plants. Ladybirds developing on aphids from infected plants showed reduced fecundity and impaired reproductive performance. Body size and symmetries of ladybird adults were not affected by the endophytes. Consistently strong, negative effects of endophytes on the lifetime performance of ladybirds indicates that mycotoxins are transmitted along food chains, causing significant damage for top predators. Such cascading effects will influence the population dynamics of aphid predators in the long term and could feedback to the primary plant producers

    FIT4FOOD2030: Future-proofing Europe’s Food Systems with Tools for Transformation and a Sustainable Food Systems Network

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    Food systems are not fit for purpose, transgressing planetary boundaries, causing unhealthy consumption patterns and are rife with inequality. Research and Innovation (R&I) are central to tackling these food systems challenges, yet R&I systems are equally not fit for purpose, often lacking systemic and participatory approaches to food systems transformation. Therefore, there is a need for novel R&I approaches that adopt systemic and more participatory methods to engage with a wider range of food systems stakeholders. However, the lack of competencies and tools concerning novel R&I approaches for food systems transformation is a key hindrance to the deployment of such approaches in practice. These competencies and tools are vital for guiding and supporting food systems stakeholders dedicated to contributing to its transformation whether they are policymakers, researchers or citizens. This article presents the tangible results of the European (EU) Horizon 2020 funded FIT4FOOD2030 project. As a response to the challenges food and R&I systems face as well as the gap in competencies and tools surrounding these issues, the project has developed a growing online hub of Tools for Transformation applicable to a broad range of transformation challenges and contexts (e.g. food, health or energy) and a Sustainable Food Systems Network to equip food system stakeholders with practical hands-on materials to ‘do’ food systems transformation