412 research outputs found

    An extensible equality checking algorithm for dependent type theories

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    We present a general and user-extensible equality checking algorithm that is applicable to a large class of type theories. The algorithm has a type-directed phase for applying extensionality rules and a normalization phase based on computation rules, where both kinds of rules are defined using the type-theoretic concept of object-invertible rules. We also give sufficient syntactic criteria for recognizing such rules, as well as a simple pattern-matching algorithm for applying them. A third component of the algorithm is a suitable notion of principal arguments, which determines a notion of normal form. By varying these, we obtain known notions, such as weak head-normal and strong normal forms. We prove that our algorithm is sound. We implemented it in the Andromeda~2 proof assistant, which supports user-definable type theories. The user need only provide the equality rules they wish to use, which the algorithm automatically classifies as computation or extensionality rules, and select appropriate principal arguments

    challenges and institutional arrangements

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    Adaptation to climate change has become an integral part of climate change policies across the world. Based on the limited literature on the governance of climate change adaptation, the paper first highlights four key challenges governments face in this context, i.e. (i) how to better integrate adaptation policies horizontally across policy sectors and (ii) vertically across levels of government, (iii) how to integrate knowledge in adaptation policy decisions, and (iv) how to involve stakeholders in adaptation decisions. The paper then shows how selected OECD countries address these challenges when developing and implementing adaptation policies and instruments. We identify the most important governance mechanisms on the national level which constitute a distinct governance structure in each surveyed country, and highlight their objectives and specific foci on one or more governance challenges. The paper analyses dominant modes of emerging interaction patterns in the respective governance arrangements.Draft pape

    A Retrospective Observational Single-Centre Study on the Burden of Immune Thrombocytopenia (ITP)

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    Background: German data on economic consequences of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) are limited. Patients and Methods: A retrospective, observational study based on chart review of adult patients with a confirmed diagnosis of ITP was conducted at a German university hospital. Costs are presented from the hospital perspective. Results: Of 50 eligible patients, 45 could be classified by disease duration: 19 patients = 3 to = 12 months (38%, chronic ITP). Complications included 85 bleeding events in 43 patients, including 3 intracranial haemorrhages. Documented were 955 outpatient visits in 43 patients (86%) and 92 inpatient hospital admissions in 45 patients (90%). Of the 46 patients (92%) treated, all received corticosteroids, 25 (50%) intravenous immunoglobulin, and 7 (14%) further therapies. 12 patients (24%) underwent splenectomy. Average total direct medical costs (mean (standard deviation)) were (sic) 17,091 ((sic) 18,859) per patient, (sic) 12,749 ((sic) 11,663) in 17 newly diagnosed ITP patients with a 0.88-month (0.65 months) average disease duration, and (sic) 29,868 ((sic) 29,397) in 13 chronic ITP patients with a 33.5-month (16.8 months) average disease duration. Inpatient stays were the main cost drivers. Conclusion: These data concerning current healthcare provision for ITP patients in Germany indicate considerable resource consumption and the need for more effective treatment options in individual patients

    The politics of models: Socio-political discourses in modeling of energy transition and transnational trade policies

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    In this article, we discuss the (re)production of socio-political discourses in two modeling communities, energy transition and transnational trade. Methodologically, we build on bibliometric and qualitative analyses of academic articles. Our analyses show how models structure epistemic communities and are closely linked to specific discourses. The modeling of the energy transition is driven by and contributes to discourses on mitigating climate change and access to energy. Different trade models address either multilateral or regional trade, yet in each case favoring international trade. Overall, we illustrate how the 'politics of models' does not only concern their use at the science-policy interface, but is already inscribed in their development, application, and scientific exploitation. These analyses may help experts, policy makers, and the public to better assess the knowledge claims and evidence politics of computer modeling.Wir untersuchen die (Re-)Produktion soziopolitischer Diskurse in zwei Modellierungsgemeinschaften, der Energiewende und dem transnationalen Handel. Methodisch stützen wir uns auf bibliometrische und qualitative Analysen akademischer Artikel. Unsere Analysen zeigen, wie Modelle epistemische Gemeinschaften strukturieren und eng mit spezifischen Diskursen verbunden sind. Die Modellierung der Energiewende wird von Diskursen über die Eindämmung des Klimawandels sowie dem Zugang zu Energie angetrieben und prägt diese. Verschiedene Handelsmodelle befassen sich entweder mit multilateralem oder regionalem Handel. Wir zeigen somit, dass die 'Politik der Modelle' nicht erst bei der Verwendung an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik sichtbar wird, sondern bereits in ihre Anwendung und Verwertung eingeschrieben ist. Diese Analysen können Expert*innen, Entscheidungsträger*innen und der Öffentlichkeit helfen, die Wissensansprüche der Computermodellierung besser zu beurteilen

    Mehrwertorientierte Gestaltung mobiler Dienste im Fahrzeug : eine empirische Untersuchung von Nutzeranforderungen

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    Stagnierende Märkte und veränderte Kundenanforderungen eröffnen in der Automobilindustrie die Suche nach neuen, Erfolg versprechenden Geschäftsmodellen. Automobilhersteller entdecken dabei zune hmend das Potenzial des Mobile Business, sehen sich bei der Erweiterung ihres ur sprünglichen Kerngeschäftes durch die Integration von mobilen Diensten in das Fahrzeug jedoch gleichzeitig mit neuen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Um in den Augen der Nachfrager einen erkennbaren Mehrwert zu stiften und somit die nutzerseitige Akzeptanz von mobilen Diensten im Fahrzeug zu sichern, müssen sich die Anbieter verstärkt an den Bedürfnissen ihrer Kunden orientieren. Ausgangspunkt für die vorliegende Arbeit, der en zentrales Ziel die Identifizierung und Analyse nutzenstiftender Elemente von mobilen Diensten ist, sind die bisher geringen Forschungsaktivitäten im Hinblick auf eine kundenorientierte Gestaltung von mobilen Anwendungen im Fahrzeug. Eine Expertenbefragung soll zunächst Aufschluss über die zentralen Eigenschaft en des Leistungsbündels „mobile Dienste“ geben. Anschließend erfolgt auf Grundlage einer internetbasierten Konsumentenbefragung eine Analyse der Präferenzstrukturen von potenziellen Nutzern mobiler Dienste im Rahmen einer Adaptiven Conjoint-Analyse. Im letzten Untersuchungsschritt werden mittels einer Clusteranalyse homogene Käufergruppen identifiziert und segmentspezifische Gestaltungsempfehlungen abgeleitet

    User requirements for location based services : an analysis on the basis of literature

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    The high global penetration of mobile telephony provides a strong basis for the development and diffusion of mobile business applications. Especially for location based services, i.e. mobile services that consider the user’s current location to add value to the service provided, a high potential to become a major market success is seen. Nevertheless the development of mobile business and location based services has so far been lagging behind expert expecations. One of the reasons for this disappointing development is the failure of application developers to center their efforts on potential users and their needs and demands. The following paper therefore reviews the existing literature on user requirements in mobile business and location based services. A definition and characterization of location based services is given and a framework to categorize existing location based services is developed. Additionally, usefulness and usability are put in concrete terms as they are identified as the main determinants of end-user acceptance of location based services. Security concerns of potential users of location based services are analyzed and further limitations of the diffusion of location based services are discussed

    Location Based Services in Deutschland : eine qualitative Marktanalyse auf Basis von Experteninterviews

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    Trotz der hohen Potenzialeinschätzungen für Location Based Services (LBS) ist die Entwicklung des LBS-Marktes in Deutschland bisher hinter den Erwartungen zurückgeblieben. Die Ursachen hierfür sind bisher weder auf Praxis- noch auf Forschungsseite identifiziert und ausführlich analysiert worden. Die vorliegende Untersuchung zielt daher darauf ab, die Gründe für die hinter den Erwartungen zurück bleibende Entwicklung herauszuarbeiten. Hierzu wird eine qualitative Expertenbefragung in der LBS-Branche durchgeführt. Als Ergebnis der Untersuchung erweisen sich neben technischen Barrieren insbesondere die Unwissenheit und Verunsicherung auf Seiten der Nutzer als Diffusionshemmnisse von LBS. Zudem zeigt sich, dass die derzeitige Struktur der Wertschöpfungskette suboptimal für eine erfolgreiche Marktentwicklung ist. Chancen für die Diffusion von LBS stellen nach Ansicht der befragten Experten die allgemeine gesellschaftliche Entwicklung, der Trend zu Mobilität sowie der Druck zu erhöhter Produktivität und Effizienz dar. Schließlich lassen sich aus den Befragungsergebnissen fünf zentrale Herausforderungen ableiten, welche von den Anbietern ortsbezogener Dienste zu adressieren sind

    Science-Policy Interactions in a Corporatist System: Knowledge Brokerage in Austrian Climate Policy

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    Climate change policy is a prime example for the growing importance of expert ad-vice to inform decision‐making. Consequently, a plethora of advisory bodies and pro-cesses have emerged around the world. However, there are marked differences in the way the interactions between science and politics are organized and practiced depending on a country’s political system and culture. The degree of political compe-tition, the role of state vis-à-vis non-state actors and the dominant modes of interest mediation provide specific conditions for the ways expertise is consulted and used in decision-making. Against this background, the paper presents the landscape of scientific advice in Austrian climate policy and asks in how far the traditionally strong culture of corporat-ism in Austrian politics manifests itself in practices of climate policy advice. Concep-tually, the paper draws on analytical dimensions derived from the concepts of “na-tional styles of policy-making” and “civic epistemology”. Methodically it bases on an interview series and a workshop with representatives from science, politics, and in-termediary organizations. Our analysis provides a differentiated picture: the neo-corporatist culture still leaves its imprint in Austrian climate policy advice. But at the same time, the emergence of a new policy field, such as climate policy, undoubtedly opens up possibilities for new actors and forms of policy advice

    Modeling for nano risk assessment and management: The development of integrated governance tools and the potential role of technology assessment

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    In nano risk governance, we observe a trend toward coupling and integrating a variety of computational models into integrated risk governance tools. This article discusses the development and design of such integrated tools as ‘nano risk governance imaginaries in the making.’ Using an illustrative example, the SUNDS tool, we show how the tool manifests conceptual shifts from risk to innovation governance, a technocratic evidence culture based on the quantification of risks, and an envisioned application in industrial innovation management. This conceptualization runs the risk of narrowing the view of nano risks and cementing the widely lamented democratic deficit in risk governance. We therefore conclude that the development and application of integrated governance tools are highly relevant for technology assessment (TA) and TA should actively engage in their development processes

    The Hartz reforms, the German Miracle, and labor reallocation

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    We analyse the recent history of unemployment and labor reallocation in the German economy using a variant of Lucas and Prescott's (1974) reallocation model, modified to include unemployment benefits, rest unemployment, and aggregate shocks. We focus on the implied effects of the Hartz reforms and the Great Recession in the model, and compare them with the corresponding movements in German data. We find that the model's qualitative predictions for reallocation and unemployment correspond well with the observations. When we calibrate the model to assess its quantitative performance, however, we find that it significantly overestimates the changes of both reallocation and unemployment since the introduction of the Hartz reforms