34 research outputs found
Standžių navikų elektrochemoterapinio efektyvumo priklausomybės nuo elektrinio lauko charakteristikų tyrimas [Rankraštis] : daktaro disertacija : biomedicinos mokslai, biofizika 02 B, sistemų biofizika B130
Darbas atliktas 1997-2003 metais Vytauto Didžiojo universiteteBibliogr.: lap. 81-92Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Adaptation of a set of tools and materials for practical work in "Nature and human" lessons by remote learning
Mokiniams mokantis nuotoliniu būdu reikia sudaryti sąlygas, kurios užtikrintų jų kokybišką ugdymą. Šiame darbe aprašomas tyrimas yra skirtas minėtos problemos sprendimų paieškai. Darbo tikslas – parengti namų sąlygomis atliekamų priemonių bei medžiagų rinkinį bei įvertinti jo pritaikymo tikslingumą „Gamtos ir žmogaus“ pamokose, siekiant užtikrinti mokinių ugdymą nuotoliniu būdu.
Darbe pateikiama literatūros analizė, atlikto kokybinio veiklos tyrimo metodika, rezultatai, rekomendacijos bei išvados. Parengtas priemonių ir medžiagų rinkinys, susidedantis iš penkių priemonių ir keturių medžiagų, pritaikytas suplanuotų trijų praktinių darbų atlikimui nuotolinio ugdymo pamokose. Pritaikymo tikslingumas vertintas naudojant refleksijų metodą. Mokinių susidomėjimas praktinių darbų metu, gebėjimas atlikti darbus leidžia teigti, kad priemonių bei medžiagų rinkinį buvo tikslinga naudoti. Rekomenduoju rinkinį naudoti kitiems mokytojams, atsižvelgiant į ugdymo įstaigos galimybes. Taip pat rekomenduoju pasiruošti daugiau įvairių priemonių bei medžiagų rinkinių praktinių darbų atlikimui pagal mano pateiktas rekomendacijas bei savas pedagogines įžvalgas.It is necessary to create conditions for the quality remote learning. This final thesis presents the study intended for solving of the mentioned problem. The goal of the work was to prepare a set of tools and materials to be used at home and to evaluate the expediency of its adaptation in "Nature and Human" lessons in order to ensure students remote learning.
The thesis presents the study of the literature, the methodology of the performed qualitative research, results, recommendations and conclusions. A set of tools and materials consisting of five tools and four materials has been developed and adapted for the planned three practical works in lessons of remote learning. The expediency of the application was assessed using the reflection method. The students' interest in the practical work, the ability to perform the planned work allows to state that it was appropriate to use a set of tools and materials. I recommend using the set for other teachers, depending on the capabilities of the educational institution. I also recommend preparing more various sets of tools and materials for practical work according to my recommendations and own pedagogical insights.Švietimo akademij
Investigation of effectiveness of electrochemotherapy on solid tumors in dependence of the characteristics of electric field
Darbas atliktas 1997-2003 metais Vytauto Didžiojo universiteteBibliogr.: p. 20Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Influence of high-voltage pulses on the antitumour activity of bleomycin and menadione in vitro
Bleomycin and menadione alone were cytotoxic to mouse hepatoma MH-22A cells in vitro at concentrations above 10-20 nM and 4-6µM respectively. Exposure of cells to an electric pulse with the duration of 100µs and the amplitude of 2 kV/cm only did not reduce cell viability. Treatment of cells by an electric pulse in the presence of bleomycin greatly potentiated its cytotoxicity towards cells - the bleomycin concentration required to reduce cell survival by 50% was 3.8nM only. Permeabilization of cells did not change the cytotoxicity of menadioneBiologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Augalų anatomija ir morfologija : mokomoji knyga [elektroninis išteklius]
Bibliogr.: p. 231-232Mokomojoje knygoje nagrinėjama augalų citologija, histologija, organografija. Medžiaga suskirstyta į temas, iš kurių kiekviena susideda iš teorinės ir praktinės dalies bei klausimų saviruošai. Teorinėje dalyje yra pateiktos esminės žinios apie augalų išorinę ir vidinę sandarą. Praktinė dalis skirta nagrinėti būdingiausių atstovų mikroskopinę sandarą ir gyvus bei džiovintus augalų pavyzdžius. Praktinės dalies užduočių atlikimas padės studijuojantiems įtvirtinti teorines žinias, skatins domėjimąsi botanika. Mokomoji knyga sudaro pagrindą gilesnėms apie augalus studijoms, skiriama biologiją, ekologiją, aplinkotyrą, veterinariją, agronomiją, miškininkystę, farmaciją besimokantiems studentams. Mokomoji knyga gali būti naudinga ir mokytojams bei visiems gamtos mylėtojams, besidomintiems augalų pasaulio įvairoveThere are 3 chapters: cytology, histology, organography, subdivided into 14 topics. Each topic consists of theoretical part, practicals and questions. Theoretical part describes essential knowledge about microscopic and macroscopic structure of the plant. Practicals will treat the structure in greater detail. The cell. Meristems. Mature tissues (epidermis, parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma, xylem, phloem, secretory ducts and laticifers). Primary vegetative body of the plant (the stem, the leaf, the root). Secondary body of the plant (vascular cambium, secondary xylem, secondary phloem, periderm). Reproductive organs (the flower, the fruit, the seed). Illustrated throughout with numerous line diagrams and pictures. Glossary of terms, subject index. This book provides a stimulating consideration of plant anatomy and morphology topics and might be a source of information for studies (university and higher school level) in biology, ecology, environmental sciences, agronomy, forestry, veterinary and pharmacy, also secondary school teachersBiologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Impact of graphene oxide on viability of Chinese hamster ovary and mouse hepatoma MH-22A cells
Impact Factor: 3.207The evaluation of the cyto- and bio-compatibility is a critical step in the development of graphene oxide (GO) as a new promising material for in vivo biomedical applications. In this study, we report the impact of GO, with and without the addition of bovine serum albumin, on healthy (Chinese hamster ovary) and a cancer (mouse hepatoma MH-22A) cells viability and the estimation of the intracellular distribution of GO inside the cells in vitro. The viability tests were performed using a colony formation assay. The intracellular distribution of GO was estimated using Raman spectroscopy and imaging. The viability of both cell lines decreased with increasing concentration of graphene oxide (12.5–50.0 μg/ml): in the case of Chinese hamster ovary cells viability decreased from 44% to 11%, in the case of mouse hepatoma MH-22A cells – from 22% to 3%. These cell lines significantly differed in their response to GO and GO–BSA formulations. The results of viability tests correlate with results of atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy and imaging findings. The GO influence on cell morphology changes, cell structure, cells colony growth dynamics and GO accumulation inside the cells was higher in the case of mouse hepatoma MH-22A cellsBiologijos katedraKauno technologijos universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
High-voltage pulses potentiate Bleomycin cytotoxicity towards Cancer cells in vitro
Str. pagal "Proceedings of the 2nd Euro-Asian Pulsed Power Conference", Vilnius, Lithuania, September 22-26, 2008In this study the influence of high-voltage pulses on bleomycin cytotoxicity towards mouse hepatoma MH-22A and rat glioma C6 cells in vitro was determined. It was obtained that combining bleomycin with pulses of strong electric field significantly enhances the number of cells killed by bleomycin. Bleomycin alone was cytotoxic to both cell lines at concentrations above 1 mu M. Treatment of cells by electric pulses in the presence of bleomycin greatly potentiated its cytotoxicity towards both cell lines tested - the bleomycin concentration required to reduce cell survival by 50% was 3.5-3.8 nM only. Exposure of cells to electric pulses only did not reduce cell viabilityBiologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Netolydus standžių navikų vystymasis. Elektrochemoterapijos efektyvumo vertinimas
Biologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Influence of ascorbic acid on the efficiency of electrochemotherapy with bleomycin in vitro
Bleomycin alone was cytotoxic to mouse hepatoma MH-22A cells in vitro at concentrations above 10-20 nM. Exposure of cells to an electric pulse with the duration of 100 s and the amplitude of 2 kV/cm only did not reduce cell viability. Treatment of cells by an electric pulse in the presence of bleomycin greatly potentiated its cytotoxicity towards cells - the bleomycin concentration required to reduce cell survival by 50% was 3.8 nM only. It was obtained that the preincubation of mouse hepatoma MH-A22 cells with L-ascorbic acid at concentrations of 1 mM increased the number of electropermeabilized cells killed by bleomycinBiologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Synergistic cytotoxicity of vitamins C and K3 towards rat glioma C6 cells in vitro
Biologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta