69 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing the Income on Households Fisherman in Limbungan Village Rumbai Pesisir Sub District Pekanbaru City Riau Province

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    This tudy was conducted on March to April 2016 at Limbungan village Rumbai Pesisir sub district Pekanbaru city Riau province. The method use is survey methodBased on the research that has been done toward the alternative business, of fishermen is farming, worker, commerce, strore service, ponsel service, and cleanning service. The Mean of income that accepted from fishing effort is IDR. 524.91-per month while the average mean that accepted from alternative affort is IDR. 1.126.666 –per month. Analysis result (R2) is 0,174 meaning factors income of work time (X1), amount of burden work (X2), age (X3), and educate (X4) have influence 17 % and show independent variabel can give influence 17 % while the average residue 83 % influence the another factor

    Hubungan Keberhasilan Volume Penjualan Dengan Permintaan Benih Ikan Bawal Bintang (Trachinotus Blochii) Di Balai Perikanan Budidaya Laut Batam Provinsi Kepulauan Riau

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    Research about the relationship between success of volume of sale and demand of seeds of Trachinotus Blochii was conducted from October 16th to November 7th, 2014, in Center of Fishery of Mariculture, Batam, Riau Island. This research aimed to see the development of trend of production and demand, and also its relationship and influence on the success of sales volume. The method used was Survey Development Research method. The result of research showed that the trend of development of production and demand of seeds of Trachinotus Blochii increases with average quantity for production is 56,162.5 seeds (16.3%) and average quantity for demand is 98.750 seeds (22.8%). While, the relationship and influence between the volume of sales and demands is 97.4%, Adjusted R Square 93.3% and Unstandardized Coefficient 59%

    Sungai Nipah Beach Nauctical Inspection in Subdistrict of IV Jurai Sout Coastal Regency West Sumatera Province

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    This research was condicted in Sungai Nipah Beach Subdistrict of IV Jurai South Coastal Regency West Sumtaera Province. This research aim to know the general representation potential of Sungai Nipah Beach if it made to be a tour destination area. The method of this research is Survey method. This object for this research is Sungai Nipah Beach and local resident, fisherman, and government for the respondent.The potential of Sungai Nipah Beach possession is guite huge to be made for a tour destination area in west Sumatera Province. Based on the water ecological and geografical the very potential site of the beach to develop is diving activity, Banana boad recreation, Vositing Keong Island and to see the beautiful view of the beach. And accordingly to Sungai Nipah Beach revenue as the tourist destination area, the society reception to the tour potential make the local society (93,34%), tourist (100%), Fisherman (84,78%), doer labor (86,67%) and Stakeholder (100%) precentage agree to be made tour destination area. Government contribution for the beach development by far is not found yet, because of the unpretentious management of the local resident wether this beach is already included to the tour object destination in south coastal regency

    The Impact of Sand Mining Toward Fishermen Income in Kotalama Village Kunto Darussalam Subdistrict Rokan Hulu Regency Riau Province

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    This research was conducted on November 2015 in Kotalama village districts Kunto Darussalam Rokan Hulu Riau Province. The choice of location research done purposively or intentionally, with the consideration that there are areas of the river has become legally sand mining carried out by local people. The survey methode was used by case study in which by direct observation in the field, data collection was done by direct interviews with respondents based on the questionnaire that has been provided. Results of the research by the sand mining reduced the number of fishermen from ± 30 fishermen was reduced to 15 fishermen. The average income of the fishermen from the fishing in the river before and after at Rokan River sand mining activities before sand mining premises that the average ± Rp 2.733.000 and after sand mining decreased fishing revenue is ± Rp 1.446.000 this is due to lack of population polluted fish and the waters of the Rokan River. Sand mining activities have a positive impact and negative impact is felt by the local community to the social and environmental. Positive impact on the social is opening up jobs for the community, insufficient sand for the needs of the Development area as well as individuals and can develop creative power of the community, while the negative impact of his on the environment is the destruction of roads because frequently traveled by trucks of sand and the health impacts of society disrupted by of smoke and dust of the sand transport vehicle, the noise around river sand mining activities, pollution of waters in rivers such stem Rokan, and abrasion around the edge of the river.

    Wifecontributionto Fisherman Householdincomeat West Banglasvillage Tebing Tinggi Districtmeranti Islandriau Province

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    This studyaims to determinethe increase inhousehold incomeoffishermanthroughfisherman's wife participation to support husband earn a living,sowifecould contribute tohouseholdandreduce economic responsibilities. Thisresearchused survey method is the method through purposive samplingas manyas20fisherman's wives.The result shows that the fisherman's wife has a significant role insupporting the household economy. Wife's role in support household economicmake wife doing a double role in the household. Fisherman's wife contributethrough such kind of job: rubber tappers, processing of fishery products,fishmonger, daily traders and seamstress. The wife's contribution was work asrubber tappers, so the conclution was that alternative activities can be developedthrough UMKM (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises)

    Factors Affect Income of Traders Retailer Fresh Sea Fish in Terapung Market Tembilahan District Indragiri Hilir Riau Province

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    Study was conducted in February 2016 at Terapung market tembilahan district Indragiri Hilir Province Riau. This study aims to analyzed levels of income of traders retailers and influence capital, the quantity of fish sold and experience on the income of traders retailer fresh sea fish in Terapung market Tembilahan. Methods used in research was survey by the number of respondents about 13 people. The income traders retailer fresh sea fish in Terapung market town Tembilahan high at between Rp 59.970.000, - Rp 88.650.000, - per month for gross income and Rp 1.717.500, - Rp 5.377.500, - per month for net income. The proportion of capital variable influence, the quantity of fish and business experience simultaneously against revenue traders retailer of marine fishes of floating market by 96,9 %. Capital significant exert against revenue traders retailer worth the of 1,460 regression. While, the quantity of fish and business experience not to revenue significant traders retailer worth the regression of 0,478 and 0,026
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