209 research outputs found

    Satélites de Monitoramento: CD-ROM para o ensino de sensoriamento remoto.

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    O CD-ROM Satélites de Monitoramento apresenta textos, figuras, tabelas e mapas que ilustram, a partir de uma interface de fácil acesso, os principais instrumentos de sensoriamento remoto que contribuem para o conhecimento dos diferentes aspectos da agricultura e do meio ambiente do Brasil

    Biomassa epígea e estoque de carbono de agroflorestas em Tomé-Açu, PA.

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    As agroflorestas ou sistemas agroflorestais (SAF) fazem parte de relevante prática agroecológica de uso da terra voltada a produção e aos serviços ambientais, em especial, à fixação de carbono pela biomassa vegetal. Este trabalho apresenta as atividades desenvolvidas com o objetivo de estimar a biomassa epígea seca (EBE) e o estoque de carbono (EC) de SAF em Tomé-Açu, PA. Os dados dendrométricos foram obtidos por inventário agroflorestal realizado em 63 parcelas amostrais. Inventariou-se uma taxa de 9027 indivíduos/ha, com DAP?2,5 cm, pertencentes a 20 famílias e 29 espécies. Considerando a biodiversidade e os diferentes estágios vegetativos das plantas, os SAF foram divididos em quatro classes estruturais hierárquicas: SAF-1, SAF-2, SAF-3 e SAF-4. Para a estimativa da EBE, utilizou-se o método indireto, baseado em equações alométricas para diferentes classes diamétricas e para palmeiras. A média da EBE dos SAF foi de 153,21 Mg ha-1 e do EC foi de 74,30 Mg C ha-1

    Correlação entre carbono de sistemas agroflorestais e índices de vegetação.

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    The agroforestry systems (SAF) are an important strategy of land use, directed to the environment services, in special, to the carbon storage for the biomass. This paper presents activities developed with objective of aboveground biomass estimation (AGB) and the carbon storage (CS), existing in SAF in the Tomé-Açu, Pará, Brazil. The agroforestry data had been gotten by carried through inventory in 57 parcels show of 10x10 m. A tax of 1.424 was inventoried plants/ha, with DAP2,5 cm, pertaining the 29 families and 54 species. Considering it inherent joined variability to the structural and species information, the SAF had been divided in four classes (SAF 1, SAF 2, SAF 3 and SAF 4). For the estimate of the AGB, the indirect method, based was used in allometric equations. The AGB of the SAF was 89,10 Mgha-1 and CS was 43,21 MgCha-1 (2,83 for SAF 1; 18,85 for SAF 2; 36,58 for SAF 3 and 114,58 for SAF 4). The esteem values of CS for each class of SAF had been correlated the four vegetation index (Ratio Vegetation Index ? RS 5:3, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index ? ND 5:7, Transformed Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index 2 ?TSAVI 2 and Perpendicular Vegetation Index 3 ? PVI 3), having significant correlation with this index, indicating the possibility of the use of these pointers in the survey and the monitoring of the carbon in the region

    Mapping impervious surfaces with the integrated use of Landsat Thematic Mapper and radar data: a case study in an urban-rural landscape in the Brazilian Amazon.

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    This research explored the integrated use of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and radar (i.e., ALOS PALSAR L-band and RADARSAT-2 C-band) data for mapping impervious surface distribution to examine the roles of radar data with different spatial resolutions and wavelengths. The wavelet-merging technique was used to merge TM and radar data to generate a new dataset. A constrained least-squares solution was used to unmix TM multispectral data and multisensor fusion images to four fraction images (high-albedo, low-albedo, vegetation, and soil). The impervious surface image was then extracted from the high-albedo and low-albedo fraction images. QuickBird imagery was used to develop an impervious surface image for use as reference data to evaluate the results from TM and fusion images. This research indicated that increasing spatial resolution by multisensor fusion improved spatial patterns of impervious surface distribution, but cannot significantly improve the statistical area accuracy. This research also indicated that the fusion image with 10-m spatial resolution was suitable for mapping impervious surface spatial distribution, but TM multispectral image with 30 m was too coarse in a complex urban?rural landscape. On the other hand, this research showed that no significant difference in improving impervious surface mapping performance by using either PALSAR L-band or RADARSAT C-band data with the same spatial resolution when they were used for multi-sensor fusion with the wavelet-based method

    Spatial variability of soil physical attributes in Machadinho d Oeste (Ro), Amazon Basin.

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    The aim of this paper was to understand the spatial variability of soil physical attributes within the superficial layer (0-10 cm) in an area of agricultural colonization in Machadinho d?Oeste (RO). The attributes analyzed were real density, clay, silt, coarse sand, and fine sand contents. In September, 2004, 76 samples were collected through an irregular sampling strategy, based on soil and topographic features. Oxisols and Ultisols are the predominant soil types in the area. The clay content ranged from 2 to 67%, silt from 2 to 63%, coarse sand from 4 to 78%, fine sand from 6 to 45%, and real density from 2.08 to 2.60 (g cm-3). Some of the high contents of silt can be due to resistant aggregates of the clay fraction, as the adopted methodology did not separate clay grains. The majority of attributes presented coefficients of variation higher than 40%, except for real density. Real density is highly correlated with the coarse sand fraction (r = 0,94) and with the sum of the clay and silt fractions (r = -0,86). Geostatistics was used to understand the spatial variability of such attributes, through the analysis of semivariograms, kriging, and isoline maps. Despite statistical distances among the samples, the spatial dependence ratio (RD) was classified as moderate and strong. The spherical model had good adjustment for the studied attributes. Similarities were found for the spatial behavior of some attributes, such as clay, coarse sand, and real density. The lowest range values were for clay, silt, and coarse sand (i.e., around 10,000 m). For fine sand and real density, the range was between 15,000 and 16,000 m. Kriging techniques were suitable to depict the space distribution of the studied attributes. Soils with clay contents higher than 30% are predominant in the area, followed by soils with loam texture

    Avaliação da correlação entre índices de vegetação e biomassa epígea de sistemas agroflorestais.

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    Abstract. The agroforestry systems (SAF) are an important strategy of land use, directed to he environment services, in special, to the carbon storage for the biomass. This paper presents activities developed with objective of aboveground biomass estimation (AGB) and the carbon storage (CS), existing in SAF in the Tomé-Açu, Pará, Brazil. The agroforestry data had been gotten by carried through inventory in 63 parcels show of 10x 10 m. A tax of 9027 was inventoried plants/ha, with DAP 2,5 cm, pertaining the 20 families and species. Considering it inherent joined variability to the structural, species information and of the vegetative periodo of training of the observed plants, the SAF had been divided in four hierarchic classes: SAF-1, SAF-2, SAF-3, SAF-4. For the estime of the AGB, the indirect method, based was used in allometric aquations, for different class (DAP 20 cm, DAP 20 cm) and for palms. The AGB of the SAF was 153,21 Mg ha

    An analysis of landscape fragmentation in the Brazilian Amazon based on deforestation data derived from Landsat imagery.

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    Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon has produced fragmentation of the largest tropical rain forest in the planet resulting in impacts over biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems. Most of the deforestation is known to be concentrated near major roads and areas of pioneer colonization, but few studies have quantitatively analyzed patterns and processes of landscape fragmentation associated with this spatial dynamics. In this paper we evaluate the effect of forest clearing based on two landscape metrics - percent cleared and percolation - for areas in the states of Mato Grosso, Pará, and Rondônia where the largest rates of deforestation have been observed. Deforestation data included one data set derived from Landsat MSS imagery for the 1970?s and one based on Landsat TM imagery for 2006. Forest fragments in 2006 within 25-km of areas deforested since 1978 - where a large majority of recent deforestation has been concentrated - were analyzed to assess how landscape fragmentation has evolved following the diffusion of forest clearing within a relatively close neighborhood of the 1978 deforestation. The distribution of deforestation for regular ¼-degree grid cells with different values of percent cleared was estimated as a proxy for the distribution of the equivalent metric based on actual farm limits. The fractions of deforestation for larger categories of percent cleared have increased during the diffusion of forest clearing and a majority of the total 2006 deforestation belonged to areas with less than 50% of forest remnants, taking as reference the Brazilian forest regulations. The diffusion of deforestation has resulted in different patterns of landscape fragmentation based on estimated percolation and we propose an analysis of such patterns based on geographic differences

    Estimativa de biomassa epígea e estoque de carbono de sistemas agroflorestais na região de Tomé-açu, Pará, Brasil.

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    Os sistemas agroflorestais (SAF) fazem parte de uma relevante estratégia de uso e cobertura da terra, voltada aos serviços ambientais, e em especial, ao aumento da fixação de carbono no terreno pela biomassa vegetal. Este trabalho apresenta atividades desenvolvidas com objetivo de estimar a biomassa epígea (BE) e o estoque de carbono (EC) existente em SAFs analisados no distrito de Quatro Bocas, Tomé-Açu, Pará. Os dados dendrométricos foram obtidos por meio de inventário agroflorestal realizado em 63 parcelas amostrais de 0,10 ha (10 x 10 m). Foram inventariados 9027 indivíduos/ha, com DAP superior a 2,5 cm, pertencentes a 20 famílias e 29 espécies. Considerando a variabilidade encontrada inerente ?s informações estruturais, florísticas e do estágio vegetativo das espécies observadas, os SAF´s foram divididos em quatro classes (SAF-1, SAF-2, SAF-3 e SAF-4). Para a estimativa da BE utilizou-se o método indireto, baseado em equações alométricas, para diferentes classes diamétricas (DAP inferior a 20 cm, DAP superior a 20 cm) e para palmeiras. A média da BE dos diferentes SAF foi de 153,21 Mg ha-1 (25,32 Mg ha-1 para SAF 1; 125,58 Mg ha-1 para SAF 2; 155,38 Mg ha-1 para SAF 3 e 306,54 Mg ha-1 para SAF 4). O EC contido na BE total média foi de 74,30 Mg C ha-1 (12,28 Mg C ha-1 para SAF 1; 60,91 Mg C ha-1 para SAF 2; 75,36 Mg C ha-1 para SAF 3 e 148,67 Mg C ha-1 para SAF 4). Os valores estimados de BE e EC, para cada classe de SAF foram analisados quanto ? sua distribuição espacial na área de estudo. Além deste procedimento, técnicas de sensoriamento remoto t?m sido utilizadas para correlacionar a BE com as respostas espectrais dos diferentes SAF´s. Sessão: 33. Efeitos do uso e cobertura da terra em estoques de carbono. Tipo de Apresentação: Ora

    Transição florestal e modernização ecológica: a eucaliptocultura para além do bem e do mal.

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    Neste artigo, o caso da eucaliptocultura é usado para explorar as possibilidades analíticas da modernização ecológica para as discussões sobre transição florestal. São abordadas as problemáticas da inclusão de monoculturas florestais no cômputo da transição e da influência indireta que essas monoculturas podem exercer na recuperação da cobertura florestal nativa. São analisados aspectos gerais sobre o tema, bem como um estudo de caso em São Luiz do Paraitinga, SP. Argumenta-se que as monoculturas florestais não deveriam ser incluídas no cômputo da transição, porém tampouco deveriam ser ignoradas nas discussões sobre conservação e recuperação florestal. O estudo de caso mostra o papel desempenhado pela pressão da sociedade, não apenas com suas decisões como consumidores, mas principalmente de uma articulação política para construir instrumentos jurídicos