139 research outputs found

    The New Way of Thinking and Acting in the World Knowledge Economy: how combining Efficiency and Social Welfare

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    Over the last 20 years, the world economy has evolved at great speed. Globalizationinduces rising competition and the knowledge economy induces rising cooperation. Despite these two evolutions, different paradoxes seem more and more important in daily life. The gap between being potentially happy and the reality of happiness hasnever been as wide as today. In order to solve this problem, some authors recommend using “economic war” tools to increase their power on the world market(Baumard, 2012 ; Harbulot, 2014). On the contrary, others dream of a rising human development where everybody could increase the happiness in life (Morin, 2011, Attali, 2013). This paper proposes a new vision mixing cooperation and competition approaches in order to propose a new way of thinking and acting for the individuals and the organizations of a world knowledge economy. In the first part, the paper analyzes how recent world changes evolve to use a complexity theory in order to propose the qualitative inter- dependences which exist between the economic and social efficiency. In the second part, the paper demonstrates that the individual strategies of the agents created in order to increase happiness, could also induce long run collective strategies in order to increase the long run innovation for the society as a whole. In the third part, the paper proposes some short run action in order to reach a greater economic and social efficiency forall agents.

    Insertion commerciale de la Croatie dans l’économie mondiale : une stratégie originale et différenciée

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    Cet article s’interroge sur les modalités d’insertion de la Croatie dans l’économie mondiale. Retardée dans son adhésion à l’Union européenne pour des raisons politiques, l’insertion de ce pays doit se penser différemment de celle des autres PECO. Les modalités d’insertion des pays dans l’économie mondiale ne sont plus aujourd’hui ni binaires, ni axées sur le seul secteur extérieur. L’insertion de la Croatie est originale car elle a su combiner une stratégie financière (présence d’IDE) et une stratégie réelle (spécialisation sur le tourisme et l’industrie). Deux grandes faiblesses subsistent cependant : une forte contrainte extérieure et une faible compétitivité-prix de ce pays

    Intelligence Economique au service des PME

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    Rethinking the links between Human Relationships and Economic Efficiency using local micro institutions: an application to the case of two emerging countries

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    Emerging countries around the world have been growing fast over the last thirty years, with most of these countries basing their economic development on a state capitalism. Within these countries there is a concentration of wealth for a few people. This fact confirms the analysis of Veblen (1898) who shows the gap between the vested interest of the rich and the unsatisfied needs of the poorest. The world happiness report (Helliwell and al, 2016) also shows for the emerging countries a gap between the world rank in economic growth and in well-being. The paper proposes a new paradigm of development for two emerging countries, Brazil and South Africa, by putting human development in the center of the economic development and by using different approaches in economics and psychology. The analysis enlarges the theories of Shapiro and Stiglitz in “efficiency wages” (1984) into the complexity approach (Le Moigne, 1995). This approach combines the results in positive psychology (Kahneman, 2011) with the role of local institutions for improving the economic development of emerging countries (Deaton, 2016). The first section studies definitions of economic and human wealth. The second section analyzes for the two countries the gap between the standard of living ranking and the well-being ranking in order to present meso happiness indexes able to link the micro and macro levels of human wealth. The last section studies how the local institutions may create in these countries dynamic links for efficiently acting in a world economy.

    How building Efficient Networks to help Firms to invent New Innovative and Competitive Strategies?

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    For the last 20 years, the world economy has evolved at great speed. Every good, capital asset, knowledge is mobile and induces more competition. Innovate in commodities is a complex process which requires more cooperation. For innovating in the Knowledge Economy, firms must create nowadays “win win situations” among individuals in creating networks. The networks are thus useful nowadays for firms to imagine new innovative strategies. The building of networks authorizes the interactions between the agents, the environment and the institutions. Thinking the interdependences of the agents and institutions are not new for the evolutionary theory (Veblen, 1925 and Common, 1931) but nowadays, the institutions must be more flexible than before for helping agents to adapt to the Knowledge Economy. On the basis of the role of meso networks, we propose to the firms and the countries exporting industrial goods on the world markets, a new long run specialization and a new short run competitiveness which will promote a greater efficiency and equity around the world. Within the innovative networks, we analyze the role of two different actors: the “economic leader” who has a long run analysis and the “go-between leader” who knows how to diffuse the “useful information” to the actors in helping them to innovate in new products, services, or processes

    La gestion des risques et analyse comportementale d’une pratique inversée : une exemple avec le risque pays

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    La gestion des risques, présentée en théorie comme parfaitement scientifique, suit souvent en  pratique un cycle inverse à celui préconisé, la réalisation du risque conditionnant les décisions  prises. L’application de la théorie des perspectives de Kahneman et Tversky permet de  comprendre pourquoi « tout change » lorsqu’une catastrophe survient. Le point de vue, via le  point de référence, n’est plus le même. A titre d’exemple, ceci explique, les variations rapides  des notations dans l’analyse du risque pays

    Risk management and the reference point: an example with country risk

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    International audienc

    The role of the Network Process for improving efficiency in 21st century organizations

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