61 research outputs found

    Herpes Simplex Virus Latency: Analysis of Viral Genes Controlling Reactivation

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    Ocular infections with herpes simplex virus(HSV) in humans vary in clinical manifestation ranging from self limiting benign epithelial disease to nectrotizing stromal keratitis and uveitis. A . serious clinical problem is the recurrence of ocular lesions due to reactivation of latent virus from dorsal root ganglia. The rabbit eye has provided an efficient experimental model system for study of the mechanisms underlying herpes virus keratitis and the various factors affecting the establishment, maintenance and reactivation of latent HSV. The work described in this thesis stems from the observations of Gerdes and Smith(1983) who showed that in the rabbit eye model, spontaneous shedding of HSV following ocular infection and establishment of a latent infection in the trigeminal ganglia, is virus strain specific and the virus genes controlling reactivation are different from those needed for the establishment and maintenance of HSV latency

    Nitric oxide synthase activity in human trophoblast, term placenta and pregnant myometrium

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    To investigate the possible role of nitric oxide (NO) produced locally or intramurally in the quiescence of the pregnant myometrium, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity was measured in samples from first trimester (villous, and non villous-trophoblast), term placenta and pregnant myometrium. Trophoblast tissue was obtained from psychosocial termination of pregnancy (9 – 12 weeks' gestation) whereas placenta and myometrium, from the same patient, at deliveries by Caesarean section. NOS activity was measured in both cytosolic and particulate fractions by the formation of (14)C-citrulline from (14)C-arginine. Western immunoblotting was used to identify the endothelial NOS (eNOS) and neuronal (nNOS) isoforms. The activity of NOS in particulate fractions from all preparations was considerably higher than the cytosolic fractions. Activity in all fractions except the myometrium was highly Ca-dependent. More than 50% of particulate NOS from the myometrium was Ca-independent. NOS activity was highest in the villous trophoblast and there was a significant difference between the villous and non-villous trophoblast. In placenta and myometrium, NOS was 2–4 fold and 20–28-fold lower than the villous trophoblast, respectively. Western blot analysis showed clearly eNOS in the particulate fraction and a weak eNOS band in the cytosolic fractions, whereas nNOS was not detectable in any of the fractions. In view of the marginal activity of NOS in the myometrium, NO produced by the trophoblast and placenta could play a significant role in maintaining uterine quiescence by paracrine effect

    Altered vascular function in healthy normotensive pregnant women with bilateral uterine artery notches.

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess endothelial function and vascular mechanical properties in normotensive pregnant women with high resistance in the uteroplacental circulation. DESIGN: Cross-sectional prospective study. SETTING: Doppler ultrasound laboratory at university department of obstetrics and gynaecology referral centre for high risk pregnancies. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-two caucasian normotensive pregnant women: 23 with uncomplicated pregnancies and 19 with bilateral uterine artery notches. METHODS: Flow-mediated dilatation of the brachial artery was measured by ultrasonography at 25 gestational weeks. Concentrations of nitrite and nitrate in the plasma were established at 25 and 32 gestational weeks. The elastic properties of the common carotid artery, abdominal aorta and popliteal artery were measured with an ultrasonic echo-tracking system. RESULTS: Flow-mediated dilatation at two minutes after cuff deflation was significantly lower in the bilateral notch group compared with the control group, 8.3% and 13.7%, respectively (P = 0.0007). The ability to sustain vasodilatation was reduced in the bilateral notch group (P = 0.02). Lower values of nitrite and nitrate in the plasma were found at 32 gestational weeks in the bilateral notch group than in the control group (mean 24.76 microM/L (SD 5.6) and 30.93 microM/L (8.2), respectively; P = 0.008). Nitrite and nitrate levels tended to be lower in the bilateral notch group even at 25 gestational weeks (29.45 microM/L (8.3) and 35.73 microM/L (11.0) in the bilateral notch and control group, respectively; P = 0.09). There was no difference in aortic, carotid or popliteal elasticity between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Healthy normotensive pregnant women with bilateral uterine artery notches show impaired endothelial function, but no differences in vascular mechanical properties

    Evaluation of envelope domain III-based single chimeric tetravalent antigen and monovalent antigen mixtures for the detection of anti-dengue antibodies in human sera

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Flavivirus cross-reactive antibodies in human sera interfere with the definitive identification of dengue virus (DENV) infections especially in areas with multiple co-circulating flaviviruses. Use of DENV envelope domain-III (EDIII) can partially resolve the problem. This study has examined the effect of (i) incorporating the EDIIIs of four DENV serotypes into a single chimeric antigen, and (ii) immobilizing the antigen through specific interaction on the sensitivity and specificity of anti-DENV antibody detection.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A sera panel (n = 164) was assembled and characterized using commercial kits for infection by DENV and a host of other pathogens. Anti-DENV antibodies of both IgM and IgG classes in this panel were detected in indirect ELISAs using a mixture of monovalent EDIIIs, a chimeric EDIII-based tetravalent antigen, EDIII-T, and a biotinylated version of the latter as coating antigens. The sensitivity and specificity of these assays were compared to those obtained using the PanBio Dengue IgG/IgM ELISAs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The performance of dengue IgG and IgM indirect ELISAs, using either a physical mixture of four EDIIIs or the single chimeric EDIII-T antigen, were comparable. Coating of a biotinylated version of the tetravalent antigen on streptavidin plates enhanced sensitivity without compromising specificity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The incorporation of the EDIIIs of the four DENV serotypes into a single chimeric antigen did not adversely affect assay outcome in indirect ELISAs. Oriented, rather than random, immobilization of the tetravalent antigen enhanced sensitivity of detection of anti-DENV antibodies with retention of 100% specificity.</p

    Carpal alignment in distal radial fractures

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    BACKGROUND: Carpal malalignment following the malunited distal radial fracture is described to develop as an adaptation to realign the hand to the malunion. It worsens gradually after healing of the fracture due to continued loading of the wrist. It is also reported to develop during the immobilization itself rather than after fracture healing. The present work was aimed to study the natural course and the quantitative assessment of such adaptive carpal realignment following distal radial fracture. METHODS: In a prospective study, 118 distal radial fractures treated with different modalities were followed-up with serial radiographs for a year for assessment of various radiological parameters. RESULTS: Two patterns of carpal malalignment were identified depending upon the effective radio-lunate flexion (ERLF) measured on pre-reduction radiographs. The midcarpal malalignment was seen in 98 radial fractures (83%) with the lunate following the dorsiflexed fracture fragment and a measured ERLF of less than 25°. The second pattern of radio-carpal malalignment showed the fracture fragment to dorsiflex without taking the lunate with a measured ERLF of more than 25°. The scaphoid did not follow the fracture fragment in both the patterns of malalignment. CONCLUSION: It is better to assess distal radial fractures for any wrist ligamentous injury on the post-reduction film with the restored radial anatomy than on the pre-reduction film since most carpal malalignments get corrected with the reduction of the fracture. Similar carpal malalignment reappear with the redisplacement of the fracture as seen in pre-reduction radiographs and develops during the immobilization rather than as a later compensatory mechanism for the malunion

    Precision Medicine for CRC Patients in the Veteran Population: State-of-the-Art, Challenges and Research Directions.

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) accounts for ~9% of all cancers in the Veteran population, a fact which has focused a great deal of the attention of the VA\u27s research and development efforts. A field-based meeting of CRC experts was convened to discuss both challenges and opportunities in precision medicine for CRC. This group, designated as the VA Colorectal Cancer Cell-genomics Consortium (VA4C), discussed advances in CRC biology, biomarkers, and imaging for early detection and prevention. There was also a discussion of precision treatment involving fluorescence-guided surgery, targeted chemotherapies and immunotherapies, and personalized cancer treatment approaches. The overarching goal was to identify modalities that might ultimately lead to personalized cancer diagnosis and treatment. This review summarizes the findings of this VA field-based meeting, in which much of the current knowledge on CRC prescreening and treatment was discussed. It was concluded that there is a need and an opportunity to identify new targets for both the prevention of CRC and the development of effective therapies for advanced disease. Also, developing methods integrating genomic testing with tumoroid-based clinical drug response might lead to more accurate diagnosis and prognostication and more effective personalized treatment of CRC

    Specific Targeting and Labeling of Colonic Polyps in CPC-APC Mice with Mucin 5AC Fluorescent Antibodies: A Model for Detection of Early Colon Cancer

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    Poor visualization of polyps can limit colorectal cancer screening. Fluorescent antibodies to mucin5AC (MUC5AC), a glycoprotein upregulated in adenomas and colorectal cancer, could improve screening colonoscopy polyp detection rate. Adenomatous polyposis coli flox mice with a Cdx2-Cre transgene (CPC-APC) develop colonic polyps that contain both dysplastic and malignant tissue. Mice received MUC5AC-IR800 or IRdye800 as a control IV and were sacrificed after 48 h for near-infrared imaging of their colons. A polyp-to-background ratio (PBR) was calculated for each polyp by dividing the mean fluorescence intensity of the polyp by the mean fluorescence intensity of the background tissue. The mean 25 μg PBR was 1.70 (±0.56); the mean 50 μg PBR was 2.64 (±0.97); the mean 100 μg PBR was 3.32 (±1.33); and the mean 150 μg PBR was 3.38 (±0.87). The mean PBR of the dye-only control was 2.22 (±1.02), significantly less than the 150 μg arm (p-value 0.008). The present study demonstrates the ability of fluorescent anti-MUC5AC antibodies to specifically target and label colonic polyps containing high-grade dysplasia and intramucosal adenocarcinoma in CPC-APC mice. This technology can potentially improve the detection rate and decrease the miss rate of advanced colonic neoplasia and early cancer at colonoscopy

    Prepared mind and the innovative process: A personal account of drug discovery

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    Capital budgeting practices in Indian companies

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    The volatility of the global economy, changing business practices, and academic developments have created a need to re-examine Indian corporate capital budgeting practices. Our research is based on a sample of 77 Indian companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange. Results reveal that corporate practitioners largely follow the capital budgeting practices proposed by academic theory. Discounted cash flow techniques of net present value and internal rate of return and risk adjusted sensitivity analysis are most popular. Weighted average cost of capital as cost of capital is most favoured. Nevertheless, the theory-practice gap remains in adoption of specialised techniques of real options, modified internal rate of return (MIRR), and simulation. Non-financial criteria are also given due consideration in project selection
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