3 research outputs found

    The need for orthodontic treatment among 10–11- and 14–15-year-old Lithuanian schoolchildren

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the need for orthodontic treatment among 10–11- and 14–15-year-old schoolchildren in Lithuania. Material and methods. A total of 4235 children randomly selected from different socioeconomic backgrounds were examined. The schoolchildren were divided into two age groups: first group, 10–11-year olds (1142 boys, 1180 girls) and second group, 14–15-year olds (936 boys, 977 girls). The normative orthodontic treatment need was assessed using the Index of Complexity, Outcome, and Need. Results. The need for orthodontic treatment ranged from 37.4 to 48.9% in 10 counties of Lithuania. The study demonstrated that the need of orthodontic treatment significantly depended on age and to some extent on gender of the schoolchildren examined. This study has shown reduction in the need for orthodontic treatment from 49.9% in the late mixed dentition stage to 33.9% in the permanent dentition stage. Conclusions. The need for orthodontic treatment is high in Lithuania: almost half of 10–11- year-old and every third of 14–15-year-old schoolchildren need orthodontic treatment

    Effect of vitamin D on the immune system of female athletes

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    Immune system is strongly influenced by daily overcome of physical workloads. Monitoring of the immune system is one of the main tasks of preparing athletes for the European and world championships. Recently, much attention is being focused on the evaluation of active vitamin D effects on immune system. Data on vitamin D metabolism characteristics and its effect on athletes’ immune system have not been published in Lithuania. This led to our research objective – to determine the status of athletes’ body supply with vitamin D and to evaluate serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D relationship with the immune system activity. The research was conducted in May 2013. There were investigated high-performance basketball and volleyball female players who represented the Lithuanian Deaf Olympic Team. The contingent was 26,4 ± 4,5 years of age, 172,4 ± 5,9 cm of height and 66,3 ± 7,3 kg of body weight. Athletes’ blood was analyzed using the hematologic analyzer “Micros 60” in accredited Lithuanian Sports Medicine Centre laboratory. 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) serum level was set in the accredited disease diagnostic laboratory “Endemik”. 7 day food recall study was conducted in order to assess the intake of dietary vitamin D. The results showed that the average of 25 (OH) D level in female athletes’ serum is 24,1 ± 6,6 ng/ml. Immune system activity have significant association with 25(OH)D serum level in the absence of vitamin D stores in the sportswomen’s’ body. It was found that 25(OH)D serum level have an inverse relationship with total count of white blood cells (r = -0,676) and granulocytes/neutrophils (r = - 0,613) and direct relationship with circulating lymphocyte and monocyte concentrations (r = 0,571 and r = 0,446). In addition, the recommended intake of vitamin D among female athletes does not provide the required level of serum vitamin D

    Hygienic evaluation of the handball players' nutrition

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    Darbo tikslas buvo ištirti ir įvertinti didelio meistriškumo rankininkių faktinę mitybą irjos papildymo padidintos biologinės vertės produktais tikslingumą. Ištyrėme sportininkių faktinę mitybą, fizinį išsivystymą ir bendrą kraujo vaizdą bei jų pokyčius, papildžius pagrindinį racioną polivitaminais su mineralinėmis medžiagomis. Esant nesubalansuotų energinių maisto medžiagų mitybai, labai dideli atskirų vitaminų kiekių svyravimai individualiuose sportininkių racionuose, papildžiusiuos vienodos sudėties polivitaminų kompleksu, dar kelis kartus padidėjo (nuo atskirų vitaminų trūkumo, sudarančio tik 39%, iki pertekliaus, siekiančio kai kada net 673% rekomenduojamo kiekio). Papildytuose racionuose geležies kiekis padidėjo 2-3 kartus, visų sportininkių organizmo maksimalus aprūpinimas šiuo elementu buvo garantuotas. Kilų mineralinių medžiagų kiekybinė sudėtis pakito nesmarkiai (nuo 1 iki 7%). Po dvi savaites trukusio maisto papildų vartojimo rankininkių, kurių pradinis geležies lygis maiste buvo per mažas, kraujyje hemoglobino koncentracija padidėjo 8-12%, eritrocitų skaičius - 7-9%, o trečios savaitės pabaigoje šie rodikliai grįžo į pradinį lygį. Taigi teigiami rankininkių bendro kraujo vaizdo rodiklių poslinkiai pasireiškė vartojant polivitaminus su mineralinėmis medžiagomis ne ilgiau kaip dvi savaitesThe aim of the work was to study and evaluate in elite women-handball players. The actual nutrition the actial nutrition and the feasibility of its of the sportswomen, their physical development, the supplementation with biologically valuable substances general blood picture and their changes caused by supplementing the main ration with polyvitamins and mineral substances were studied. On the background of the ill-balanced nutrition, very wide variations of the content of separate vitamins in the ration of individual sportswomen became even wider upon its supplementation with the same polyvitamin complex and ranged from 39% to 73% of the recommended values. In the supplemented rations the iron content increased 2-3 times and thus provided for a maximum supply of this element. The content of other mineral substances changed insignificantly (by 1% to 7%)Vilniaus universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij