121 research outputs found

    Greater osteoblast proliferation on anodized nanotubular titanium upon electrical stimulation

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    Currently used orthopedic implants composed of titanium have a limited functional lifetime of only 10–15 years. One of the reasons for this persistent problem is the poor prolonged ability of titanium to remain bonded to juxtaposed bone. It has been proposed to modify titanium through anodization to create a novel nanotubular topography in order to improve cytocompatibility properties necessary for the prolonged attachment of orthopedic implants to surrounding bone. Additionally, electrical stimulation has been used in orthopedics to heal bone non-unions and fractures in anatomically difficult to operate sites (such as the spine). In this study, these two approaches were combined as the efficacy of electrical stimulation to promote osteoblast (bone forming cell) density on anodized titanium was investigated. To do this, osteoblast proliferation experiments lasting up to 5 days were conducted as cells were stimulated with constant bipolar pulses at a frequency of 20 Hz and a pulse duration of 0.4 ms each day for 1 hour. The stimulation voltages were 1 V, 5 V, 10 V, and 15 V. Results showed for the first time that under electrical stimulation, osteoblast proliferation on anodized titanium was enhanced at lower voltages compared to what was observed on conventional (nonanodized) titanium. In addition, compared to nonstimulated conventional titanium, osteoblast proliferation was enhanced 72% after 5 days of culture on anodized nanotubular titanium at 15 V of electrical stimulation. Thus, results of this study suggest that coupling the positive influences of electrical stimulation and nanotubular features on anodized titanium may improve osteoblast responses necessary for enhanced orthopedic implant efficacy

    Anodized 20 nm diameter nanotubular titanium for improved bladder stent applications

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    Materials currently used for bladder applications often suffer from incomplete coverage by urothelial cells (cells that line the interior of the bladder and ureter) which leads to the continuous exposure of the underlying materials aggravating an immune response. In particular, a ureteral (or sometimes called an ureteric or bladder) stent is a thin tube inserted into the ureter to prevent or treat obstruction of urine flow from the kidney. The main complications with ureteral stents are infection and blockage by encrustation, which can be avoided by promoting the formation of a monolayer of urothelial cells on the surface of the stent. Nanotechnology (or the use of nanomaterials) may aid in urothelialization of bladder stents since nanomaterials have been shown to have unique surface energetics to promote the adsorption of proteins important for urothelial cell adhesion and proliferation. Since many bladder stents are composed of titanium, this study investigated the attachment and spreading of human urothelial cells on different nanotextured titanium surfaces. An inexpensive and effective scaled up anodization process was used to create equally distributed nanotubular surfaces of different diameter sizes from 20–80 nm on titanium with lengths approximately 500 nm. Results showed that compared to untreated titanium stents and 80 nm diameter nanotubular titanium, 20 nm diameter nanotubular titanium stents enhanced human urothelial cell adhesion and growth up to 3 days in culture. In this manner, this study suggests that titanium anodized to possess nanotubular surface features should be further explored for bladder stent applications

    Nanofunctionalized zirconia and barium sulfate particles as bone cement additives

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    Zirconia (ZrO2) and barium sulfate (BaSO4) particles were introduced into a methyl methacrylate monomer (MMA) solution with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) beads during polymerization to develop the following novel bone cements: bone cements with unfunctionalized ZrO2 micron particles, bone cements with unfunctionalized ZrO2 nanoparticles, bone cements with ZrO2 nanoparticles functionalized with 3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl methacrylate (TMS), bone cements with unfunctionalized BaSO4 micron particles, bone cements with unfunctionalized BaSO4 nanoparticles, and bone cements with BaSO4 nanoparticles functionalized with TMS. Results demonstrated that in vitro osteoblast (bone-forming cell) densities were greater on bone cements containing BaSO4 ceramic particles after four hours compared to control unmodified bone cements. Osteoblast densities were also greater on bone cements containing all of the ceramic particles after 24 hours compared to unmodified bone cements, particularly those bone cements containing nanofunctionalized ceramic particles. Bone cements containing ceramic particles demonstrated significantly altered mechanical properties; specifically, under tensile loading, plain bone cements and bone cements containing unfunctionalized ceramic particles exhibited brittle failure modes whereas bone cements containing nanofunctionalized ceramic particles exhibited plastic failure modes. Finally, all bone cements containing ceramic particles possessed greater radio-opacity than unmodified bone cements. In summary, the results of this study demonstrated a positive impact on the properties of traditional bone cements for orthopedic applications with the addition of unfunctionalized and TMS functionalized ceramic nanoparticles

    Reduced adhesion of macrophages on anodized titanium with select nanotube surface features

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    One of the important prerequisites for a successful orthopedic implant apart from being osteoconductive is the elicitation of a favorable immune response that does not lead to the rejection of the implant by the host tissue. Anodization is one of the simplest surface modification processes used to create nanotextured and nanotubular features on metal oxides which has been shown to improve bone formation. Anodization of titanium (Ti) leads to the formation of TiO2 nanotubes on the surface, and the presence of these nanotubes mimics the natural nanoscale features of bone, which in turn contributes to improved bone cell attachment, migration, and proliferation. However, inflammatory cell responses on anodized Ti remains to be tested. It is hypothesized that surface roughness and surface feature size on anodized Ti can be carefully manipulated to control immune cell (specifically, macrophages) responses. Here, when Ti samples were anodized at 10 V in the presence of 1% hydrofluoric acid (HF) for 1 minute, nanotextured (nonnanotube) surfaces were created. When anodization of Ti samples was carried out with 1% HF for 10 minutes at 15 V, nanotubes with 40–50 nm diameters were formed, whereas at 20 V with 1% HF for 10 minutes, nanotubes with 60–70 nm diameters were formed. In this study, a reduced density of macrophages was observed after 24 hours of culture on nanotextured and nanotubular Ti samples which were anodized at 10, 15, and 20 V, compared with conventional unmodified Ti samples. This in vitro study thus demonstrated a reduced density of macrophages on anodized Ti, thereby providing further evidence of the greater efficacy of anodized Ti for orthopedic applications

    Nanostructured modifications of titanium surfaces improve vascular regenerative properties of exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem cells: Preliminary in vitro results

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.(1) Background: Implantation of metal-based scaffolds is a common procedure for treating several diseases. However, the success of the long-term application is limited by an insufficient endothelialization of the material surface. Nanostructured modifications of metal scaffolds represent a promising approach to faster biomaterial osteointegration through increasing of endothelial commitment of the mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). (2) Methods: Three different nanotubular Ti surfaces (TNs manufactured by electrochemical anodization with diameters of 25, 80, or 140 nm) were seeded with human MSCs (hMSCs) and their exosomes were isolated and tested with human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) to assess whether TNs can influence the secretory functions of hMSCs and whether these in turn affect endothelial and osteogenic cell activities in vitro. (3) Results: The hMSCs adhered on all TNs and significantly expressed angiogenic-related factors after 7 days of culture when compared to untreated Ti substrates. Nanomodifications of Ti surfaces significantly improved the release of hMSCs exosomes, having dimensions below 100 nm and expressing CD63 and CD81 surface markers. These hMSC-derived exosomes were efficiently internalized by HUVECs, promoting their migration and differentiation. In addition, they selectively released a panel of miRNAs directly or indirectly related to angiogenesis. (4) Conclusions: Preconditioning of hMSCs on TNs induced elevated exosomes secretion that stimulated in vitro endothelial and cell activity, which might improve in vivo angiogenesis, supporting faster scaffold integration

    Decreased Staphylococcus aureus and increased osteoblast density on nanostructured electrophoretic-deposited hydroxyapatite on titanium without the use of pharmaceuticals

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    BACKGROUND: Plasma-spray deposition of hydroxyapatite on titanium (Ti) has proven to be a suboptimal solution to improve orthopedic-implant success rates, as demonstrated by the increasing number of orthopedic revision surgeries due to infection, implant loosening, and a myriad of other reasons. This could be in part due to the high heat involved during plasma-spray deposition, which significantly increases hydroxyapatite crystal growth into the nonbiologically inspired micron regime. There has been a push to create nanotopographies on implant surfaces to mimic the physiological nanostructure of native bone and, thus, improve osteoblast (bone-forming cell) functions and inhibit bacteria functions. Among the several techniques that have been adopted to develop nanocoatings, electrophoretic deposition (EPD) is an attractive, versatile, and effective material-processing technique. OBJECTIVE: The in vitro study reported here aimed to determine for the first time bacteria responses to hydroxyapatite coated on Ti via EPD. RESULTS: There were six and three times more osteoblasts on the electrophoretic-deposited hydroxyapatite on Ti compared with Ti (control) and plasma-spray-deposited hydroxyapatite on Ti after 5 days of culture, respectively. Impressively, there were 2.9 and 31.7 times less Staphylococcus aureus on electrophoretic-deposited hydroxyapatite on Ti compared with Ti (control) and plasma-spray-deposited hydroxyapatite on Ti after 18 hours of culture, respectively. CONCLUSION: Compared with uncoated Ti and plasma-sprayed hydroxyapatite coated on Ti, the results provided significant promise for the use of EPD to improve bone-cell density and be used as an antibacterial coating without resorting to the use of antibiotics

    Diyabet Tedavisine yönelik Insülin-yüklenmiş biyoseramik nanoparçacıkları sentezi ve uygulaması

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    Bu proje kapsamında, vücuda insülin salınımı için kitosan kaplı hidroksiapatit nanoparçacıklar sentezlenecektir. Sentez parametreleri değiştirilerek farklı morfoloji ve boyut özellilerinde parçacık sentezlenmesi hedeflenmektedir. Detaylı yapısal/fiziksel/kimyasal parçacık karakterizasyonu sonrası nanoparçacıkların biyouyumluluğu ve ilaç salınım sistemi olarak kullanımına yönelik potansiyeli irdelenecektir

    Nanoyapılı Ti6Al7Nb üretimi

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    Ti6Al7Nb alaşım yüzeyleri modifiye ederek farklı yüzey morfolojilerine sahip nanoyapılı oksit tabakalar elde edilecek ve üretim parametrelerini değiştirerek elde edilen yapıların morfoloji ve büyüklüklerini kontrol edilecek.Farklı morfolojilere sahip nanoyapılı Ti6Al7Nb numunelerin yüzey özelliklerini karakterize edilecek. Simule edilmiş vücut sıvısı kullanarak yüzeylerin biyoaktivitelerini test edilecek

    Fabrication of Micropit Structures on Ti6Al4V Alloy Using Fluoride-Free Anodization for Orthopedic Applications

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    Ti6Al4V alloy is commonly used in hip and knee replacements due to its high strength, ductility, wear, and corrosion resistance. Despite its optimal physical and chemical properties, Ti6Al4V based orthopedic implants have a limited lifetime of only 15-20 years. One of the main reasons for having limited lifetime is the suboptimal integration of Ti6Al4V implants with the juxtaposed bone tissue (osseointegration). To enhance osseointegration, and thus prolong the lifetime of orthopedic implants, Ti6Al4V implants surfaces were modified to have bioactive properties using electrochemical anodization process. In this work, oxide based micropit structures were fabricated on Ti6Al4V surfaces using a fluoride-free electrolyte consisting of NH4Cl in distilled water. Micropit structures were characterized for their surface morphology, crystallinity, and chemistry before and after high temperature crystallization heat treatment. Upon interaction of Ti6Al4V samples with simulated body fluid up to 30 days, enhanced calcium phosphate mineral deposition was observed on anodized surfaces