5 research outputs found

    Estimating Conditional Distributions with Neural Networks using R package deeptrafo

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    Contemporary empirical applications frequently require flexible regression models for complex response types and large tabular or non-tabular, including image or text, data. Classical regression models either break down under the computational load of processing such data or require additional manual feature extraction to make these problems tractable. Here, we present deeptrafo, a package for fitting flexible regression models for conditional distributions using a tensorflow backend with numerous additional processors, such as neural networks, penalties, and smoothing splines. Package deeptrafo implements deep conditional transformation models (DCTMs) for binary, ordinal, count, survival, continuous, and time series responses, potentially with uninformative censoring. Unlike other available methods, DCTMs do not assume a parametric family of distributions for the response. Further, the data analyst may trade off interpretability and flexibility by supplying custom neural network architectures and smoothers for each term in an intuitive formula interface. We demonstrate how to set up, fit, and work with DCTMs for several response types. We further showcase how to construct ensembles of these models, evaluate models using inbuilt cross-validation, and use other convenience functions for DCTMs in several applications. Lastly, we discuss DCTMs in light of other approaches to regression with non-tabular data

    Deep interpretable ensembles

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    Ensembles improve prediction performance and allow uncertainty quantification by aggregating predictions from multiple models. In deep ensembling, the individual models are usually black box neural networks, or recently, partially interpretable semi-structured deep transformation models. However, interpretability of the ensemble members is generally lost upon aggregation. This is a crucial drawback of deep ensembles in high-stake decision fields, in which interpretable models are desired. We propose a novel transformation ensemble which aggregates probabilistic predictions with the guarantee to preserve interpretability and yield uniformly better predictions than the ensemble members on average. Transformation ensembles are tailored towards interpretable deep transformation models but are applicable to a wider range of probabilistic neural networks. In experiments on several publicly available data sets, we demonstrate that transformation ensembles perform on par with classical deep ensembles in terms of prediction performance, discrimination, and calibration. In addition, we demonstrate how transformation ensembles quantify both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty, and produce minimax optimal predictions under certain conditions.Comment: 22 pages main text, 8 figure

    Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeuticsof Antidepressants

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