5 research outputs found

    The effect of laser radiation on the surface of the aluminum alloy AMG-6

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    The effect of laser radiation on the change in the amount of oxygen and its distribution on the surface of an aluminum alloy AMG-6 is studied. It has been established that the oxygen content increases with time after laser treatment. The latter worsens the wetting of the alloy.Исследовано влияние лазерного излучения на изменение количества кислорода и его распределения на поверхности алюминиевого сплава АМГ-6. Установлено, что со временем после лазерной обработки содержание кислорода увеличивается. Последнее ухудшает смачивание сплава

    Pharmacological preconditioning by incretinomimetics exenatide and vildagliptin: decrement of liver ischemia-reperfusion injury

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    Study of hepatoprotective activity of exenatide and vildagliptin on the liver ischemia/reperfusion model, taking into account biochemical and morphological parameter

    Adverse reactions of high-osmolar and low-osmolar radiographic contrast media in clinical practice

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    Introduction. Adverse drug reactions (ADR) to administration of radiographic contrast media (RCM) are observed in 10–20 % of patients. Individual tolerability of drugs is affected by RCM properties (ionicity, osmolarity). Aim. Evaluation of ADR in patients during diagnostic studies using high- and low-osmolar RCM. Methods. Analysis of 52 reports of adverse reactions to RCM registered in medical organizations of Voronezh region in 2014–2021 was performed. Group 1 included 21 patients with ADR to high-osmolar RCM (sodium amidotrizoate, yoxitalamic acid), group 2–31 patients with ADR to low-osmolar drugs (yogexol, yopromide, yopamidol, yoversol). Results. Age of patients is 6–82 years, median 48.5 years, children — 8 persons (15.4 %), women — 31 patients (59.6 %), serious reactions — 28 (53.8 %). Since 2017 there has been an increase in the number of ADRs with constant frequency of serious reactions. In 2020–2021 ADRs to low-osmolar drugs were mainly registered. Life-threatening conditions (anaphylactic shock, arterial hypotension, arrhythmia) were observed in 70.2 % of group 2, in 28.6 % of group 1 (p=0.007). One patient with initial renal dysfunction and comorbid pathology was reported to develop nephrotoxicity to yogexol. Pharmacological correction was performed in 92.3 % of cases. In 57.7 % of the patients ADR ended in recovery, in the  other cases — state improvement. Conclusion. Side effects of high-osmolar and low-osmolar RCM mainly had form of hyperergic reactions of immediate type and were reversible. High frequency of serious reactions to lowosmolar RCM against an increase in their use requires a more careful selection of patients for X-ray contrast studies

    Репарация легочной ткани при впервые выявленном туберкулезе легких как генетически детерминированный процесс

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    The objective of the study is to assess the effect of rs6707530 polymorphism of the FN1 gene and rs1150754 polymorphism of the TNXB gene on the healing of lung tissue destruction in patients with newly detected pulmonary tuberculosis.Subjects and methods. 82 patients older 18 years with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis with destruction were enrolled in the study. X-ray data were assessed on the 2nd, 4th and 6th months of the study. Patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the efficacy of chemotherapy intensive phase.Results. In the group of patients with an effective course of chemotherapy, the frequency of carriers of G allele (p < 0.001) and T/G genotype (p = 0.01) in rs6707530 locus of the FN1 gene was higher. While T/T genotype (p = 0.002) and T allele (p < 0.001) prevailed among the patients with persisting destruction of lung tissue after the intensive phase of chemotherapy.Цель исследования: оценить влияние полиморфизма rs6707530 гена FN1 и полиморфизма rs1150754 гена TNXB на динамику заживления деструкции легочной ткани у больных с впервые выявленным туберкулезом легких.Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 82 пациента старше 18 лет с впервые выявленным туберкулезом легких в фазе распада. На 2, 4 и 6-м мес. исследования проводилась оценка рентгенологических данных. Пациенты были разделены на 2 группы в зависимости от эффективности интенсивной фазы химиотерапии.Результаты. В группе пациентов с эффективным курсом химиотерапии чаще встречались носители аллеля G (p < 0,001) и генотипа T/G (p = 0,01) в локусе rs6707530 гена FN1. При этом генотип T/T (p = 0,002) и аллель Т (p < 0,001) доминировали среди пациентов с сохранением деструкции легочной ткани после интенсивной фазы химиотерапии

    Reparation of lung tissue in newly detected pulmonary tuberculosis as genetically determined process

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    The objective of the study is to assess the effect of rs6707530 polymorphism of the FN1 gene and rs1150754 polymorphism of the TNXB gene on the healing of lung tissue destruction in patients with newly detected pulmonary tuberculosis.Subjects and methods. 82 patients older 18 years with newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis with destruction were enrolled in the study. X-ray data were assessed on the 2nd, 4th and 6th months of the study. Patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the efficacy of chemotherapy intensive phase.Results. In the group of patients with an effective course of chemotherapy, the frequency of carriers of G allele (p < 0.001) and T/G genotype (p = 0.01) in rs6707530 locus of the FN1 gene was higher. While T/T genotype (p = 0.002) and T allele (p < 0.001) prevailed among the patients with persisting destruction of lung tissue after the intensive phase of chemotherapy