162 research outputs found

    Screening Soviet Nationalities: Kulturfilms from the Far North to Central Asia

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    Hungary, the cradle of organic thought?

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    Photographic Manipulation and Photographic Deception

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    I consider how photographic image manipulation and deception influence both interpretation and evaluation of photographs. First I distinguish between image manipulation and deception by clarifying that image manipulation does not necessarily lead to deception in terms of forming false beliefs. I also argue that image manipulation is not the only way of using photographs deceptively, and I provide examples for photographic deception that do not rely on image manipulation. Then I examine what role the readability of photographic properties (including if and how they have been manipulated) plays in their interpretation. I introduce the concept of photographic illocutionary acts to account for the interpretation of photographic images, and I argue that the default interpretation of photographs is always based on our knowledge of the specific ontological and epistemic status of photographs in general, and which distinguishes them from non-photographic images. I conclude that our knowledge about the ease and frequency of analogue or digital image manipulation does not alter our default interpretation with which we approach photographs

    Exchange Rates And Equity Markets: Evidence From Some European Countries

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    This paper employs cointegration analysis, vector error correction and vector autoregressive modeling along with Granger causality tests to examine the effect of exchange rates on the stock market indexes for a group of  European Union countries using daily data from 1999-2009.  The results suggest that the transmitting mechanism for the influence of the exchange rate in the stock market is foreign investment.  Evidence also highlights that there is no clear causality from stock market to exchange rates, or vice versa, for the direction of the causation, suggesting that exchange rates and stock markets operate as an integrated system continuously influencing each other


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    Kanabinoidi su aktivni sastojci jednogodišnje biljke koja se naziva indijska konoplja (lat. Cannabissativa). Kanabis (marihuana, konoplja) jedna je od najstarijih i najraširenijih biljaka poznatih čovjeku. Raste kao korov i kao uzgajana biljka diljem svijeta u raznim zemljama i klimama. Kemijski sastojci odgovorni za intoksikaciju i medicinsku djelotvornost nalaze se uglavnom u ljepljivoj zlatnoj smoli koju izlučuju cvjetovi na ženskim biljkama. Biljka kanabisa sadrži više od 460 poznatih sastojaka, među kojim ih više od 60 ima 21-ugljičnu strukturu tipičnu za kanabionide. Porijeklom iz središnje Azije, kanabis se uzgajao već prije deset tisuća godina, a u Kini su ga uzgajali 4000. godina pr.n.e. Kanabis je najrasprostranjenija i mladima najlakše dostupna ilegalana psihoaktivna tvar, koja se često razvrstava u kategoriju “lakih droga“. Po međunarodnim klasifikacijama kanabinoidi spadaju u skupinu psihoaktivnih tvari koje mogu izazvati različite duševne i druge zdravstvene poremećaje. S druge strane nedvojbeno je dokazano da kanabis može imati i pozitivne učinke na ljudsko zdravlje. Medicinska konoplja sadrži sastojke koji posjeduju terapijska svojstva za velik broj ljudskih bolesti i fizičkih slabosti. Kanabis se propisuje za osobe oboljele od multipla skleroze radi zaustavljanja ili smanjivanja grčeva mišića, propisuje se oboljelima od AIDS-a i raka kako bi im se smanjila mučnina i potaknuo apetit. Primjenjuje i u liječenju epilepsije, depresije, tjeskobe i Alzheimerove bolesti. Kako bi učinkovitost kanabisa u liječenju različitih bolesti bila uspješna najvažnije je postaviti odgovarajuću dozu i primjerenu učestalost. Cilj ovog rada je, proučavanjem literature, prikazati pozitivne učinke kanabisa na zdravlje

    EVM et l'institutionnalisation du partenariat entre l'école et les parents : quelles conséquences sur l'orientation des élèves ?

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    La réforme scolaire dite EVM (Ecole vaudoise en mutation) est mise en œuvre dès l’année scolaire 1995-96. Elle supprime notamment les notes, modifie le processus d’orientation (processus de sélection des élèves qui les répartit en trois filières) et renforce l’institutionnalisation du partenariat entre les parents et les enseignants. L’orientation décidée par les enseignants est élaborée en partenariat avec les parents. Après trois volées d’enfants orientés en fin de 6e année, on constate une hausse de 5 % du nombre d’élèves orientés dans la filière académique. Dans des contextes de réforme scolaire, d’immobilité sociale et de hausse d’enfants orientés dans la filière la plus exigeante, nous nous sommes d’abord demandés quelles couches sociales tirent parti de cette hausse puis pourquoi certaines en profitent plus que d’autres. Nous avons formulé plusieurs hypothèses toutes en lien avec la provenance sociale des enfants. Nous pensions tout d’abord que les enfants des milieux favorisés profitaient principalement de cette progression. Puis que le bénéfice s’expliquait par une utilisation plus intense du partenariat avec les enseignants au cours du processus d’orientation en vue d’en modifier l’issue. Ensuite que les parents des milieux favorisés, plus que les autres, soutenaient les enfants à domicile et utilisaient le partenariat dans cette optique. L’analyse des données dont nous disposons confirment certaines hypothèses et en infirment d’autres


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    Elektroničko nasilje nazivamo još i: Cyberbullying, virtualno zlostavljanje, nasilje putem interneta ili mobitela, zlostavljanje putem interneta ili mobitela i elektronički bullying. Kod takve vrste nasilja žrtve su izložene nasilju putem interneta i provodi se putem različitih elektroničkih medija, kao što su, elektronička pošta, SMS poruke, putem društvenih mreža, foruma i slično. Nasilje putem interneta definira se kao agresivno i namjerno ponašanje usmjereno na pojedince ili grupu putem interneta koje se ponavlja, a usmjereno je prema pojedincima koji se ne mogu lako obraniti. Nažalost, komunikacija kojom se elektroničko nasilje odvija omogućava da identitet počinitelja ostane sakriven. Takav način komunikacije ima mnoge posljedice, ne postoji jasna povratna informacija o tome da je ponašanje prouzročilo štetu drugoj osobi i počinitelji nasilja imaju anonimnost koja im daje osjećaj da mogu nekažnjeno kršiti društvena pravila. Postoje dvije vrste elektroničkog nasilja, a to su izravan ili direktan napad i napad preko posrednika ili indirektan napad. U direktnom napadu nasilnik izravno vrši nasilje nad žrtvom a to se odnosi na situacije u kojoj žrtva prima uznemirujuće poruke, kada se šalju uvredljive slike ili drugi neprimjereni sadržaji. Neizravni napad uključuje napad preko posrednika, a najčešće se događa kada počinitelj napada pojedinca preko treće osobe. Vršnjačko elektroničko nasilje može se događati bilo kada, što dodatno pojačava osjećaj ranjivosti kod djece i pogađa emocionalno, više od izravne fizičke povrede. Djeluje kroz poruke, fotografije postavljene na internet, ružne riječi i neistinite glasine koje se putem interneta šire velikom brzinom

    Vegetation of the Dolines in Mecsek Mountains (South Hungary) in relation to the Local Plant Communities

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    This paper deals with the forest vegetation of the lower part of the dolines in Mecsek Mts. (South Hungary). In order to char-acterize this vegetation type, samples were compared to the 6 plant communities occurring in the neighbourhood of the dolines. Considering the vegetation texture and species com-position, the vegetation of the dolines resembles mainly the extrazonal beechwoods (Helleboro odori-fagetum) and local ravine forests (Scutellario altissimae-Aceretum) that preserve several mountain, subatlantic relict species in this area. Our study revealed that the plant communities characteristic of the karst surface of Western Mecsek are arranged along a moisture and nutrient gradient. In this system, the habitat conditions of the dolines are similar to those of the beech forests and the lo-cal ravine forests, fresh and relatively rich in nutrients. In the karst, dominated by oak-hornbeam and beech forests, effects of the thermal inversion are the most spectacular where beech forests follow turkey oak-sessile oak forests and oak-hornbeam forests on the lower part of the doline slopes. The described vegetation type of these depressions is developed by edafic fac-tors; its identification as a separate association is not supported by the analyses