2 research outputs found

    Removal of Ammoniacal Nitrogen, Colour and Suspended Solids from Leachate using Aerated Electrochemical Coagulation (AEC) Under the Influence Factors of Electrolyte Concentration and Aeration Rate

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    In this study, aerated electrochemical coagulation (AEC) was used to treat leachate. This study was conducted to determine the best conditions for the AEC method to remove ammoniacal nitrogen, colour and suspended solids from leachate. Electrolyte concentration and aeration rate were the variable operating parameters of this study. Al and Fe electrodes were aerated with an air pump, and polyaluminium chloride (PAC) was added simultaneously to the leachate sample. The optimum value obtained from the AEC was 60ml of electrolyte concentration and an aeration rate of 1.0 L/min. Based on the optimum conditions, the experimental results removed 38%, 93%, and 95% of ammoniacal nitrogen, colour, and suspended solids, respectively. This indicates that the AEC method enhanced the removal of ammoniacal nitrogen, colour and suspended solids from leachate. However, only suspended solids comply with the effluent standard


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    Pesantren is known as a cultural heritage in the form of an Islamic religious education system that has been existed for a long time in Indonesia. Pesantren APIK is a traditional pesantren that has been developed in the learning system with the existence of schools and colleges. This research discusses on Islamic education held by Pesantren APIK. This study used a qualitative descriptive method by collecting data using literature review and interview, then written based on cultural adaptation theory. The result shown that Islamic education held in Pesantren APIK is using a gradation system with a curriculum based on Kyai’s decision. The learning system centred on study of the yellow book, religious routine practice, and certain ijazah to increase santri’s of religiosity.. Pesantren dikenal sebagai warisan kebudayaan berupa sistem pendidikan agama Islam yang telah ada sejak dulu di Indonesia. Pesantren APIK merupakan pesantren tradisional yang telah mengalami perkembangan dalam sistem pembelajaran dengan hadirnya sekolah serta perguruan tinggi yang ada di sekitarnya. Penelitian ini membahas pengajaran agama yang diselenggarakan oleh Pesantren APIK. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka dan wawancara berdasarkan teori kebudayaan adaptif. Hasilnya, pembelajaran agama dilakukan menggunakan sistem gradasi dengan kurikulum yang ditentukan oleh kiai. Pembelajaran agama di pesantren APIK dipusatkan pada kajian kitab kuning, amalan rutin, dan ijazah khusus untuk menanamkan nilai religiusitas pada santri